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COMMITTEE: Delta Omega DATE: September 28, 2015 TIME: 5 PM_____TO: ____6:15 pm______

Membership: L. Shanks, G. Kabb-Langkamp, K. Rose, L. Hart, A. Hiner, B. Brunt, L. Ramnytz, M. Perkowski, R. Patterson, D. Dornack, C. Sutter, A. Elaides, C. Buchanan, L. Nemes

Excused:, K. Boss, A. Hiner







I.  Call to order
II.  Approval Minutes:
III.  Treasurer’s Report: (K. Rose)
IV.  Committee Reports
a.  Research Grants and Recognition and program (B. Brunt, M. Huff)
b.  Membership (G Kabb-Langkamp)
c.  Program ( L. Hart)
d.  Governance (C. Sutter)
e.  Leadership Succession (A. Elaides)
f.  Newsletter
g.  Biennial convention delegates.
V. Old Business
a.Region 10 Conference
b. Key Award
c. Showcase of excellence award for
d. 2015-2017 Strategic plan
V.  New Business
a.  OPEN –M bag Lunches; adopt a family;hot lunch program
b.  Cameos of Caring
c.  Nurse Leader Application
d.  Facebook
VI.  Adjournment / ·  Meeting called to order by L. Shanks at 5:05PM
·  Minutes from August 24,2015 were reviewed by those present. B. Brunt, first motion to approve, seconded by L. Hart. Motion passed unanimously.
See attached. Balance is $24,659.62 at Citizens Bank and $51,675.04 at PNC. Deposit for $9,570.55 was for membership from STTI. Filed 990 Income tax.
No applications for the September deadline. B. Brunt an M. Huff are going over process of reviewing research grants.
Question raised if applications from members from another chapter can apply for our research grants. The committee is currently voting on the idea that “preference will be given to Delta Omega members”.
·  One member transferred out, Total of 450 active members. Previous idea of having members surveyed was addressed. G. Kabb-Langkamp handed out sample survey that is 3 pages long.
·  C. Sutter stated that students have stated they are having problems navigating the international website. Idea to invite members on how to navigate the system. D. Dornack stated that this can be done via a tutorial or at a meeting. Perhaps R. Patterson can meet with junior students to answer questions and orient them to the website. Plan is to get survey results November 15th. M. Enlow to work with G. Kabb-Langkamp on with getting survey on Qualtrics.
·  On-line induction system is coming in 2016.
·  G. Kabb-Langkamp shared templates for the Chapter bylaws for all to look at. Ones not available are on communications and marketing.
·  Annual Spring Research Conference, Tuesday, May 17, 2015. Same format: 3 hours, one keynote speaker and 3 additional speakers. Theme: Continuing the Journey. Theme: dissemination- sharing results.
·  Fall program: October 27, 2015. Atwood and Frasche classrooms at AGMC. “Why do we do it that way?” Answering Clinical Questions. C. Graor will discuss turning clinical questions into project or study. A. Eliades, B. Brunt, K. Kerr will discuss research process and resources at their hospital. Price: $20 members, $25 for non-members, $15 for students. Meal will cost about $12-13. RSVPs need to be in by October 13th, 2015. Marketing: Flyer will be sent out to members and R. Patterson to send flyer to students.
·  No Report
·  No Report
·  L. Shanks stated she has not heard from M. Zelnar. Recommend that one more e-mail with “read-receipt”.
·  D. Dornack asked for everyone to give them questions they can ask at the convention on behalf of the Chapter. B. Brunt and D. Dornack stated that she will share their delegation packets at the next meeting.
·  They are looking for financial support for this conference. They are asking for $100 to be bronze members. In 2009 we donated $250. First motion to donate $100 made by B. Brunt, Seconded by G. Kabb-Langkamp. Motion passed unanimously.
·  We received our 12th Key Award.
·  We also received “Showcase of excellence for connectedness and gratitude”; need to put on Facebook and a joint press release from UA and STTI needs to be sent out
·  This will be held until after national convention
·  On 10/13/15 20 bag lunches are needed for the preschool program; need juice boxes, cheese sticks, apple slices, lunchables, and yogurt. K Ross will take to OPEN-M.
·  Will get more info on the process; Dina Dornack will get past flyers used to ask for contribution
·  Hot Lunch will be 9/21/16 and possibly 2/23/16. Will check on another date for March as it is spring break week.
·  It is 10/17/15; Delta Omega will purchase a table and ask members and students to join us. There will be a signup sheet. Ad will be purchased for program with picture of Barb Brunt and her national award and the 12th Key Award
·  Carol Santschi has applied for membership in delta Omega as a nurse leader
·  Rachel Patterson is keeping this up
The meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm .
Respectfully Submitted by: Cheryl Buchanan
Next Meeting: October 26, 2015 5 PM / Minutes approved unanimously with corrections.
C. Sutter mover; seconded by Rachel Patterson; Passed unanimously
C. Sutter moved to accept application; seconded by A. Eliades; passed unanimously; L.Shanks and C. Sutter will reply to STTI





