All Sports Camp Parent Handbook

Green –Green Intermediate School, 1737 Steese Rd. Green – 330-224-8668

North Canton – Hoover Park, 2225 East Maple St. North Canton – 330-268-4975

Cuyahoga Falls – Walsh Jesuit High Schol, 4550 Wyoga Lake Rd. Cuyahoga Falls – 330-209-1360

Welcome to All Sports Camp. This handbook contains information regarding our program. It is very important that you read this handbook and keep it handy as long as your child is enrolled in the program. It will answer many of the questions you have about our program.

Mission - To improve the health and lives of our campers.


  1. Relationship building.
  2. Empathy.
  3. Empowerment.
  4. Continuous improvement.
  5. Problem-solving.
  6. Teamwork.
  7. Professional appearance.
  8. Confidentiality.
  9. Cleanliness.

All Sports Camp was established to provide child day camp solutionsfor children 5-13 years old. Children must be able to be supervised in the stated counselor to camper ratios. The staff recognizes the importance of balanced growth so they provide opportunities for mental, physical and emotional growth through a variety of creative experiences. Children are encouraged to learn and explore at their own speed in areas that interest them. We are pleased that you have chosen to include us in the growth and development of your children.


A child is considered to be enrolled in the program only after the registration fee has been received, the administrator confirms the availability of space and the required information is received and reviewed and approved by the administrator. Any change to this information must be communicated to the administrator immediately so that current information is always on file. This is for the safety of your child.

Hours and Days of Operation

Summer – Free before and after care available 7am-9am and 3pm-6pm. The main program runs from 9am-3pm.

Daily Schedules

Sample: The childrens’ daily schedule is flexible enough to provide adaptability when necessary but structured enough to provide predictability for the children. We want them to view our program as a safe and comforting place, where they know what to expect and when to expect it.

Summer Schedule

7am-9am–Free before camp care – supervised sports activities

9am-12pm – Sports stations

12pm-1pm – Lunch, supervised play, reading

1pm-3pm – Afternoon sports activities

3pm-6pm – Free after camp care

Late Pick-up Charges: If a parent realizes that circumstances beyond their control are going to delay pick-up, a phone call is requested. This is important as many children fear they have been forgotten when parents do not arrive at their usual time. A late fee of $1.00 per minute per child will be charged after the scheduled closing. Please remember our staff is anxious to get home on time to their families and commitments.

Withdrawals: Parents wishing to withdrawal their child (ran) should schedule a meeting with the site director to review procedures.

Supervision Policy

A major responsibility of the staff is to ensure the health and safety of each child entrusted in our care. Staff persons are alert to the safety needs of their children, anticipate possible hazards, and take necessary appropriate precautionary and preventative measures.

Arrival/Departure: Parents are required check-in with the administrator. Any special messages, medications, special pickup notes, etc. are to be given to the administrator. Staff must be made aware of each child’s presence before the parent departs. At the time of pick up parents are asked to make contact with their child’s supervising staff member to ensure that staff are aware that the child has been picked up. Parents are responsible for the supervision of their child before sign-in and after signing them out.

Release of a Child: Staff will release children only to persons on the release form provided by the parent. If an emergency arises the parent must provide a written, signed note giving the person permission to pick-up their child. Staff will check ID’s of anyone they do not recognize. Please let people know about this ahead of time so they bring a picture ID and they are not offended. The children’s safety is our priority! Staff will not release children to anyone, including parents, who appear to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Emergency contacts will be called to transport the child home.

Custody Agreements: If there are custody issues involved with your child, you must provide the program with court papers indicating who has permission to pick up the child. The program may not deny a parent access to their child without proper documentation.

Child Abuse Reporting: All staff members are mandated reporters of child abuse. If staff has suspicions that a child is being abused or neglected, they must make a report to the local children’s services agency. The safety of the children is always our first concern.

Fieldtrips/Transportation of Children:

The program will not transport children in emergency situations. If a child requires transportation, the parent or the emergency squad will be contacted. Fieldtrips: We will be taking periodic field trips during the summer, which will also be done with a trained staff member on the bus. Before departing the facility, a count will be taken of all of the children, and they will marked on a separate attendance sheet, specifically created for the trip. Upon arrival at the destination, another count will be taken to assure that all of the children have safely arrived. This process will be repeated upon leaving the destination, and returning to the center. During the course of field trips, each staff member will have specific children that they are responsible for supervising. Permission for field trips will be obtained via our web registration.

Transportation Safety Procedures:

1. The ratio of staff to campers (passengers) will be no more than 1:15. Any vehicle transporting 15 or more campers will carry, in addition to the driver, a camp staff member who has been trained in safety responsibilities and group management,

2. Vehicles are loaded only within the passenger seating limit established by the vehicle manufacturer,

2. All persons wear restraint devices when provided and required,

3. All passengers remain seated while the vehicle is moving,

4. All vehicles follow convoy travel procedures,

5. A list of individuals on each trip be readily available either in vehicles or at the camp office, and

6. Persons in wheelchairs are seat belted into wheelchairs that are in locked positions and secured to vehicles.

*Transportation orientation will be conducted weekly for campers. The orientation will review bus safety procedures and the following:

Safety regulations

  1. First aide procedures
  2. Health practices
  3. Areas that are off limits
  4. Rendezvous times

Swimming Information

Swimming activities will be provided only for school-age children during the summer. A lifeguard will be present at all times and staff will also be actively supervising children. Parent permission for water activities will be part of the online registration system. Please remember to send bathing suits, towels and sunscreen for your children. If your child burns easily, please include a lightweight T-shirt that they may wear over their swimsuit.

Guidance Policy

All Sports Camp staff believes that helping the child to learn self-control is very important. Our hope is that each child will learn self-discipline through careful guidance. Your child will be treated with respect. If children are treated with respect, they in turn learn to respect the teachers and their friends. Our expectations will be kept within the child’s capabilities and the child will be made aware of these expectations. Positive reinforcement (commenting on children doing the “right” thing) and positive redirection (removing the child and giving them an appropriate activity) will be used. A child may be asked to sit for a short period of time to give the child a chance to regain control if they are having a difficult time. Time outs will be age appropriate in length and done within the classroom. Staff will not impose punishments for failure to eat or toileting accidents. This discipline policy applies to all staff and parents while they are in the program.

If a situation arises where a child is consistently endangering himself, peers or staff, it may become necessary to dis-enroll the child. Every attempt will be made to work together with the parents and the child to correct the behavior. However, the safety of children is always our primary concern. The administrator would be in communication with the parents prior to this occurring.

If the child demonstrates behavior that requires frequent “extra attention” from the staff member, we may choose to develop and implement a behavior management plan.

Our camp rules are:

Be safe

Be responsible

Be respectful

Be kind

We have identified what these rules look like in all settings for the students. These rules will be reviewed, posted and reinforced with the students. When misbehavior occurs our counselors will follow these steps utilizing a problem-solving technique know as collaborative problem solving originated by Dr. Ross Greene from Harvard University.

  1. Identify the student concern
  2. State the adult concern
  3. Collaboratively find a solution

Our goal is to respond to student behavior in such a way that is more corrective than punitive. We will make repeated attempts to utilize interventions for positive behavior. The following behaviors may result in immediate pick-up, suspension, or removal from the program:

  1. Weapons
  2. Physical confrontations
  3. Verbal confrontations
  4. Running away from staff

We will utilize the following positive motivational techniques to encourage positive behavior:

  1. Camper of the week
  2. Word of the week
  3. Positive Reinforcement

Goals and Objectives for Camper Development

The following list goals and objectives for All Sports Camp.

  1. To provide opportunities that stimulate the development of each camper’s self-confidence.

a. Each camper will select her own activity during “choice” time.

b. Each camper will participate in at least one activity to promote self-confidence.

c. Campers will participate in getting-to-know-you games during the first 24 hours of camp.

d. Staff will provide the campers with positive comments and encouragement throughout their stay.

2.To seek out the unique talent and leadership in all campers.

a. Each camper will be given an opportunity to explore their interests and passion.

b. Campers will have the opportunity to work in small groups and develop teamwork skills.

c. Campers will learn at least one new skill while at camp.

Behavioral Outcomes:

  1. Campers will develop healthy relationships with other campers and counselors by the end of camp season.
  1. All of the campers will participate in physical activities throughout the course of camp activities each day leading to healthy lifestyles.


Safety Management at Camper Scout Sites and Facilities

Meals and Snacks:

Parents are required to provide a lunch for their child during no school days and summer camp.


The program has devised several procedures to follow in the event that an emergency would occur while a child is in the program’s care. In the event of a fire or tornado, staff would follow the written instructions posted in each facility, describing emergency evacuation routes and the procedures to be followed to assure that children have arrived at the designated spot. In order to prepare children for the unlikely need to evacuate, the program does conduct monthly fire drills, and periodic tornado drills.

In the unlikely event there would be an environmental threat or a threat of violence, the staff will: secure the children in the safest location possible, contact and follow the directions given by the proper authorities and contact the parents as soon as the situation allows. An incident report would also be provided to the parents.

There is always one staff member present that has received training in First Aid/Communicable Diseases and CPR. In the case of a minor accident/injury staff will administer basic first aid and TLC. If the injury/illness would be more serious, first aid would be administered and the parents would be contacted immediately to assist in deciding an appropriate course of action. If any injury/illness is life threatening, the EMS will be contacted, parents will be notified, and a staff member will accompany the child to the hospital with all available health records. Staff may not transport children in their vehicles. Only parents or EMS will transport.

In the event of an accident during transportation the following procedures will be followed:

1. One staff member will take the lead on providing care for the injured. If the camper is showing signs of any unconsciousness, the staff member should call 911. If the camper is in need of first aide, the counselor should provide care as appropriate.

2. One staff member should take the lead on supervising the uninjured. To secure the privacy of the injured, all uninjured campers should provide space and privacy, to the extent possible, to the injured.

3. Counselors should follow the procedures below for reporting the accident. Counselors should consider taking information from witnesses and obtain thorough facts while reporting the incident report.

An incident/injury report will be completed, and given to the person picking up the child, on the day of the incident/injury, if any of the following occur: the child has an illness, accident, or injury which requires first aid; the child receives a bump or blow to the head; the child has to be transported by emergency squad; or an unusual or unexpected event occurs which jeopardizes the safety of the child. If a child requires emergency transportation, the report shall be available within twenty-four hours after the incident occurs.

Management of Illnesses:

All Sports Camp provides children with a clean and healthy environment. However, we realize that children become ill from time to time. We observe all children as they enter the program to quickly assess their general health. We ask that you not bring a sick child to camp. They will be sent home. Please also plan ahead and have a back up care plan in place if you are not able to take time off from work/school.

A child with any of the following symptoms will be immediately isolated and discharged to the parent or emergency contact:

●Temperature of 100 degrees F - in combination with any other signs of illness
●Diarrhea (more than three abnormally loose stool within a 24 hour period)
●Severe coughing (causing the child to become red in the face or to make a whooping sound)

●Difficult or rapid breathing
●Yellowish skin or eyes
● Redness of the eye or eyelid, thick and purulent (pus) discharge, matted eyelashes, burning, itching or eye pain.

●Untreated skin patches, unusual spots or rashes
●Unusually dark urine or grey or white stools
●Stiff neck with an elevated temperature
●Evidence of untreated lice, scabies or other parasitic infestation
●Vomiting more than once or when accompanied by any other sign of illness ●Sore throat or difficulty swallowing

Any child demonstrating signs of illness not listed above will be isolated and carefully observed for symptoms. The parent will be notified. If a child does not feel well enough to participate in the program activities the parent will be called to pick-up the child. Anytime a child is isolated they will be kept within sight and hearing of a staff member.

Children will be readmitted to the program after at least 24 hours of being free of fever and other symptoms. If they are not symptom free a doctor’s note will be required stating that the child is not contagious.

Medications: All Sports Camp will administer medications to a child only after the parent completes a Request for Medication form. All proper sections must be completed and the medication handed to the teacher each day. Medications will be stored in a designated area inaccessible to children. Medications may NOT be stored in a child’s book bag. The only exception to this requirement is for school age children that require the immediate use of an inhaler for a medical condition. Schoolagers only will be permitted to maintain control of their inhalers. Parents must sign a release form stating that they are permitting their child to have access at all times to the inhaler. The child must keep the inhaler on his person at all times, it may not be stored in a book bag. Anytime the child is unable to maintain control of the inhaler it must be handed directly to the staff member responsible for the child.

Prescription medications must be in their original container and administered in accordance to instructions on the label. Over the counter medications must also be administered in accordance to label instructions. If parents request any different dosages or uses, a physician must provide written instructions on the Request for Medication form. Over the counter medications will not be administered for more than three days without instructions from a physician.