

Part I. 聽力測驗20%


1. / hates / bed / one / live
2. / even / meal / on / hungry
3. / rainy / spring / usually / umbrella
4. / cool / fall / watch / snowy
5. / was / frogs / hole / them


6. He doesn’t like the gift.

He gets his gifts every year.

He seldom gets gifts from his dad.

He often gets a watch on his birthday.

7. He can play computer games on weekends.

He has much homework every day.

He can always play computer games.

He does his homework after school every day.

8. She likes the four seasons.

She likes to swim in autumn.

She doesn’t like spring and fall.

Her favorite season is summer.

9. They have a little rain in Hsinchu(新竹) now.

It’s cloudy and cool in Hsinchu now.

It’s sunny and windy in Hsinchunow.

They like to fly kites and play frisbee.

10.He was at the kitchen.

He was busy and sad.

He was at Andrew’s house.

He was at Amy’s restaurant.


/ 12.

/ 14.


two months ago /


17.sunny cool cloudy snowy 18.windy rainy warm snowy 19.sun glasses an umbrella a towel a brush

20.Tainan Taichung Nantou Taipei

Part II. 讀寫測驗 (21~40每題1分,其餘每題2分)

1、  請依據題意選出一個最佳的答案 (20%)

21. My son loves dogs very much, so we one in the garden.

keep hate feed live

22. Pete: It’s very cold today.

Ed: Let’s a hot spring bath in Beitou(北投).

wash help blend take

23. A-fu is my . I usually take him to the vet twice a year.

farm pet frisbee snowman

24. Amy forgot to take her with her. She’s wet and cold now. forgot忘記

market coupon pocket umbrella

25. Esther is her mom. They both have brown hair and big eyes.

like clean angry early

26. A typhoon is coming. Please watch out for the strong winds and the rain. typhoon颱風

dry warm heavy sunny

27. In my free time, my family and I like to go climbing.

pond mountain lake skin

28. Naomi: Are babies of the frogs? Fiona: Yes, they are.

tadpoles cows towels turkeys

29. Nathan sometimes does his homework at his good friend’s .

river beach doghouse place

30. The Browns were in the hills the afternoon.

which whole winter wind

31. Justin, it’s half past nine. You’re late for school.

late again.

Always be Be usually Be often Never be

32. Sarah: Do you have time on weekends?

Carl: .

No, I am never. No, I usually am.

Yes, I always do. Yes, I seldom do.

33. My grandma goes to Taipei. She doesn’t like it there and only goes there once a year.

usually seldom never sometimes

34. Carlos: do you go to the mountains?

Bella: Four times a year.

How many How long When How often

35. Tina: it snow in Singapore(新加坡)?

Sam: No, no snow here.

Does; it’s Is; it’s Is; there’s Does; there’s

36. rain very much here in autumn.

There is It is It doesn’t We have

37. Tim: the weather like in Beijing(北京) in spring? Ruth: It’s cold, and we sometimes have snow.

What’s Where’s How’s When’s

38. Kyle: lots of snow in the USA last winter?

Lydia: Yes, many people died of cold last winter.

Does it Was there

Were there Is it

39. Chloe and Lily good students, but now they skip classes all the time. skip classes翹課

wasn’t were weren’t are

40. He was at the potluck party .

two hours ago one hour before

every two hours for three hours

二、對話與完成句子 (10%)

41. Rocky: How many times a day does Joe feed you?


Three hours a day. In her lifetime.

Once or twice a day. Usually at 2:00 p.m.

42. Lisa: Your room is clean. How often do you clean it?

Jacob: Every day, but I don’t clean it. It’s my mom.


Oh my! Yes, but not always.

Sorry, I can’t. It’s nice of you.

43. Matt: Do you have lots of snow in winter?

Ed: We make snowmen every year.

Yes, we seldom have lots of snow in winter.

No, we don’t often have snow in winter.

Yes, there’s usually lots of snow in winter.

No, we can watch snow here in winter.

44. Dave: Weren’t there many stands near our school?

Kelly: But there are many now.

Yes, there were some stands here before.

No, there weren’t any stands near here.

Yes, there was Chinese food at the stands.

No, there weren’t hot pots at the stands.

45. Bob: I’m under the weather now.

Gina: I see. Please

take a walk and have fun.

cool down and go to the vet.

drink some water and take a rest.

join the talent show and be the host.

三、克漏字選擇 (20%)

Tom: What a cute dog! How old is he?
Mia: He’s two months old and his name is Xavier.
Tom: (46)
Mia: X-a-v-i-e-r. I love it very much.
Tom: How often do you give him a bath?
Mia: Every day. He sleeps with me, so (47)
Tom: Really? That’s not good for the dog. Once a month is enough.
Mia: (48) You sure know a lot about dogs. Thanks for telling me that.
Tom: By the way, let’s walk him to the park now.
Mia: Let me see. (49) hot and sunny now?
Tom: No, the weather report says it’s windy today.
Mia: OK. Xavier likes to catch a frisbee (50) windy days.

46.How often do you walk him?

How much food can he eat?

How long is his white hair?

How do you spell his name?

47.I need to keep him clean.

I feed him three meals a day.

I play with him very often.

I seldom take him to the vet.

48.Maybe once in a blue moon. Come on in!

You can say that again. That’s sad!

49.Is there Is it Does it Was there

50.on at in by

Many people go to Japan every year. My parents take me there every February and August. We like to visit Fuji Mountain. It’s famous (51) its snow. It usually (52) from April to October. I can play (53) snow and make snowmen. We have a good time there.
Last year, we wanted to visit Tokyo Skytree, but it (54) open. It was under construction. After May 22, 2012, it’s ready for everyone. It’s
(55) for my family to go to Japan again.
visit拜訪 Tokyo Skytree東京晴空塔 open營業的
under construction施工中

51.with for even about

52.snow snowy snows snowing

53.with after from front

54.was wasn’t is isn’t

55.time on time at that time some times

四、閱讀測驗 (30%)

Here are Wesley’s activities(活動) for a week.
Sun. / Mon. / Tue. / Wed. / Thur. / Fri. / Sat.
/ ˇ
/ ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ
/ ˇ / ˇ
/ ˇ / ˇ
/ ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ / ˇ

56. How often does Wesley walk his dog?

Every Friday. Every four days.

Twice a week. Four times a week.

57. Which is NOT true?

He always plays computer games.

He cleans his room only on weekends.

He gives his dog a bath twice a month.

He plays frisbee with his friend twice a week.

Look at the weather report in the four cities and answer the questions.
City Week / Tue. / Wed. / Thur. / Fri.
Lima / / / /
Perth / / / /
Vancouver / / / /
Moscow / / / /

58. Terry lives in Perth. There’s no rain today but there are lots of clouds. What day is it today?

Thursday. Wednesday. Tuesday. Friday.

59. Jean is swimming at the beach now. It’s sunny and hot today, but it was rainy yesterday. Where is she now?

Lima. Perth. Vancouver. Moscow.

60. Which is true?

It’s wet and snowy from Monday to Friday in Perth.

People in Moscow can’t make snowmen now.

You have to take an umbrella in Lima on Tuesday.

There are five windy days this week in Vancouver.

The Sky has three sons, the Sun, the Moon and the Wind. One day, the Thunder invite the three brothers for dinner.
The Sun and the Wind are very greedy. They keep eating and eating, but the Moon asks for some food to take home. When they come home, their father asks them, “Dear sons, what do you have for me to eat?”
“Oh, Father, are you kidding?” say the Sun and the Wind, “We don’t have time to think about you.” The Moon takes out the food and says, “Here, Father, this is for you.”
“Thank you, Moon. You are nice. You should always be peaceful,” the Sky says to his sons, “You two are selfish. Sun, you should always burn, and Wind, you should always run.” “Oh, no!” the Sun and the Wind cry.
invite邀請 kidding開玩笑 think想到 should應該
peaceful平靜的 selfish自私的 burn燃燒 others其他人

61. What is “greedy” in line 4?

join a dinner party take out the food

ask for help want much food

62. Which is true?

The three brothers have dinner at Thunder’s place.

The three brothers remember to take food home.

The Sky is very happy after his sons come home.

The Moon doesn’t eat anything at the dinner party.

63. What can we learn from the story?

We should be nice to our great grandparents.

We should care about others’ needs first.

We should often give money to everyone.

We should take good care of our brothers.

Dear David,
Thanks for helping me take care of my cat, Mimi, when I take a trip in Tokyo. Here are some things I need you to help with.
GMimi usually has her meals at about six in the morning and seven in the evening. I put her food in the second drawer.
AAlways keep the door of the house closed. Mimi likes to go out. If the door is open, she will get lost.
BPlease put all my letters in the drawer. Mimi likes to play with them.
Thanks again for your help. I’ll bring you back a small gift.
Truly yours, Emily

trip旅行 drawer抽屜 if如果 lost迷路 bring帶

64. Which is true about Mimi?

Mimi eats three times a day. Mimi is David’s cat.

Mimi may play with the letters.

Mimi likes to stay at home. may可能 stay停留

65. What does Emily NOT ask David to do?

To put the letters in the drawer. To feed the cat.

To keep the door closed. To take Mimi to the vet.

66. What do we know from the letter?

David and Emily are husband and wife.

David will get a gift for helping Emily.

David is taking a trip with Emily in Tokyo.

David hates Mimi and is giving her away.

Ivan and his new girlfriend, Gina, were walking on the farm. They saw a cow and its calf. “Look, Gina,” Ivan said, “That cow is giving its calf a kiss. Isn’t that nice?” Gina stopped and looked. Then she smiled and said, “Yes, it’s very pretty.”
“Doesn’t it make you want to have a kiss, too, Gina?” Ivan said, looking at her. Gina thought for a few seconds and then she said, “No, it doesn’t really. Does it make you want to have one?”
“Yes, it does, Gina,” Ivan answered, holding her hand. “Ok, then go and get a kiss,” Gina answered, “and I’ll wait here. It looks like a nice, quiet cow.”
saw看見 calf小牛 said說 make使 thought想

67. What does one mean in the story ? mean意指

A quiet calf. A kiss. A nice cow. Milk.

68. What do we know from the story?

Gina blows her kisses to the cow and the calf.

Gina wants to kiss Ivan and gives him a hug.

Ivan always wants to kiss the cow and the calf.

Ivan wants to kiss Gina by showing her the cow.

Ben and his classmates are doing their homework about caterpillars and butterflies. Here are their records.
Name: Ben and Lisa
Weather: cloudy, windy
Date: June 17
Time: 10 a.m.
Place: Tienmu Park / Name: Ben, Ted, and Mia
Weather: rainy, cool
Date: June 24
Time: 3 p.m.
Place: Shipai Garden
There are 15 caterpillars in the tree. 20 butterflies are near the flowers behind the tree. / Record:
Only 4 caterpillars are here. There are many frogs jumping, but we see no butterflies.

caterpillar毛毛蟲 butterfly蝴蝶 record紀錄

69. Where was Ben on the afternoon of June 24?

At a park. In the tree.

In a garden. At a lake. according to根據

70. According to the records, which is true?

Ben was doing his homework about tadpoles.

There were lots of butterflies in Shipai Garden.

Ted was at the park on the morning of June 17.

It was rainy and Mia was in Shipai Garden that day.

This is the end of the exam.

Have a nice vacation!

100學年度第二學期第三次段考 七年級英語科解答



1. Kitty hates bath time. She does it once in her lifetime.

2. John never eats lunch on time. He’s always busy.

3. It rains a lot in summer. I often bring an umbrella with me.

4. It’s cold in winter, but I like it. I can watch snow and make snowmen.

5. There were frogs and tadpoles in the whole pond then.


6. Girl: You have a pretty watch! Who is it from?

Boy: It’s from my dad. He always buys me good gifts on my birthday.

Girl: He is nice to you. Can I take a look?

Question: How often does the boy get a gift from his dad?

7. Mom: Don’t play computer games. Don’t you have homework?

Boy: No, I don’t have any. Can I play now, Mom?

Mom: No, you can only play computer games on weekends. Go study now.

Question: When can the boy play computer games?

8. Girl: What season do you like?

Boy: I like autumn. It’s cool and not cold. How about you?

Girl: I like summer. I can swim on hot days.

Question: Which season does the girl like best?