Good Afternoon, this is Steve Mares, principal of Broughton High School with a special announcement for our school family. Please know that there is no emergency and everything is fine. A copy of this announcement will be posted on our school website and e-mailed to the Broughton email group.

This morning I went on WCAP and addressed our entire student body. As I told our students, I know that they sometimes get tired of me always reminding them to have a great day of teaching and learning. However, the reason I do that is to remind all of us of the fundamental reasons we are together each day—for teaching and learning. That is what we are all about. Anything else is an addition to that core mission.

I told our students that I felt like I needed to have a “family meeting” to refocus our actions to our core mission. I explained that as a father, I have to have conversations with my own personal family to help us remember what we are about and sometimes to help us get back on track as a family. I felt like it was time to do that with my school family.

So, this morning I talked with our students about focusing on the little things in order to continue to maintain a culture of excellence at Broughton. I asked that our students focus on three things in particular—Being Compliant, Engaging in Learning, and Adhering to the dress code and, in particular, not wearing Hats/Hoodies on campus. I reiterated that it is imperative that students listen to and comply with all of the directions that are given to them by a staff member on campus. I spoke about the Broughton expectation for students to be responsible and respectful at all times, including when given directions from an adult. I also reminded our students that the most important work in this school happens in the classroom and I asked them to be sure that they focus their efforts on promoting an environment that is conducive to learning. Finally, I spoke about following the dress code and not wearing hats and hoodies on campus. This is not only a dress code issue, but a safety issue for us to be able to properly identify our students and maintain a safe and orderly campus.

I let our students know that we have other issues that we continue to address such as tardies, skipping, leaving campus without a pass, using profanity around campus, thefts, and some students who are in possession of or under the influence of drugs on campus. While we will continue to be proactive in dealing with these issues, I wanted to have all of us focus on a few specific behaviors that when implemented could quickly improve the school culture and remind all of us why we are here.

I also want you to know that I met with my staff and we discussed how our focus is to provide an environment that supports teaching and learning in the classroom, build positive relationships with students, and lead by example. We are all committed to continuing the tradition of excellence that is Broughton High School.

After my message to our students and staff, during CAPS Class we reviewed Wake County and Broughton policies and procedures. I want to be sure that we are all reminded of what appropriate behavior is at Broughton High School. Please know that I take no responsibility more serious than the responsibility for the safety of your child. I reminded our school family that this is our house and we spend a lot of time together here each day. We have a great school, great students, and great teachers. I want to ensure that our time together is productive and leads to each of our students earning a Diploma, Graduating in four years, and reaching his/her potential. I consider us a family, and we need to work together to maintain the Broughton standard of excellence.

I appreciate your listening to this message and understanding my actions today with our school family. Thank you for your continued support of our efforts to teach your students. We take that responsibility seriously and, as I mentioned in my Thanksgiving message, we feel that your children are our children. I look forward to a strong end to the calendar year, semester, and school year. As always, Go CAPS, and please take care!