OCPS Online Second Year Teacher PortfolioThis course explores multicultural education and its role in creating equitable and just schools. Case studies present current and realistic challenges such as making appropriate curricular decisions, addressing ethnic and racial tensions, and confronting stereotypes within the classroom setting.NeNffdd


Please use the link listed below to register on the CaseNEX website. Remember – your username and password are case sensitive, so when you register please be sure write them down correctly and keep them in a safe place. If the link does not open automatically, please copy and paste it into your web browser. The OCPS Firewall sometimes blocks outside links and will then prompt you to enter a username and password. To avoid this conflict you can simply paste this link into the web browser. The PIN will appear automatically, permitting you to register on the CaseNEX website.



This is an online course. There are no specific log-in times, but rather a self-paced course, with the scheduled deadlines for each session within your syllabus. All course work must be completed by the designated date on your signmeup registration.


FIRST - Register on the CaseNEX website using the link above!

Review the syllabus for the course – taking note of case studies, readings, and course assignments...

Complete the Introductory Session in your syllabus.

Complete remaining sessions in your syllabus. This means viewing the case, reading the articles, and then responding online to the material.

DISCUSSION BOARDS: Participation on the discussion boards should not be limited to simply answering the posed question. Instead, it should follow an ongoing process of reviewing and responding to classmates’ and instructor’s comments in a dialogue fashion.

JOURNAL: Professional Reflection to the question in your syllabus. This is just between you and the course facilitator – your responses cannot be read by other course participants.




To access the discussion boards, log-in by typing your username and password in the green circle in the upper right hand corner of the CaseNEX homepage (www.casenex.com). Then click the ORANGE TOOBAR - DISCUSS button at the top of the page. This will take you to the discussion boards where each thread will be listed. Click on the appropriate thread to access the discussion prompt and hit REPLY. Remember to change your subject headings/titles when responding – this helps all the participants to follow the flow of conversation.


To access your journal, click the ORANGE TOOLBAR - JOURNAL button at the top of the page. This will take you to your journal. The journal can only be viewed by you and the course facilitator.

IMPORTANT: The actual journal assignment is listed in your syllabus, you respond online. Not all courses include a Journal Assignment.


Course Readings can be accessed by using the CaseNEX Virtual Library.

To access the CaseNEX Virtual Library, click the GREEN “Course Materials” button at the top of the page. Then click on VIRTUAL LIBRARY and scroll down to READINGS (search). You can search the database by title, author, etc…You will have access to this library through June 2013. It is a great resource!!

Learning Experience tools are attached to this syllabus.

Course Description

This course supports second year teachers, in accordance with Race To The Top requirements, as they refine and tool their skills with standards and data in the classroom to inform instruction. Course participants will collaborate to develop appropriate responses to challenges presented in the cases and then work to sharpen their own classroom practices, to better understand and match student needs, and to differentiate instruction for all learners.


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

1. Understand and apply principles of standards-based instruction;

2. Analyze and respond proactively to student data, using it to inform classroom instruction;

3. Begin to design formative assessments targeting specific learning targets, and using the results of those assessments to drive intervention and enrichment; and

4. Expand the types of differentiated instruction used in the classroom, the key characteristics and benefits, and the ways it may guide teaching.


All materials are accessed via the CaseNEX website http://www.casenex.com using the PIN provided and the user name/password you create.

Readings can be found in the CaseNEX Virtual Library, by clicking Class Materials then Reading (SEARCH). You can search the Virtual Library by title, subject, and/or author. When pdf files are linked, we recommend printing them for easier reading.

If you do not have the following software, please download each from the given sites. You will find detailed instructions under the ‘Tutorials’ link.

Adobe Reader: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

QuickTime: http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/

Case Used: Boxed In

Course Requirements and the OCPS Beginning Teacher Portfolio

The Beginning Teacher Portfolio Year 2 is an OCPS requirement for all beginning teachers who started in OCPS in 2011-2012 and beyond. It is a framework to document the following Race To The Top Induction Requirements: Standards-based Instruction, Data Analysis, Formative Assessment, and Differentiated Instruction. As you finish this online course, please share and discuss the final journal reflection questions with your school-based Instructional Coach who will document your completion in the online tracking tool. For questions regarding OCPS Induction Requirements, please contact your school-based instructional coach or email Becky Watson watsonr2 @ocps.net.


Introductory Session

Greatest Success and Challenge


Introduce yourself to other course participants, explaining your professional background and current teaching situation. Then respond to the following questions: In your first year of teaching, what was your greatest success? What was your greatest challenge? (100 words or fewer).


Session 1

Standards-Based Instruction

Case: Boxed In

View Scene 1


When Students Already Know the Content

When Students Don’t Learn

Learning Experiences

Standards-Based Instruction- What Elements Are You Using?


Reflecting on the knowledge gained from the readings and viewing the

case, what issues face educators today when making the shift to a

standards-based classroom? What are the benefits and challenges of this

shift from both the perspective of the teacher and the student?

Using the self-assessment: Standards-based Instruction- What Elements Are

You Using?, reflect on one area of strength and one area in which you want

to professionally grow.


Session 2

Data Analysis

Case: Boxed In

View Scene 2


After viewing the scoring rubric, what feedback, if any, would you give Pauline on her rubric? What scores would you give to Allyson and Becky using the rubric? What specific actions would you take in the classroom based on the data from this assignment?


Session 3

Formative Assessment

Case: Boxed In

View Scene 3


Rethinking Assessment Practices- Bruce Oliver

Learning Experiences

How I’ll Show What I Know


Use the learning experience- How I’ll Show What I Know with a small group

of students or a class. Reflect on using results of this learning experience.

View the video portion of the case and reflect on the student reaction to the

choices given. What are the consequences, both positive and negative, to

allowing students to choose how they will demonstrate what they know?

Based on the reading- Rethinking Assessment Practices, what is one specific

action you can take in the classroom to address changes in assessment



Session 4

Differentiated Instruction


Differentiation of Instruction- Bruce Oliver

Learning Experiences

Learning Preferences Survey

Interest/Learning Profile Survey


Use one or both of the learning experiences- Learning Preferences Survey,

or Interest/Learning Profile Survey with a small group of students or a class.

Reflect on the results of this learning experience with the students. Reflect

on the assessment data for Allyson and Becky included in the case. If

these two girls are again blocked from the “gifted” program, what issues

may come about in the classroom? Think from the perspective of both the

teacher and the students. What is one specific action the teacher could take

to differentiate in the classroom to meet the needs of these two students?


Session 5

Putting it all together!


This session reflection is the documentation you will share with your school-based mentor to demonstrate the completion of the Beginning Teacher Portfolio Online Course.

Using the knowledge gained through viewing the case, the readings, and discussion with colleagues; write a reflection outlining how your teaching practices have and will change as a result of this class. Include references to each of the four major components: Standards-based, Data Analysis, Formative Assessment, and Differentiated Instruction. Reflections must be a minimum of two paragraphs.