Ickford News

The sun is shining and there is a positive feel about the school today. This is good because next week some of the children (Years 2 and 6) will be taking their SATs tests and I am confident that they will have been well prepared by their respective class teachers and that they will sail through the tests. Obviously, I wish them all the best and hope that parents will ensure that they get plenty of sleep over the weekend and throughout next week. Although, every child should be getting lots of sleep at all times and there is an abundance of research that highlights the need for proper bedtime routines and the impact these have on children’s health and progress at school.

Rather than run the risk of the rumour mill running amok, I would like to inform you that Mr Owen and Mr Ancil will be leaving Ickford at the end of the academic year. Mr Owen is moving to another school where the opportunities for progression are greater and Mr Ancil has decided to return to University and to explore a different career path. I shall update everyone when new appointments are made but can assure you that I am in the process of recruitment and optimistic that an announcement will be made fairly soon.

We had one sporting event this week when our netball team, a mixture of year 5 and 6, children stepped up and played a full 7-a side match against Lord William’s Secondary School. It was a tough match especially as the children do not always get the chance to play on a full size court and are often restricted to the 5 a side game that the County competitions require them to play. Nonetheless, they played very well indeed and with a game plan built on a strong defence and quick counter attack they managed to win convincingly 11 – 3. We now hope to play Princes Risborough Secondary School as part of our preparation for the Regional Finals next month.

I am a little sad that we do not have any hanging baskets around the school yet and, as I recognise that PTA funds are limited, wondered if anyone or any groups may want to sponsor or donate a class hanging basket? In truth, this is a thought that has just crossed my mind and I shall kick off the initiative by purchasing a ready-made basket myself to bring a little colour to the walls.

Personally, I really loved the look of the baskets last year and I know that ensuring that the school looks clean and tidy and hopefully, seasonal, is good for the public relations in the village.

I was informed last week that Cary Grant had won the school lottery (something of a miracle really he died in 1986) but fortunately the correct spelling Carrie was handed to me before going to print. A ‘cool’ name is not a requirement for joining our school lottery and it is still possible to be involved.

For your chance to win in the next draw, please buy your tickets using the link below: https://www.yourschoollottery.co.uk/lottery/school/ickford-school

The lottery could be a significant fundraiser for the school so coerce your friends and family to join. The bigger the number of tickets sold, the bigger the jackpot!

Have a good weekend,

Mr Ronane

Ickford News from the office

Dates for your diary…

5th-12th May / SATs Week
12th May
8.30am / French Cafe
17th May
7.30pm / PTA Meeting
23rd May
9am / Class 1 Assembly
26th May / May Dancing – After Assembly
29th May –
2nd June / May Half Term
13th June / School Photos
15th June
7.30-9pm / Art Exhibition
23rd June
6.30pm / KS2 Summer Concert

School Lottery

The lucky winner of the first draw last week was Anna O’Kennedy! (6 million if you want a loan)

Book Plug

One of our parents, Ruth Quayle has written a wonderful children’s book called ‘That Bear Can’t Babysit’ (ISBN- 978-0-85763-829-8) it’s available from all good book shops and Amazon and I am sure we could persuade her to come in and sign your copies!