Collection of firewood for domestic use

Nomination Form
Collection of firewood
for domestic use

For a nominee to collect firewood from firewood collection areas during a firewood collection season.

Name of nominating person:____________

Address of nominating person: ______


Telephone Number of nominating person:______

I, the undersigned, under section 57R of the Forests Act 1958 and under section 21M of the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978, nominate

[name and address of nominated person] (“the nominee”)



to cut and take away fallen or felled trees on my behalf for domestic use as firewood. The maximum amount of fallen or felled trees to be cut and taken away by the nominee is

[amount of fallen or felled trees] ______ cubic metres.

Signed: ______

Dated: ______

Note: maximum amount

The specified maximum amount of fallen or felled trees must not exceed 16 cubic metres for the current financial year when added to the following amounts

•the maximum amounts specified in any other nomination made by you or a member of your household (whether the nomination is made under the Forests Act 1958 or the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978);

•the amounts of fallen or felled trees already cut and taken away in this financial year by you or members of your household as firewood (whether cut or taken away in a firewood collection area determined under the Forests Act 1958 or the Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978).

What to do with this form
This form is to be given to the nominee and should be carried with them when collecting firewood. It is an offence for the nominee, without reasonable excuse, to fail to produce the form if requested by an authorised officer. Do not send this form to the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning or Parks Victoria.

Nomination form – Forests Act and Crown Land (Reserves) Act – August 2012