ESEA Flexibility Waiver

Title 1 School Identification Designations

Focus / Priority / Reward (High Achievement) / Reward (High Progress)
Criteria for Designation /
  • Lowest 10 percent of Title I schools: (based on highest achievement gap for the historically low performing students Annual Measurable Objective). The aggregate achievement gap is for combined mathematics/reading PSSA, and/or Algebra I/Literature Keystone Exams.
  • Title I school with a graduation gate below 60 percent
  • Test participation below 95 percentAND Not a Priority School.
  • Lowest 5 percent of Title I schools: (based on aggregate mathematics and reading proficiency for PSSA and/or Algebra I/Literature for Keystone Exams)
  • Title I school receiving School Improvement Grant (SIG) funds.
/ Highest 5 percent Title I schools: (based on aggregate mathematics and reading proficiency for PSSA and/or Algebra I/Literature for Keystone Exams)
AND Meets all four Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs).(Note: For 2012-13 data, closing the achievement gap will not be measured as this is the baseline year.) AND Not a Priority School or Focus School. /
  • For 2011-12 and 2012-13 school years: Highest 5percent Title I schools based on aggregate PVAAS growth score in reading and mathematics for PSSA and/or Algebra I/Literature for Keystone Exams for All Students
  • For 2013-14 school year and beyond: Highest 5 percent Title I schools based on aggregate progress in closing the achievement gap in reading and mathematics for PSSA and/or Algebra I/Literature for Keystone Exams combined for the All Student group and the “historically underperforming student” group.AND Meets all four Annual Measurable Objectives.(Note: For 2012-13 data, closing the achievement gap will not be measured as this is the baseline year.)AND Not a Reward: High Achievement School, Focus School or Priority School.

FOCUS / PRIORITY / REWARD (High Achievement) / REWARD (High Progress)
Requirements /
  • Every Focus School must implement at least one meaningful intervention directly relating to the Annual Measurable Objective(s) not met.
  • Schools designated as Focus Schools based upon 2012-13 data will be required to implement a Comprehensive Improvement Plan.
  • Required consultation with intermediate unit and Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) (as appropriate to needs).
  • Beginning with the 2014-15 year, required to set aside 20 percent of their Title I allocation on meaningful interventions.*
/ All Priority Schools are required to implement interventions associated with all seven school turnaround principles. The manner and degree to which the principles are implemented may vary due to the unique needs/student population within each school.
At the time of notification, schools will be required to review existing school improvement plans.
Beginning with the 2014-15 year, required to set aside 20 percent of their Title I allocation on meaningful interventions.*
Schools develop improvement plan based upon implementing all meaningful interventions identified for the turnaround principles using the Comprehensive Planning Tool.
FOCUS / PRIORITY / REWARD (High Achievement) / REWARD (High Progress)
Criteria for Exit / Focus schools making all Annual Measurable Objectives for three consecutive years will exit Focus status. Schools falling into Priority status will be required to follow the guidelines for supports for Priority Schools. Otherwise, schools no longer designated as Priority or Focus will be required to monitor the performance measures identified in the School Performance Profile for a minimum of one year.
Schools not exiting Focus status within the three-year improvement planning cycle will be required to develop and implement a revised improvement plan with additional supports. If after three additional years, the school does not exit Focus status, the school will enter Priority status. / Title I Priority Schools that make all of their Annual Measurable Objectives for three consecutive years will exit Priority status.
Schools no longer designated as Priority or Focus will be required to monitor the performance measures identified in the School Performance Profile for a minimum of one year.
After exiting Priority status the school will be required to monitor the performance measures identified in the School Performance Profile for a minimum of one year.
Supports / Required consultation with intermediate unit and PaTTAN (as appropriate to needs).
Development of Comprehensive Improvement Plan for areas of need Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) approves interventions.
Access to all support tools and resources** / Assigned academic recovery liaison development of comprehensive improvement plan* with academic recovery liaison. PDE approves plan and interventions via assigned academic recoveryliaison.Accountability monitoring via assigned academic recovery liaison.
Required consultation with intermediate unit and PaTTAN (as appropriate to needs).
Development of Comprehensive Improvement Plan for areas of need. PDE approves interventions.
Access to all support tools and resources.** / Access to all support tools and resources.**
Keystone Award recognition as well as access to competitive grant opportunities. / Access to all support tools and resources.**
Keystone Award recognition as well as access to competitive grant opportunities.

Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO)

1. Test Participation Rate – To meet this AMO, the school must achieve 95 percent participation on the PSSAs and Keystone Exams. The “All Students” group will be used for accountability associated with school level designations (Reward, Focus or Priority status). For the 2013-14 school year, test participation will be measured for mathematics, reading, science, and writing PSSA as well as Algebra I, literature, and biology Keystone Exams. For the 2014-15 school year and beyond, test participation will be measured on all state assessments aligned to the PA Standards.

2. Graduation Rate/Attendance Rate – To meet this AMO, the school must: achieve an 85 percent graduation rate (applied to four-, five-, and six-year cohorts); or meet the target of a reduction of the difference between its previous year’s graduation rate; and the goal of 85 percent by 10 percent when using the four year cohort, by 15 percent when using the five year cohort, or by 20percent when using the six year cohort. OR, IF no graduation rate is applicable, an attendance rate of 90percentor improvement from the previous year. For accountability purposes, these rates will apply to the “All Students” group.

3. Closing the Achievement Gap: “All Students” – The achievement gap is determined by comparing the percent of students who are proficient or advanced in the 2012-13 baseline year with 100percent proficiency. The benchmark for closing the achievement gap is that 50percent of the gap will be closed over a six-year period. “All Students” is defined as all students enrolled for a full academic year taking the PSSA, Keystone Exams, or the Pennsylvania Alternate System of Assessment (PASA).

4. Closing the Achievement Gap: Historically Underperforming Students – Using the same approach as in #3 above, this AMO applies to a non-duplicated count of students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged students, and English language learners enrolled for a full academic year taking the PSSA, Keystone Exams or PASA. If a student is in more than one of the individual groups (e.g., special education and English language learner) s/he is counted only once. The “All Students” and “Historically Underperforming Students” are not a cohort but rather students in the school meeting the definition during the reported year. The “N” size for all of the AMOs listed above is 11, a significant change from the current Pennsylvania “N” size of 40. For all of the AMOs above, student performance at the school, district and state level will be reported for every traditional disaggregated subgroup.

*LEAs previously required to set aside 20percent of Title I funding for Supplemental Education Services may choose to continue with Supplemental Educational Services or design their own tutoring/supplemental programs.

** Supports include access to Standards Aligned System, assistance from intermediate units, PaTTAN, Pennsylvania Institute for Instructional Coaching (PIIC), and Pennsylvania Inspired Leadership Program (PIL), as indicated on pages 42-45 of the approved waiver.

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