YMCA Calgary asks for your help to identify individuals or groups involved in peacemaking initiatives in local or international communities. Do you know an individual or group who demonstrates commitment, creativity or vision to making our communities, country or world a more peaceful place?

Peacemaking initiatives can focus on values like equality, freedom, empowerment, acceptance, tolerance, human rights and conflict resolution. These values can be upheld through cooperation and collaboration, education, mentoring, or fundraising. We believe it is important to recognize people dedicated to promoting peace in everyday life.

Please read the nomination criteria below before submitting your nomination form.

1. Nominees must reside within a 100km radius of Calgary, and have conducted their peace initiatives between September 2011 and September 2013.

2. Youth areindividuals or groups aged 18 or younger.

3. Community categories are for initiatives that primarily benefits people locally, while International categories are for individuals that primarilybenefits people in other countries.

4. Nominations will be judged solely on the information provided by the nominator.

5. Deadline for nominations:

  • Submission deadline October 1, 2013

Send your nomination

Attention: Jason Lidberg, Assistant General Manager, Community YMCA

Emailed nominations are preferred:

Alternatively, you may choose to submit...

  • By hand:At any YMCA Calgary branch
  • By fax:403-508-2629
  • By mail:Eau Claire YMCA

101 3rdStreet SW
Calgary AB, T2P 4G6

Award category(please choose one)

Community Peace Initiatives – Individual

Community Peace Initiatives – Group

Community Peace Initiatives – Youth/Youth Group (18 yrs or under)

International Peace Initiatives – Individual

International Peace Initiatives – Group

International Peace Initiatives – Youth/Youth Group (18 yrs or under)

Humanitarian –for someone who embodies peace in his or her everyday life

YMCA Staff – for initiatives that extend beyond expected work duties

Nominee Information(the person or group you are nominating)

Individual or group being nominated:
Group contact person (if applicable):
Nominee Address:
Day phone #: / Evening phone #:

Nominator Information (how can we contact you?)

Nominator name:
Nominating group (if applicable):
Day phone #: / Evening phone #:

Descriptive Questions

In a separate document or below, please describe why you believe this person or group deserves a YMCA Calgary Peace Medal by using the following questions as a guide:

  1. Background – Information about the history of this group or previous experience of this person.
  1. Activities - Describe their peace-building initiative(s) from the past two years. What were the specific roles and responsibilities of the person or group you are nominating?
  1. Impact - How have these activities helped to build peace and change people's lives?
  1. Sustainability– Does this initiative create or contribute to a long-term, sustainable effect? Explain.
  1. Cooperation - Explain any collaboration with other groups or individuals.


For nominations in the Humanitarian category ONLY:

  1. Everyday Example -How does this person embody and model peace through his/her daily life?
  1. Peace Ambassador - Describe how this person has made an impact on individuals and the community as an ambassador for peace.