TENDER No. : NTC(WR)/MM/YARN PKG JOB/2017/ Date 23.10.2017



NTC House, 15, N.M. Marg, Ballard Estate,

Mumbai – 400 001

Tel - 22686600 - Fax 22 – 22686631

WEB SITE - www.ntcltd.org



1. / Tata Mills, Dr.Ambedkar Road, Dadar (E), Mumbai 400 014.
2. / India United Mill No.5, A.G.Pawar lane, Byculla (E), Mumbai 400 027.

Contact Person

SHRI A.K.VYAS, General Manager (HR /Legal)

Tel – 022-22686605, Fax 022-2268631

E-mail :

1. Purchase of Tender Document. : 23.10.2017 to 06.11.2017

2. Submission of tender : On or before 06.11.2017 upto 6.00 P.M.

3. Opening of Tender : 07.11.2017 at 11.30 AM

NTC(WR)/MM/2016/ DATED 23.10.2017




The National Textile Corporation Ltd.(Western Region)., Mumbai is inviting Sealed Tender from the reputed, well established and experienced in Cone Yarn Packing Job Work for the following units of N.T.C. Ltd., (Western Region), Mumbai for the period of November 2017 to October 2018.

Sr. No / Name of Mills / No of bags to be packed per day. (50/60 kgs. per bag) / E.M.D. for each unit in Rs.
1. / Tata Mills, Dr.Ambedkar Road, Dadar (E), Mumbai 400 014. / Approx. 90 bags / 10,000/-
2. / India United Mill No.5, A.G.Pawar lane, Byculla (E), Mumbai 400 027. / Approx. 130 bags / 10,000/-
1 / To re-set the weighing scale before start of packing
2 / To pack 50Kgs/Bag (or) 60Kgs/Bag as per the instructions of the mills.
3 / To insert washer / Disc on the ready cones
4 / To put the plastic bags on the ready cones.
5 / To put / paste count labels inside the cones & to write or stamp date, Mixing month, year, count, C.S.P according to the requirement of management.
6 / To stamp / write count, Tare Wt., Grass Wt., Net Wt., Lot No., Bag No., as per the instruction of management on the woven bag.
7 / To bring all packing material from store to packing dept.
8 / To pack the yarn as per spinning production on day to day basis.
9 / To bring the packed bags from the yarn godown/ any other dept. to Wdg. Dept. as & when required.
10 / After completion of packing, according to count wise packed bags should be kept in stack form of 5/6 Bags (One above on other) in yarn godown or in any others dept. as per requirement of mills.
11 / If any damage happens to bags in godown / or any other dept. they should go there to repair or change bags.
12 / To load the bags on to the tracks as per directions of sales department.
13 / During rainy season the bags should be covered by plastic sheet wherever necessary. (To save bags from leaking rain water).
14 / During non availability of count label they should prepare count label by changing the Count /C.S.P./Mixing on the available count label.
15 / Additional Scope of work for India United Mills No. 5.
a.  To assit SQC Person as & when required for checking packed yarn bags weight.
b.  Packing may carried out on Ground & 1st floor as per requirement of mills and as the storage capacity is insufficient, the packed bags may be required to store at TFO & Doubling section also on 1st floor.
c.  Shifting of Packed bags to suitable place during Monsoon if found leakage.
d.  If mills required to delivery of yarn bags lying on 1st floor, TFO & Doubling section the delivery should be given from respective of above places.
The contractor should have skilled workers to perform above specified work satisfactorily.
Qualification Criteria
The Bidders who meet the following pre qualifications criteria may only apply.
A. / License of Central / State Labour Commissioner for providing contractual labour.
B. / Registration copy of PAN & G. S. T.No.
1.  Earnest money of Rs.10,000/- is required to be paid for each mill separately by way of DD or Pay order drawn from any Nationalised scheduled Banks notified by RBI (Excluding Co-Operative/Rural Banks) in favour of “National Textile Corporation Ltd - Unit Western Region” - Payable at Mumbai along with the tender
2.  Bids without earnest money will not be accepted
3.  EMD of the successful bidder will be adjusted against Security Deposit which will be released after completion of the Contract Period. No interest shall be paid on any tender deposit/EMD.
4.  The EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be returned after completion of process.
For granting the MSEs necessary concession / exemptions as per Govt, directives, bidders are requested to submit the copies of registration certificates issued by the Concerned Authorities. The bidder has to specify whether they are Micro or Small Enterprises and if so, whether they are owned by SC/ST Entrepreneurs.
Implementation of Integrity Pact in NTC
Bidders are requested to go through the implementation of integrity pact in NTC which is attached as annexure. This tender is hosted on our website: www.ntcltd.co.in along with the copy of the Integrity Pact, which may be downloaded and submitted dully signed with seal, along with the tender. “Only those venders / bidders, who commit themselves to Integrity Pact would be considered competent to participate in the bidding process.
The name of the independent External monitors (IEM) is Transparency International India. (TII). This tendering process is being monitored by Independent External Monitor, Shri Ashok Kumar Tripathi, Retired District Judge, at Corporation Office of NTC i.e. (5th floor, Core –IV Scope Complex, 7 Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110003) M. No- 9029020548 / 9911566668, e-mail: If any party is aggrieved they are free to approach the said IEM in terms of Integrity Pact”.
a.Interested bidders are requested to obtain the tender documents from Materials Department, NTC Office Mumbai by paying Rs. 1000/-(non-refundable) being the cost of tender documents by Bank Draft (D.D)/Pay order from any Nationalized/ scheduled commercial Bank notified by RBI (excluding co-operative / rural Bank) on any working day except holiday(Saturday & Sunday) from 23.10.2017 to 06.11.2017 from 10.00 AM to 5.30 PM.
b.Bidders may also download the tender document from NTC Ltd., website i.e. www.ntcltd.co.in. If the Tender Document is downloaded than the cost of tender documents of Rs. 1000/- in form of D.D/Pay order drawn from any Nationalized/ scheduled commercial Bank (excluding co-operative / rural Bank) notified by RBI must be submitted along with tender. Bank Draft/Pay order to be prepared in the Name of “National Textile Corporation Ltd., Unit- Western Region”, payable at Mumbai.
Tender shall not be accepted without tender fee in form of DD/Pay Order.
a. Prospective bidder should submit their offer in three separate envelope marked A & B duly sealed.
b. Envelope ‘A’ should be marked “EMD”containing the D.D/Pay Order for EMD and cost of tender document in case of downloaded tender form.
c. Envelope ‘B’ should marked “Technical Bid” containing all documents required to meet qualification criteria and return the tender document with all the pages signed and stamped along with “Financial Bid”
d. All the envelopes a & b duly completed should be placed in an outer envelope, which shall be sealed and should contain the following information clearly.
i. Tender No. & Scope of work with due date.
ii. Name & address of the bidder on left corner of each envelop a & b as well as outer cover also.
e. Complete bid should be submitted to Jt. Manager, Materials, at NTC Ltd, (WR) Office, Mumbai on or before 06.11.2017 upto 6.00 P.M.
f. If the envelops are not sealed and marked as stated above, NTC Ltd WRO, Mumbai is not responsible for the misplacement or pre-mature opening of tender.
g. Bids submitted by fax telegram, fax, email shall not be entertain and shall be rejected.
Late tenders
Tenders received by the NTC Ltd. Western Region, Mumbai after the specified time and due date as per mentioned in tender document, shall not be eligible for consideration and shall be summarily rejected.
NTC Ltd., Western Region, Mumbai reserve the right to accept or reject all or any of the tender without assigning any reason what so ever and it is not obligatory to give any reason for their decisions.
a.  The envelop A (containing EMD/ Tender Fee DD) and B Technical Bid & Financial bid documents shall be opened before the prospective bidders or their authorized representative who wish to be present and tender opening committee of NTC Ltd. (WR), Mumbai at 11.30 AM on 07.11.2017.
b. In the event of tender opening date as stated above falling on holiday the time of tender submission and opening shall be same on the next working days.
c. Management has the right to postpone the opening date of technical bid and financial bid on account of any reason in that case the next date and time of opening of technical bid and financial bid shall be communicated to the bidders by email / fax / telephone.
Site Visit
The prospective bidders are requested to visit the Mills for collecting all detail about scope of work and other constraints before submission of tender.
The bidder should quote their prices in prescribed price bid format only clearly and distinctively for all components. The offer quoted in different format shall be liable for rejection.
Income Tax & other Taxes if any, will be deducted as per prevailing rules.
PF & ESIC will be deducted from the bill if contractor has not paid ESIC & PF of their workers.
(B. K. Roy)
NTC Ltd (WR)

General Terms & Condition
1.  The job to be carried out only on labour charges basis as per the scope of job given above during the Ist shift and in exception cases if required, the same may be continued in 2nd shift.
2.  Bidders are requested to visit the respective Mills to understand the job from concerned department before quoting the rates.
3.  The contractor is required to comply with the provision of minimum wages act.
4.  All statutory rules such as ESI/PF/IT are applicable and you will have to draw insurance policy under workmen compensation act to cover your workmen for accident, injury while carrying out work in Mill Premises. You will be solely responsible as well liable for any accident/injury to your workers.
5.  The contractor should quote ESI PF registration number. In case of non-payment of ESI & PF contributions will be deducted @ 32% from 60% of the bill amount.
6.  You have to deploy competent Supervisor to monitor the work. In no case delay in execution of work will be tolerable. Incase Mill incur any losses that will recovered from your payment.
7.  You have to engage skilled/capable labour according to the nature of the job
8.  Job to be carried out very carefully without damaging mills property. In case of any damage for Mills property then the necessary cost will be recovered from contractor.
9.  You will have to make entry of the name of your employees in Mill Gate register regularly during the period of work.
10.  You will have to carry out the job to the satisfaction of department. After completion of job, you have to submit the bill in duplicate on monthly basis duly certified by concerned authorities along with attendance of your worker engaged for same job. Bill will not be passed unless & until you submit above documents along with the Bills.
11.  If the Job is not carried out to the satisfaction of the department then contract will be terminated with 15 days notice
12.  Payment will be made on 10th day of subsequent month after submission of bill in all respects.
13.  Management has right to appoint different contractor for different Mills.
14.  The contractor shall abide by the Central/State Labour Legislation as may be applicable from time to time. It shall be the responsibilities of the contractor to pay / clear all statutory dues of their workers for example P.F.,E.S.I.C. or any other dues as applicable time to time.
15.  Income Tax and any other tax applicable during the execution period shall be deducted from contractor running bill as per rule applicable at the time of execution of work and certificate to this effect shall be issued by the individual mills.
16.  In the event of withdrawing the offer by the contractor at any stage from date of opening of tender the entire EMD deposit money along with pending payments of the contractor shall be forfeited.
17.  The bid shall remain valid for a period not less than 60 days (for award of contract) after the date for bid submission.
18.  Conditional tenders will not be accepted in any case
19.  The Management has the right to accept or reject the tender without assigning any reason


1) I/We have read and understood all the terms and conditions mentioned in this Tender Document and agree to abide by them.

2) I/We certify that I/We have inspected the site of the work before quoting my tender rate.

3) I/We have not been black listed in any department in India due to any reasons.

4) I/We agree to disqualify for any wrong declaration in respect of eligibility & qualification criteria and to summarily reject my/our tender including blacklisting.

Yours faithfully,


Address of the Bidder:
Phone No. …………………………
Fax No. ……………………………
Email: ……………………………..