International Marketing

Case Study: Barbie – Growing Pains as the American Girl Goes Global

Topics / Success or Failure / Decision for: Adaptation or Standardization
Barbie in Europe
Barbie in the Middle East
Barbie in Latin America
Barbie in Asia/ Japan

International Marketing

Case Study: Barbie – Growing Pains as the American Girl Goes Global

Topics / Success or Failure / Decision for: Adaptation or Standardization
Barbie in Europe / - Barbie = a huge success in Europe
- 1990: “Friendship Barbie” – should reflect the more basic lifestyle children had experienced under communism (to sell in Central & Eastern Europe)
àcompany discovered: little girls in Europe prefer the well-known American Barbie to the local versions / STANDARDIZATION
Barbie in the Middle East / - Barbie has faced cultural differences à parents alike the values that Barbie portray
- “the average Arab girl`s reality is different from Barbie`s with her swimming pool, blond hair, boyfriend Ken”
- Iran: success, but fierce competition from Fulla (in traditional Islamic clothes) / ADAPTATION
Barbie in Latin America / - one of the first non-U.S. markets Barbie entered
- stiff competition from a cheaper local rival: Susi
àreasons for Susi`s success: lower price, inclusion of realistic Brazilian touches / ADAPTATION
Barbie in Asia/ Japan / - Mattel learned: minor cosmetic changes are better than a total overhaul
- India: success (core product remained unchanged, but: head spot & sari)
- Japan: failure at the beginning (strong tradition, intense competition, complex distribution system, Japanese girls didn`t relate to Barbie`s physical attributes) à changes à but: the problem was that Mattel was committed to neither Japanese style nor an American style à no success
- 1991: introduction of the American Barbie to Japan à success
- 1999: Japanese version of Barbie à success / STANDARDIZATION

Pichler, Plattner