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Wayne Dunn


Greensboro Patriot


January 5, 1841


Married in DavidsonCounty, on the 22nd ult., by the Rev. Jesse Rankin,

Mr. R. J. West to Mrs. Alice Slater.

January 12, 1841


Married in this county, on Thursday evening last, Mr. Samuel Smith, of

Rockingham, to Miss Leah Taylor, daughter of Mr. Fisher B. Taylor, of

this county.

In this county, on the 31st ult., Mr. Absalom Hodgin to Miss Pelina


In this county, recently, Mr. Thomas Beard to Miss Elizabeth Ross.

January 26, 1841


Married on Thursday last, Mr. Robert Gray, of Randolph, to Miss Mary M.

Wiley, of this county.


Died in this vicinity, on Friday night last, Robert McKnight, Sen., an

aged and highly respected citizen.

February 2, 1841


Died on the morning of the 28th inst., Saleme Harmon, consort of Mr. A.

Harmon, of this place, aged 42 years.

Died suddenly, in Stokes county, on the 23rd ult., Thomas, Carr, Sen.

March 9, 1841


Married in this place, on Thursday evening, 4th inst., by Rev. A.

Wilson, Dr. Julius S. Bracken, of Orange, to Miss Mary Eliza Adams, of

this place.

On the 25th ult., by Rev. John Hinds, Mr. James Wren, to Miss Polly

Jackson, all of Guilford county.


Died in this county, the 23rd of February last, Mary Campbell, widow of

the late Samuel Campbell.

In this county, on Wednesday the 3rd inst., Elizabeth Dorsey, formerly

of Wilmington.

March 16, 1841

Married in Rockingham county, on the 4th inst., by the rev. Thomas

Thomson, Mr. Leven Miner to Miss Priscilla Walker.

In Randolph county, on the 4th inst., Mr. Laban Swaim to Miss Jemina

Fentress, daughter of Thomas Fentress, Esquire.

In Tarborough, by the Rev. J. Singletary, Mr. Franklin Hargrave, of

Lexington, in this State, to Miss Mary W. Parker, daughter of Mr. Theo.


In Mocksville, by the Rev. Moses Brock, Mr. Jno. Taylor to Miss

Henrietta Gaither.


In Asheborough, on Wednesday morning 3rd inst., Rachel Swaim, wife of

Benjamin Swaim, editor of the Southern Citizen, leaving four helpless

children-one only a few days old.

In Randolph county, on the 24th ult., Thomas Hancock, Esq.

March 23, 1841


Married in Burke county, on the 6th instant, Peter Helms, aged 14

years, to Miss Jane Wallace, about the same age.

Also in the same county, at the same time and place, Allen Wallace,

aged 13 years, to Miss Mary Helms, aged 25 years. Hurrah for the

mountain boys.

Wonder if their Mammas know they are out?


Died on the eleventh inst., at High Rock, Rockingham, N. C. of

consumption, Dr. Thomas S. Brent, in the 23rd year of his age.

March 30, 1841


Married in this county on Thursday evening last by the Rev. Eli W.

Caruthers, Mr. Roddy E. Hanner, to Miss Nancy E. Rankin.

On the 25th inst., Mr. John W. McKenzie, of Danville, Va., to Miss

Martha Walters, daughter of Mr. Archibald Walters, of Caswell, N. C.


Departed this life on the 11th January, at his residence in Marshall

county, Miss., after a short illness, Harrison Jones, Sen., in the 84th

year of his age. He was a native of Cumberland county, Virginia, and

one of the Virginia Volunteers at the Battle of Guilford, North

Carolina, in which he lost his right leg.

April 6, 1841


Died, at the residence of his father, in Orange county, on Saturday the

27th ult., after an illness of some months, of consumption, Mr. Thomas

Walton Bain, son of Nathaniel Bain, aged about 26 years. The deceased

was a printer by profession.

April 13, 1841


Died in this vicinity, on the morning of the 9th, Jacob Albright,

infant son of Jacob and Sarah Albright.

In Randolph county on Friday the 9th inst., the Rev. Christopher

Vickrey, aged upwards of one hundred years. The deceased was born in

Virginia, near the town of Winchester, and removed with his parents to

the province of North Carolina, when quite a youth. His father was one

of the principal sufferers in the ill-judged and disastrous, though

patriotic and daring revolt of the "Regulators" in 1770-an event which

involved a great number of families in all this portion of the then

colony in unexampled suffering for a series of years thereafter.

May 4, 1841


Married on Thursday evening last, by Moses McGrady, Esq., Mr. Matthew

Yates to Miss Rachel Cook.

May 18, 1841


Married in Randolph county, on the 6th inst., Mr. William Gardner, to

Miss Penelope N. Hill.


Died in Guilford county, on Thursday the 13th inst., of consumption,

Elizabeth Tharpe, wife of Noah Tharpe, about the 34th year of her age.

May 25, 1841


Married on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Wm. B. Dawson, the Rev. John

Hinds, originally of Overton co., Tenn., to Miss Rhoda Webb of Guilford

county, N.C. daughter of Meredith and Rachel Webb, deceased of


June 8, 1841


Died in this county, on Tuesday the 1st inst., Henry Hendricks, in the

78th year of his age.

On last Saturday, in this place, Charles Bland, after an illness of two


On last Saturday, Absalom H., infant son of Hosea Holder.

June 15, 1841


Died in this vicinity, on Thursday the 10th, Mary, wife of Mr. John F.


June 22, 1841


Died in this vicinity, on Monday the 14th inst., Sarah Jane, daughter

of Christopher and Sarah Hiatt. The deceased was in her 18th year.

At his residence in Orange county on Friday, 11th inst., Henry

Brannock, Sr., in the 84th year of his age.

July 6, 1841


Married on the 29th ult., at Clemmonsville, DavidsonCounty, Gen.

Dalton, of Madison, RockinghamCounty, to Miss Sarah I., daughter of

John Clemmons, Esq., of the former place.


Died suddenly in PasquotankCounty, at the residence of Dr. Richard H.

Ramsay, on the 19th ult., Dr. William H. Williams of Raleigh.

July 13, 1841


Died in Ashborough, on Thursday, the 8th inst., Marilla Winborne, widow

of the late David Winborne, of Guilford, in the 72nd year of age.

July 20, 1841


Married on Thursday, the 15th by the Rev. Joseph Murray, Mr. Joseph J.

Trollinger, Jr., to Miss Nancy M. Tarpley, all of Orange county.

July 27, 1841


Married in this county, on the 15th inst., Mr. John Glass, aged 70

years, to Miss Jane Coble, 27 years old.

August 3, 1841


Died at Salem, Indiana, on the 23rd of June, in the 41st year of her

age, Anna Starbuck, consort of Benjamin Starbuck, and daughter of

William Gardner, of Stokes, N. Carolina

At Kernersville, Stokes county, on the morning of the 21st ult.,

Adolphus Jefferson, infant son of Andrew J. Folger, aged 8 months.

In this county on Thursday the 29th ult., George Franklin, infant son

of George and Keziah Swain, in the 6th year of his age.

In this town, on the 26th ult., James Daniel Webster, infant son of

Andrew Weatherly.

Also on the 28th ult., an infant son of David Scott.

August 17, 1841


In Davie county, on the 10th instant, by the Rev. H. H. Tippett, Mr.

William M. McElroy, late of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, to Miss

Rachel C. Oakes, of Davie.


In this place, on Sunday morning last Catherine S. infant daughter of

Joseph A. and Martha McLean.

Also, on the 9th inst., Margaret Eliza, daughter of Robert T. and

Zillah Woodburn, in the 4th year of her age.

In this county, on the 3rd inst., Jos. Rankin, sen., at an advance age.

At the White Sulphur Springs, Va., on Friday the 16th inst., John Dunn,

(of the firm Dunn, Mellwaine, & Browley, Petersburg, Va.) in the 37th

year of his age.

August 24, 1841


In this place, on Sunday morning last, Latham Donnell,

Also on the 17th inst., an infant daughter of Henry Boshamer.

August 31, 1841


On the 29th inst., by the Rev. John Hinds, Mr. Martin P. Wright to Miss

Mary Hopkins, daughter of Thomas Hopkins, all of Rockingham county.


In this place, on Saturday morning last, Jane S. McLean, wife of David

McLean, and daughter of John Paisley.

In RockinghamCounty, N. C. on the 11th inst., Thomas Searcy, aged 77


In this place on Tuesday morning the 24th inst., of congestive fever,

Miss Jane C. Johnston, daughter of Dr. William Johnston, of Lincoln

county, N. C. in the 18th year of her age.

September 14, 1841


At the residence of his son, in Caswell county, on Friday the 26th of

August, John Richmond, sen., in the 90th year of his age. He was a

soldier of the Revolution and through life a firm and loyal patriot.

In this county recently, at an advanced age, Mrs. Mebane, wife of

William Mebane.

In this county recently, Isaac Murphy.

Also, Arthur Sullivan.

September 21, 1841


In Georgetown, D. C., on Tuesday the 14th instant, by the Rev. John C.

Smith, of Washington, Mr. Robert G. Lindsay, of Greensborough, N. C. to

Miss Marianna P. Austin, of Georgetown.


In this county on the 30th ult., Elizabeth Jane, daughter of James

Miner, age 4 years and 7 months.

September 28, 1841


At Spring Hill, Wake county on Sunday 19th, of consumption, the Rev.

William S. Johnson, of the North Carolina Conference.

In Coffeeville, Miss., on the 1st Sept., of congestive fever, Jane

Carbry, wife of Thomas Carbry, formerly of this place.

In Coffeeville, Miss., on the 1st inst., William Kerr, formerly a

merchant in this place.

In this county, recently, Adam Mitchell, in the 75th year of his age.

On the 24th, Mrs. Wharton, wife of Newton Wharton.

On the 25th, Mrs. Hetrick, wife of Samuel Hetrick.

In this county, on Saturday last, John Hardin. Sen., at an advanced


October 5, 1841


In this county, on Sunday, the 3rd inst., John Swaim, Esq.

In this county, at the residence of his father, on the 30th day of

September, Joseph M. Causey, aged 23 years.

October 12, 1841


In this county, on Tuesday, the 5th of October, Milton A. Meredith

(only son of Jonathan Meredith,) in the 23rd year of his age.

In Deep River settlement, on Sunday the 3rd inst., at an advanced age,

William Lindsay, after a lingering illness.

In Davidson, on the morning of 6th instant, Mr. Zebulon Hunt-aged about

fifty-five years.

On the 5th inst., in Davidson county, Jacob Brummell, in the 78th year

of his age.

In the vicinity of this place, on Tuesday evening, the 5th inst., John

Mitchell, in the 69th year of his age.

In the county of Rockingham, N. C., on Monday morning the 27th ultimo,

after an illness of only 9 days, John Wyatt Studdlefield.

October 19, 1841


At Pittsborough, Chatham county, on Saturday morning last, Gov. John


At the residence of Dr. Hawkins, of Warren, William B. Meares, Esq., of

Wilmington of congestive fever, on the 10th or 11th inst.

In this county, on Wednesday the 13th, Anna Woodburn, consort of Robert

Woodburn, and daughter of Thomas McCuistin.

November 2, 1841


In Davidson county on the 26th inst., by the Rev. Ashley Swaim, Mr.

Peter Hasten of StokesCounty, to Miss Nancy, daughter of Asahel

Hedgecock, of the former county.


In this place on the 29th ult., Mrs. Reed, wife of Henry Reed.

In this county on the 27th ult., Rob't D. Gorrell.

Also in this county on the 29th, Geo. Nicks, Esq.

Recently in Lexington, John L. Hargrave.

November 9, 1841


In this county, on the 29th October, Jane Roberts, consort of John


In Somerville, Tennessee, on the 3rd ultimo, of typhus fever, William

McCollum, second son of Mr. levi McCollu, of Hillsborough, N. C. in the

18th year of his age.

On the 7th September last, in Gibson, countyIndiana, Mrs. Cornelia C.

Withrow, in the 16th year of her age.

November 30, 1841


At her residence in this county, on the 23rd inst., near 9 o'clock in

the morning, in the 53rd year of her age, Mrs. Nancy Donnell, wife of

Maj. Robert Donnell.

On the 27th of August last, in Ray county, Missouri, Miss Mary E.

Smith, aged as nearly as the writer can tell, about 21 years.

December 7, 1841


In Charlotte, N. C. on Tuesday evening the 30th ultimo, by the Rev. Mr.

Hall Morrison, Mr. John J. Blackwood, to MissLauraSprings, daughter

of the late Eli Springs.


In this vicinity, on Saturday last., Christopher Hyatt, Jun., youngest

son of Christopher and Sarah Hyatt-in the 23rd year of his age.

In this County on Saturday last, Jehu Hancock.

December 14, 1841


In Hillsboro, on the 1st inst., Benjamin C. Cook, Esq., of Granville,

to Miss Mary Jane Alsobrook, daughter of the late Samuel E. Alsobrook.

In Milton, on the 7th inst., William M. Brooks, M. D. to Miss Virginia,

daughter of Mr. John Ward.

December 28, 1841


In this place, on Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. E. W. Caruthers,

Mr. John R. Denny, to Miss Elizabeth McLean.

On Thursday evening last, in this county, Mr. Ammial G. Swaim to Miss

Rachel C. Newman.

On Tuesday 21, by S. G. coffin, esq., Mr. Wm. Henry Huntly, of Anson

county, to Miss Mary Maria Gardner, daughter of Abel Gardner, of this


On Tuesday 21, by Mordacai Mendenhall, esq., Mr. Robert English to Miss

Priscilla Picket, daughter of Jeremiah Picket.


In this place, on Tuesday morning the 21st inst., after a lingering

illness, Miss Martha Adams, daughter of the late Wm. Adams

Of pulmonary consumption, on the 12th instant, in the 22nd year of her

age, Miss Elvira Brummell, daughter of the late Jacob Brummell, Esq.,

of Davidson county.