College of Business Administration

MANA 5340: Strategic Human Resource Management

EMBA - Shanghai March 2007

Dr. David A. Mack Phone: 817-272-3085 Fax: 817-272-2590

701 S. West St. Rm. 302 Email:

Arlington, Texas 76019-0377 Web Site:

Description of course: It is arguable that “human” resources are the most important ones for the achievement of an organization’s goals and objectives. The purpose of this course is to examine key topics of interest in the area of human resource management. Although there are many challenges that any manager faces, often the most critical and demanding ones are those that involve people. In light of this, the course will explore topics that emphasize people management issues. Topics will include, but not be limited to: HR planning, recruiting, selection and hiring, diversity, leadership, training, employment relationships, salary administration, job design, and performance management. The intent of the course is for the participant to come away with a deeper understanding of the critical importance that human resources management has to the individual and to the organization. Assigned readings, case studies, discussions, and interactive lecture will be used to explore the subject matter and class preparation, attendance, and participation are crucial elements to the participant's success.

Text: Jeffrey A. Mello, Strategic Human Resource Management, 2nd edition (Southwestern-Thomson Learning, 2006). Web site,


Harvard Business School

·  Slaughter, Everatt and Xiaojun, Intel in China Product#: 99C007

·  Gittell and O’Reilly, Jet Blue Always: Starting from Scratch Product#: 801354

·  Heckscher and Holland, The Portman Hotel Company Product#: 489104

·  Roberts, Johnsonville Foods Product#: 393046

·  Francesco and Chen, Organizational Transformation in a Taiwanese Company Product#: 99C035

·  Fulmer, Gibbs and Goldsmith, Developing Leaders: How Winning Companies Keep On Winning Product#: SMR055

·  Hardymon and Leamon, The Perfect CEO Product#: 805156

·  O'Reilly and Caldwell, Cypress Semiconductors (A): Vision, Values, and Killer Software Product#: HR8A

·  Burton, DeLong and Lawrence, Morgan Stanley: Becoming a "One-Firm Firm" Product#: 400043

·  Wong and Wong, Hayco Manufacturing Ltd.: Staff Welfare at the Shenzhen Factory Product#: HKU317

Richard Ivey School of Business

·  Gleave and Golden, Five Star Beer – Pay for Performance Product# 9A98c004

Harvard cases can be purchased at the educational rate from Harvard Business School Publishing. Contact information:

Phone: 1-800-545-7685 or 617-783-7600 (outside U.S. and Canada)

Fax: 617-783-7666



Mail: Harvard Business School Publishing

60 Harvard Way

Boston, MA 02163

Ivey cases can be purchased from Ivey Publishing, Richard Ivey School of Business. Contact information is as follows:

Phone: 519-661-3208 or 1-800-649-6355 (in Canada and U.S.)

Fax: 519-661-3882



Mail: Ivey Publishing

C/o Richard Ivey School of Business

The University of Western Ontario

London, Ontario

Canada NGA 3K7

Course grading:

Quizzes – 50%

Participation – 10%

Final Case Analysis – 40%

We are going to be covering a large amount of information in a relatively short time frame during this course. The student will have the opportunity to learn from the readings, lecture and, perhaps most importantly, class discussions of the chapters, readings and cases. Therefore, on-time attendance is of paramount importance. There will be three quizzes covering the chapters, readings and the cases that we will discuss in class. The quizzes will account for 50% of your grade and only the average of your best two quiz scores will be counted. Make up quizzes will not be permitted without prior discussion and permission from the instructor, and even then only in extreme cases.

Group Interaction: The ability to work in groups is an essential part of this course. The class will be divided into small groups, and we will normally have a group discussion/exercise at some time during each day. You will work with the same group throughout the course. At the end of the course you will be evaluated by your fellow group members on both the quality and quantity of your participation. This evaluation combined with the instructor's evaluation of your class room participation will account for 10% of your final grade.

The “Final Exam” will be based on a case that will be asiigned to you on the last day of class. A formal, written analysis of your group’s case will be submitted to the instructor, via email, by a date we agree to in class. Quality of the analysis and recommendations, as well as the appearance (spelling, grammar, etc.) of the paper will be considered for the grade. Each student in the group will receive the same grade for the final case analysis, unless there is evidence that one or more group members did not fully participate. This accounts for 40% of your overall grade.

The class will be a mixture of lecture, discussion, and group activities. It is important that each of you take an active part in the class at each meeting. You are responsible for reading the appropriate chapters and readings in the text as well as preparing the cases prior to the day in which they will be discussed. Each case will have a “Case Assignment Sheet” that will help you focus your analysis (note: there are no assignment sheets for “Developing Leaders: How Winning Companies Keep On Winning” or “The Perfect CEO”). The following schedule is intended to be a rough estimate of how the class will progress.


Text: Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4; Readings: 1.3, 2.3, 3.2, 4.3

Cases: Jet Blue; Organizational Transformation in Taiwanese Company


Quiz #1

Text: Chapters: 5, 6, 8; Readings: 6.3, 8.3

Cases: Developing Leaders; Perfect CEO; Johnsonville Foods


Quiz #2

Text: Chapters: 9, 10, 11; Readings: 9.1, 10.2. 11.3

Cases: Morgan Stanley; Cypress Semiconductor; Five Star Beer


Quiz #3

Text: Chapters: 13, 14; Readings: 13.1, 14.3

Cases: Hayco Manufacturing; Intel in China

Final Exam assignment and discussion – The Portman Hotel Company