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Community / Code No / Applicant / Recommendation / Page No
BRO / P/ 2004/1372 / Mr & Mrs Williams / REFUSE / 3 - 6
COE / P/ 2004/1389 / Rofft Developments Ltd / GRANT / 7 - 8
SES / P/ 2004/1407 / Mr & Mrs A E & C Stead / REFUSE / 9 - 10
WRC / P/ 2004/1422 / Gordon Mytton Developments / GRANT / 11 - 14
PEN / P/ 2004/1445 / Hayan Williams / REFUSE / 15 - 18
BAN / P/ 2004/1462 / Mr Marshall H Humphreys / GRANT / 19 - 23
LLA / P/ 2004/1467 / Mr Celal Acar / REFUSE / 24 - 26
GRE / P/ 2004/1491 / Mr Stephen Godfrey / GRANT / 27 - 29
WRC / P/ 2004/1500 / M J Davies / GRANT / 30 - 34
ROS / P/ 2004/1506 / Trail Walk / GRANT / 35 - 38
CEF / P/ 2004/1533 / Mrs Zoe Claire Zuran / REFUSE / 39 - 41
WRA / P/ 2004/1539 / Park Avenue Properties / REFUSE / 42 - 45
GWE / P/ 2004/1541 / ADG
Mr G Derosa / GRANT / 46 - 49
WRR / P/ 2004/1549 / Mr & Mrs A Williams / GRANT / 50 - 52
RHO / P/ 2004/1563 / Mr C Griffiths / GRANT / 53 - 58
CHI / P/ 2004/1564 / David Terence Jones / GRANT / 59 - 62
GRE / P/ 2004/1575 / Wrexham County Borough Council / GRANT / 63 - 64
BRO / P/ 2004/1597 / Bowen Son & Watson / GRANT / 65 - 68
GRE / P/ 2004/1604 / Vodafone Ltd / GRANT / 69 - 72
BRY / P/ 2004/1618 / Mr P Beech / REFUSE / 73 - 76
WRC / P/ 2004/1642 / Mrs T M Blower / GRANT / 77 - 79
RHO / P/ 2005/0029 / Landmark Building / GRANT / 80 - 81

Total Number of Applications - 22

All plans included in this report are re-produced from Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. Ó Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.

WCBC Licence No. LA0902IL

All plans are intended to be illustrative only and should be used only to identify the location of the proposal and the surrounding features. The scale of the plans will vary. Full details may be viewed on the case files.

P/2004 /1372
Bryn Cefn / LOCATION:
Land Adjacent To The Poplars Green Road Brymbo Wrexham
Outline application to erect 1 No. dwelling and alteration to existing vehicular access
Mr & Mrs Williams / DATE RECEIVED:
Mr & Mrs Williams



The site is located on the west side of Green Road. The site is level to the road, and then slopes down towards the western boundary. Part of the site is used as a vehicular access for The Poplars. The site is located opposite some residential properties, which are slightly elevated to the road, and is adjacent to the recently constructed dwelling called The Siskins.


As above. The application is for outline planning permission with all detailed matters reserved for further approval.


6/19337 Residential development and construction of new vehicular and pedestrian access. Granted 8.7.91 (Outline planning permission with all details reserved. The permission expired in 1994)

CB 330 Residential development and construction of new vehicular and pedestrian access. Granted 26.9.96 (Outline planning permission with all details reserved for further approval. The permission expired Sept 1999).

P/2000/0008 Residential development (two dwellings) and construction of new vehicular and pedestrian access. Withdrawn 1.2.00

For the adjacent site – The Siskins

6/22328 Erection of new dwelling and garage. Granted 17.6.94. Work started on this house in 1995 (first inspection – Building Control) and was not completed until 2000.


The site lies within the settlement limits as defined in the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan. Policies PS1, PS1, PS3, H2, GDP1 and T8 are relevant, and the Council’s adopted Local Planning Guidance Note No. 21: Space Around Dwellings. (Adopted March 2001).


Community Council: Consulted 21.10.04

Local Member: requests application be reported to committee

Highways: Green Road is unclassified, and is subject to a 30mph speed limit. Visibility from a central access would be 2.4m x 26m to the north, and 2.4m x 16.5m to the south. These splays would not comply with TAN 18 requirements, and the application cannot be supported.

Site Notice: Expired 17.11.04

Other Representations: 5 neighbours notified, and 1 letter received raising the following:

  1. Local Planning Guidance Note No 21 states that the residents of existing houses should not be unduly affected by the development.
  2. Where direct overlooking is physically possible, the windows should be 22m apart.
  3. There should be visibility of 90m in each direction with unobstructed view at 1.05m, and this cannot be achieved.
  4. The applicants objected to the same development in 2000 on ground of visibility, invasion of privacy and increased volume of traffic, and are therefore well aware of the issues.


Policy: The site is within the settlement limits, and therefore the principle of residential development is acceptable subject to policy GDP1 of the UDP.

Relationship to adjacent property: The application site is adjacent to The Siskins, and this property was completed in 2000, and the amenities for the occupants of this property must be considered if a development is allowed for the application site. In order to achieve the Council’s adopted amenity separation standards, the position of the new dwelling would need to be located at least 13m from the rear elevation of this property. This 13m separation distance would cover more than half the width of the application site – leaving a very narrow strip of land measuring less than 6m. There are also properties opposite the site, and these are elevated from the road by at least 1m in relation. Therefore the amenity separation distance from the front of these properties would need to be at least 24m. This would push the siting of any proposed dwelling a long distance back from the road, and the dwelling would be tight up against the western boundary of the site, and there are also steep ground levels to consider. In the absence of a detailed scheme, it is unclear how a dwelling can be designed to meet the Council’s adopted standards.

To site a dwelling well back from the road frontage is not consistent with the character of the area.

Access: Highways have concerns about the means of access to the site because the access would have substandard visibility. Although there is an existing access, the proposal would either lead to the intensification of use of a substandard access, or it will generate the need for more on-street parking. Either scenario would not be conducive to highway safety at this location, and therefore I have highway concerns regarding the development.

It should be noted that visibility towards the north cannot be improved across the frontage of The Poplars because this dwelling is located immediately adjacent to the road. In the other direction, a view is required across the frontage of The Siskins, and there is no third party agreement for the applicant to have a view across their land. As a result visibility is very substandard in accordance with TAN 18.

Green Road is very narrow at this location, and widening of the highway across the road frontage of the site would have no benefit because the width of the site is very small. Whilst the applicant’s property has a separate access on the other side of the property, this is not suitable for use as access for the existing property. The driveway is very steep, and is not suitable for modern day usage.

Other Developments: There are other outline planning permissions for residential development near to the site, but I do not consider that these justify the proposed development.

Planning permission P/2003/1140 (land adjoining Glyn Heulog, Halcog) includes a number of highway safety conditions, and ensures that adequate visibility will be provided for this section of Green Road. It is also proposed that a footway will be

included as part of the proposals. The provision of a footpath for the proposed development would be of limited benefit because the width of the application site is of limited width.

Previous History: It is noted that planning permission for the site had been previously granted for a residential development. This permission expired some 5 years ago, and since that time LPG Note 21 was adopted. It is also noted that The Siskins was only completed in 2000, and this development is a material factor because the impact of this development can be fully assessed in relation to application site.

Conclusion: The principle of the proposed development will have an adverse impact upon the area, and will be contrary to the policy GDP1 of the UDP.

P/2004 /1372



1. The development proposed would be unsatisfactory and undesirable having regard to its close proximity to nearby residential property. To allow the development would not allow suitable amenity distances between existing and the proposed dwelling, contrary to Policy GDP1 (a) of the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan and adopted Local Planning Guidance Note 21: Space Around Dwellings.

2. The development proposed would be unsatisfactory and undesirable having regard to either the increased use of a substandard vehicular access for use by the occupants of the new dwelling and The Poplars, or the proposed loss of off-street parking facilities for The Poplars which would lead to on-street parking problems along Green Road. To allow the development would be contrary to Policy GDP1 (d) and T8 of the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan.


P/2004 /1389
Coedpoeth / LOCATION:
Bryn Awelon Nant Road Coedpoeth Wrexham
Variation of Condition No. 10 of planning permission Code No. P/2003/0187 regarding removal of trees (in retrospect)
Rofft Developments Ltd / DATE RECEIVED:
M J Higgins


P/2004 /1389


Residential development site off the western side of Penygelli Road, Coedpoeth. Tree planting and new hedgerow will be on the far western boundary of the site.


As above.


P/2003/0187 Grant of planning permission – residential development – 07.10.03.


Within settlement limit. Policy GDP1 of the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan refers.


Community Council: Consulted 25.10.04

Local Member: Notified 25.10.04

Other Representations: Concern that other existing boundary landscaping will be removed.

Site Notice: Expired 30.11.04


Background: Planning Condition 10 of the grant of planning permission P/2004/1389 protected trees and boundary hedgerows. Two ‘split forked’ sycamores have been removed in breach of that condition and this application retrospectively seeks consent for the removal and the replacement with two Mountain Ash trees and additionally proposes a new section of mixed holly and hawthorn hedge to compliment existing hedging either side.

Whilst I appreciate removal contravened the planning condition, the condition does exist to protect existing landscaping. I will add a note to the applicant highlighting the consequences of further removal of landscaping.

Loss of Trees: The trees lost were not of particularly high quality and the replacement trees will be more sympathetic to that location. The trees and the additional hedging will provide an enhancement generally to that section of the site boundary and will benefit both existing occupiers to the rear of the new development and future occupiers of the new housing.



1. The replacement trees and proposed new hedging indicated on the submitted plan shall be planted in accordance with the approved planting specification within the November 2004 to March 2005 planting season. The precise location of the planting shall be agreed, in writing, with the Local Planning Authority, prior to commencement of the planting. The trees and hedging shall be maintained thereafter unless otherwise previously agreed, in writing, with the Local Planning Authority.


1. To ensure landscape features are properly considered and protected.


You are reminded that a planning condition protects existing landscaping and the Council would be likely to pursue Enforcement Action in the event of further loss of existing landscaping.


P/2004 /1407
Marchwiel / LOCATION:
8 Fern Close Cross Lanes Marchwiel
Morning room extension
Mr & Mrs A E & C Stead / DATE RECEIVED:
G Raymond Jones & Associates
Mr M Davies



Converted listed barn within the curtilage of Bedwell Hall, located off the eastern side of Bedwell Road.

Rear elevation of the building faces towards the watercourse which runs along the boundary.


As above.


P/2000/940 Alterations to Bedwell Hall, change of use of three adjacent redundant farm buildings, demolition of existing dwelling and erection of new dwelling. Granted on appeal – 06.11.01.

P/2000/941 Listed Building Consent for alterations/change of use of adjacent redundant farm buildings to residential use and demolition of existing dwelling. Consent granted 28.06.01.


Within settlement limit and a listed building. Policies GDP1 and EC9 of the Wrexham Unitary Development Plan refer.


Community Council: Supports the application on basis size is acceptable and not overly intrusive.

Local Member: Notified 26.10.04

Other Representations: Consulted 16.11.04

Site Notice: Expired 03.12.04


Background: Planning permission and listed building consent was granted for the ancillary buildings to Bedwell Hall for residential conversion in 2001.