Elk River Lutheran Church October Council Meeting Minutes

On Nov 17th, 2015 the ERLC Council meeting was called to order at 7:10pm by Kim Hauger

Present: Adam Horner, Erin Roppe, Betty Zehringer, Kim Hauger (via phone), Diana Schansberg, Shane Austvold, Jim Klein, Diane Harding, and Pastor Michelene, Brad Tesdahl and Greg Pouilot

Kim Hauger led devotion from Jesus Calling

Review and discussion of ERLC Council Minutes from October 20, 2015.

·  Motion by Diana Schansburg to approved October 20th ERLC Council Meeting minutes, seconded by Betty Zehringer. Approved by all. Motion Passed

Finance Report led by Diane Harding. Diane reviewed and presented ERLC Profit/Loss Statement for Oct 2015 and Profit/Loss Jan-November 2015.

·  Motion by Shane Austvold to approve Finance Report, seconded by Diana Schansberg. Approved by all. Motion Passed

Action Items:

Update led by Erin Roppe on new signage design for northeast sanctuary windows: Meyers Printing will create new signs advertising ERLC Worship Times when production allows—currently they are quite busy due to up-coming Holiday Season.

ERLC Member offered to donate US Flag for ERLC to display outdoors. Discussion brought to light US Flag etiquette requirements. Request 2-3 volunteers to be responsible for ERLC Flag will be advertised in bulletin.

Discussion on adding a shower in the ERLC lower level for use by Open Doors. ERLC was offered a $250 donation to go towards a shower. What is the total expense? City Approval? Liability? Tabled further discussion and referred this item to Facilities Team to explore further.

Discussion of ERLC Member Funeral Fees. Document handed out listing the current fees for a Funeral at ERLC for Members and Non-Members.

·  Motion by Diana Schansberg to eliminate ERLC Funeral fees for ERLC Members and list the non-member fee at $200 plus with bulletin and music fees at cost, seconded by Greg Pouilot. All approved. Motion passed

Discussion on ERLC Facility usage by Elk River High School Band on Feb 19 and 20th, 2016 for a Waffle Fundraiser with out being charged usage fee

·  Motion by Joe Livingston to grant usage of ERLC Community Room at no charge for a Waffle Fundraiser on Feb 19 and 20, 2016 if there is not a conflict. Seconded by Shane Austvold. All approved. Motion Passed.

Mission Update:

Stewardship Committee and Finance working closely developing Steward ship promotion and commitment cards that include asking for $ and volunteering. 2016 will include a year long focus on Stewardship and what does it mean to be a Disciple?

Focused Discussion:

Discussion led by Pastor Michelene on Survey that Council completed last month.

Call Committee Update: person considering whether to be the final candidate is still interest, financials have been communicated. We ask all of ERLC to pray for Call Committee and this prospective candidate.

Closing with Lord’s Prayer and the meeting was adjourned by President Hauger at 8:51 pm

Submitted by Brad Tesdahl