WEEK 39: 25/09/2017 to 01/10/2017

Forms, reports and schedules / <1 second / 1-5 seconds / 5-10 seconds / >10 seconds / Total Transmissions
as / 110 / 1903 / 645 / 270 / 2928
ctr / 251 / 6419 / 313 / 400 / 7383
cureladd / 85 / 8387 / 5463 / 4206 / 18141
cureldelete / 2 / 13 / 5 / 20
curnn / 10 / 13 / 2 / 1 / 26
ELStagFormat / 2402 / 2402
fbt / 3 / 208 / 16 / 14 / 241
fitr / 1 / 1
fter / 7 / 1 / 8
grpt / 430 / 430
iitr / 1895 / 88373 / 8648 / 5705 / 104621
odrpt / 16 / 10 / 4 / 30
ptr / 98 / 2858 / 164 / 147 / 3267
smsfar / 67 / 1791 / 86 / 147 / 2091
trt / 244 / 5418 / 255 / 274 / 6191

Forms, reports and schedules / <1 second / 1-5 seconds / 5-10 seconds / >10 seconds / Total Transmissions
fvsg / 376 / 2 / 378
fvsu / 19 / 10 / 29
smat2 / 3399 / 33349 / 3665 / 2821 / 43234
stic / 11296 / 200130 / 10765 / 7656 / 229847

Forms, reports and schedules / <1 second / 1-5 seconds / 5-10 seconds / >10 seconds / Total Transmissions
as / 34 / 86 / 4 / 1 / 125
cgnft / 35 / 1 / 36
ctr / 8 / 1017 / 134 / 48 / 1207
cuaddr / 134 / 1 / 135
cudtl / 85 / 85
cureladd / 92 / 11 / 4 / 107
cureldelete / 79 / 10 / 6 / 95
curnn / 93 / 11 / 6 / 110
ELStagFormat / 43 / 43
fbt / 26 / 646 / 19 / 1 / 692
fter / 126 / 1 / 127
grpt / 143 / 143
iee / 220 / 9 / 229
iitr / 20 / 1079 / 476 / 71 / 1646
odrpt / 294 / 25 / 12 / 331
ptr / 784 / 110 / 1 / 895
smsfar / 803 / 61 / 16 / 880
trt / 833 / 95 / 27 / 955
trustannualreport / 181 / 181
trusttfnreport / 141 / 6 / 147

Forms, reports and schedules / <1 second / 1-5 seconds / 5-10 seconds / >10 seconds / Total Transmissions
etic / 2 / 2
fvsg / 259 / 259
fvsl / 4 / 4
fvsu / 1 / 80 / 81
smat2 / 21 / 650 / 237 / 6 / 914
stic / 248 / 10998 / 421 / 182 / 11849

Forms, reports and schedules / <1 second / 1-5 seconds / 5-10 seconds / >10 seconds / Total Transactions
as / 19463 / 3597 / 4404 / 2200 / 29664
ctr / 2290 / 196 / 80 / 291 / 2857
fbt / 13 / 5 / 26 / 2 / 46
fitr / 835 / 22 / 13 / 1 / 871
ps / 1803 / 246 / 110 / 126 / 2285
ptr / 579 / 33 / 21 / 82 / 715
smsfar / 5772 / 222 / 229 / 389 / 6612
tfnd / 16121 / 525 / 227 / 731 / 17604
tpar / 140 / 65 / 26 / 21 / 252
trt / 1661 / 110 / 53 / 202 / 2026

Forms, reports and schedules / <1 second / 1-5 seconds / 5-10 seconds / >10 seconds / Total Transactions
etic / 2 / 2
stic / 106 / 8 / 13 / 26 / 153
Forms, reports and schedules / <1 second / 1-5 seconds / 5-10 seconds / >10 seconds / Total Transactions
as / 3070 / 596 / 2 / 114 / 3782
ctr / 1889 / 174 / 55 / 72 / 2190
fbt / 560 / 196 / 10 / 257 / 1023
fitr / 1432 / 20 / 29 / 37 / 1518
fter / 17 / 25 / 42
iee / 639 / 17 / 12 / 28 / 696
ps / 1200 / 98 / 10 / 254 / 1562
ptr / 150 / 35 / 12 / 21 / 218
smsfar / 805 / 39 / 5 / 8 / 857
tfnd / 528 / 481 / 21 / 315 / 1345
trt / 1304 / 65 / 5 / 36 / 1410
Forms, reports and schedules / <1 second / 1-5 seconds / 5-10 seconds / >10 seconds / Total Transactions
etic / 2 / 2

Standard terms and abbreviations

acclst / account list
as / activity statement
cgnft / consolidated groups notification of formation and member entrance / exit schedule
ctr / company tax return
cuaddr / client update address
cudtl / client update details
cuec / client update electronic contact details
cufi / client manage financial institution details
cureladd / client update manage activity statement role - add
cureldelete / client update manage activity statement role - delete
curnn / client update return not necessary
dis / dividend and interest schedule
elstagformat / electronic lodgment service tagged format
etic / employerTick
ATO SBR1 / Production Environment for SBR1
ATO SBR1 EVTE / External Vendor Test Environment for SBR1
ATO SBR2 EVTE Cloud / Cloud based External Vendor Test Environment for SBR2 ebMS3
ATO SBR2 / Production Environment for SBR2 ebMS3
ATO SBR2 Cloud / Cloud based Production Environment for SBR2 ebMS3
fbt / fringe benefit tax return
fitr / fund income tax return
fter / family trust election, revocation or variation schedule
fvsg / fund validation service get
fvsl / fund validation service lodge
fvsu / fund validation service lodge super product
grpt / get report
iee / interposed entity election schedule
iitr / individual income tax return
itldgsts / Individual tax lodgment status
ldglst / lodgment list
odrpt / on demand report
ps / PAYG payment summary schedule
ptr / partnership tax return
smat2 / super match
smsfar / self managed super fund annual return
stic / superTick
tfnd / tax file number declaration
tpar / taxable payments annual report
trt / trust tax return
trtami / trust tax Return attribution managed investments
trustannualreport / annual report (closely held trust)
trusttfnreport / annual TFN report (closely held trust)

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