QA35 Appendix 2 Template 5
University of BathMinutes of Meeting
Faculty/School of XXXXXX Reserved Business
Meeting:Board of Examiners for Programmes (BEP) for continuing students. Semester XX (Academic Year) Undergraduate / Postgraduate Programmes
Date and Time:DATE, TIME
Present:Name (Chair)
In attendance:Name (Secretary)
Name (Independent Observer)
Apologies:Name, Name, Name
Notes regarding confidentiality
The University has identified seven categories of information which it will not routinely publish under the Freedom of Information Act. The following agenda items contain information about living individuals (including, but not limited to, members of staff, students or research subjects), the processing of which is covered by the Data Protection Act 1998.
Matters discussed and recommendations made during this meeting should be regarded as confidential and should not be revealed to students prior to the formal release of results.
1.0 / Introduction1.1 / Apologies, confirmation of quorum and welcome
1.2 / Declaration of possible conflicts of interest
1.3 / Chair’s Report
2.0 / Recommendations from Boards of Examiners for Units and Individual Mitigating Circumstance Panels
2.1 / The Board received recommendations and unit marks from the Board of Examiners for Units Include details and rationale for any scaling that had been applied.
2.2 / The Board noted that the minutes of the Boards of Examiners for Units held on XX confirmed that all assessments were carried out according to University Regulations and the University’s Quality Assurance Code of Practiceand that the finalised marks for individual unitswere an accurate reflection of the standards achieved by the students.
2.3 / The Chair reported that claims for individual mitigating circumstances had been considered by an IMC panel, which had met on XX and XXX. The Board noted that students whose claims had been accepted by the Panel were identified on the BEP report.
3.0 / Consideration of results
The Board considered the results of students on the following programmes of study:
3.1 / Consideration of Students with Mitigation
TheBoardnoted summary descriptions of the circumstances affecting those students with mitigation which had been provided by the IMC Panel. The Board discussedthelikely impact of IMCs on the performance of students with valid IMCs and the following decisions were made:
The outcomefor all IMC affected students must be recorded carefully noting the progression decision and the rationale for the decision.
3.2 / Consideration of students where the Board decision may differ from the suggested NFAAR outcome
The Board considered the appropriate outcomes for those students for whom, after consideration of NFAAR and its appendices and University regulations, it was necessary to change the suggested NFAAR outcome shown on the BEP report presented to the meeting. The following decisions were made:
In certain circumstances the suggested NFAAR outcome will need to be discussed by the Board and may need to be changed, for instance
- When a student has not yet taken trailing IMC-related assessments
- Where a student has already repeated a stage and is not allowed to repeat the stage again
- Where a student MAY be eligible for transfer to a DAP
- Where a student has not yet passed the Academic Integrity Test
- Where a student has indicated they wish to cease study and are eligible to leave with an exit award
3.3 / The Board agreed to recommend to the Board of Studies the progression recommendations as set out in the attached report.
XX – Pass and progress
XX – Reassessment
XX – Fail and repeat the year
XX – Fail and withdraw
4.0 / Award of Prizes
The Board agreed to recommend to Board of Studies that the following prizes should be awarded:
5.0 / Any other Business
I confirm that the preceding minutes and attached BEP report, which shows the agreed recommendations as processed in SAMIS, are an accurate record of the judgements and recommendations made by this Board of Examiners for Programmes.
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Chair, Board of Examiners for Programmes Date of confirmation
BEP Minutes of meeting (Continuing)
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