Newberry Elementary Supply List – 2010-2011

Grade / Supplies
First Grade / 2 sturdy pencil supply pouches (canvas) with zipper (Walmart/Target)
2 blue and 2 green sturdy vinyl folders with pockets and prongs
2 spiral notebooks 70 pgs. 4 Boxes of Crayola crayons 24 ct.
1 Fiskar scissors-round tip 1 Elmer’s school glue 4 oz. bottle
6 Elmer’s jumbo glue sticks 1 large box of Kleenex
1 package pencil top erasers 1 large backpack without wheels
1 First Grade tablets (available ONLY at Newberry bookstore)
Boys only – 1 box quart size Zip lock bags and 1 container Clorox sanitizing wipes
Girls Only – 1 box gallon size Zip lock bags and 1 large bottle Germ-X hand sanitizer
*Please understand that we ask for specific items and brands because we have learned from experience what works and what does not. Thanks for your support!!
Second Grade / 2 D’Nealian Tablets (Grade 1 & 2 sold in Newberry’s Bookstore daily)
2 Reams of copy paper (500 sheet count 8x11; NO TYPING PAPER, PLEASE)
5 Spiral Notebooks (70 count) 2 Folders (green and blue)
1 Large glue stick 2 Boxes of Kleenex Tissue (large)
1 Pair of scissors (blunt) 1 Box of Crayons (16 count)
1 Package of #2 Pencils 1 Zippered pencil bag (large)
$20.00 for workbooks Clorox Wipes and Hand Sanitizer
Boys: 1 Box Gallon Ziploc Bags Girls: 1 Box Quart Ziploc Bags
**Individual Teachers may ask for a few additional items**
** Please, NO rolling backpacks. They are too large for the lockers. **
** Remember that supplies will need to be replenished throughout the year. **
Third Grade / 3 Black and White Composition Books, 100 Sheets (9 ¾ x 7 ½)
5 Pocket Folders with paper fasteners (assorted colors)
2 Five-Subject Spiral Notebook 1 Two-inch Three-Ring Binder
1 Package #2 Pencils 1 Box of Crayons (8-16 count)
1 Package Dry Erase Markers 3 Boxes Kleenex Facial Tissue (large)
3 Large Glue Sticks 2 Bottles of Hand Sanitizer
Scissors and Ruler 2 Packages Regular-lined Notebook Paper
Workbook Fee (Reading, Grammar, Math, Wordly Wise) will be announced
$10.00 Class T-Shirt Fee
** Remember that supplies will need to be replenished throughout the year. **
Fourth Grade / 1 box #2 yellow pencils (24 count)* 1 box crayons (24 count)
1 box colored pencils (12 count) 1 box washable markers (12 count)
Blunt scissors 2 spiral notebooks 70-page (wide rule)
1 large blue stick 2 family sixe boxes Kleenex facial tissue*
1 ream copy paper 1 package pencil cap erasers
8 plastic pocket folders with prongs 2 packages wide-rule loose leaf notebook paper*
1 package Dry Erase markers 2 large bottles Hand Sanitizer
1 box gallon size Ziplock bags Backpack/School Bag (no rolling backpack)
There will be a workbook fee.
*Supplies that will need to be replenished during the school year.
Fifth Grade / #2 Pencils Notebook Paper (Regular Ruled)
2 Boxes of Kleenex Markers, Crayons, or Colored Pencils
2 Glue Sticks (large) 2 Marble Composition Books
2 Two-inch Three Ring Binders 1 Package of Dividers with Tabs
1 Pack of Lined Index Cards (100 Count) 1 Package of Blue Pens
2 Reams of Copy Paper 1 Package of Dry Erase Markers
Clorox Wipes/ Lysol Wipes 1 Clean old sock
Hand Sanitizer 1 Pack of Highlighters
Instructional Resource
Patricia Williams / 12 #2 pencils 2 large boxes of Kleenex facial tissue
2 packages of notebook paper
2 packages anti-bacteria wipes (Lysol or Clorox)
Note: Some teachers may request additional items
** Backpacks must be able to fit in lockers. **
Rolling book bags, individual pencil sharpeners, & removable point pencils are NOT allowed due to safety, space and cleanliness issues.
Newberry uniforms: Shirts are white with collars; Bottoms are black, navy blue, and khaki. Jackets and sweaters that are worn during the day over the uniform for warmth must be one of the colors (solid) for bottoms or tops and may not have logos. Any outerwear that is not an approved uniform color must be hung in the student’s locker during the day.