Attorney Name:______

State bar number______

Office address: ______

Office phone number:______Office Fax number:______


______I have reviewed the current Plan for Appointment of Attorneys to Represent Indigent Defendants in Criminal Misdemeanor cases(“The Plan”) and affirm that I am qualified under “The Plan” to be appointed as counsel and accept the responsibilities associated with such appointments. (“The Plan” may be viewed at the website for the Texas Task Force on IndigentDefense-EllisCounty.)

______I am currently a licensed attorney in good standing with the State Bar of Texas and the Texas Supreme Court.

______I have not been the recipient of any public disciplinary action by the State Bar of Texas or any other attorney licensing authority in the last 3 years.

______I have a law office located in Ellis County, Texas that complies with the requirements of “The Plan”.

______I have a fax machine available to receive fax transmissions 24 hours a day.

______I have a minimum of 1 year active experience in criminal law involving court appearances and practice criminal law on a regular basis.

______I request my name be included on the list of attorneys eligible for court appointments in misdemeanor criminal cases in Ellis County, Texas.

______I currently have/maintain the minimum continuing legal or education requirements mandated by

“The Plan” and have attached proof of compliance with the requirements.

______I have complied with the reporting requirements of Article 26.04 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, including the

practice-time statement, for past appointments received from Ellis County, Texas. I will comply with all reporting

requirements, including Article 26.04(j)(4), with regard to any appointments that I receive in Ellis County, Texas.

______I agree to be compensated according to “The Plan.”

______I will make every reasonable effort to contact the defendant not later than the end of the first working day after the date on which I am appointed and will personally interview the defendant as soon as practicable after I am appointed. (Article 26.04 CCP)

______I will meet or exceed the minimum duties of appointed counsel as outlined in “The Plan.”

I do hereby file this application with the Judges hearing criminal misdemeanor cases in Ellis County, Texas in compliance with “The Plan.” I also certify that the information contained herein is true and correct.

Signed this ______day of______20___.


Attorney Signature

(rev’d 10/13)