Waubonsee Community College

English 102

Instructor: Jennifer Roy

Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Your annotated bibliography assignment is directly related to your argument essay. Both the annotated bibliography and the essay will be on the same topic; the bibliography will provide you with the knowledge base for an informed argument.

You will need to PRINT HARD COPIES of your sources! You will be turning these in with your argument essay. We will follow the same procedure (minus the annotated bib) with the final research paper. HIGHLIGHT or underline information you find useful and/or quotable for your bibliography as well as your argument essay.

Basic requirements:

Citations – Eight sources are required and must be legitimate and academic in nature. No personal blogs or individual’s personal websites. Whenever possible, academic journals should be your primary, go-to sources. Online sources are expected. Until we review in class the appropriate documentation style, be sure to collect all possible reference information and/or refer to the MLA cheat sheet. The new MLA requires the URL address.

Annotations – Each source should have a solid paragraph of annotation. This means a minimum of five, informative sentences (not opinions or review) about the information contained in the source that is RELEVANT to your topic. You are welcome to include quotations with their page numbers as it will help you greatly when writing the essay, however, quotations do not count toward the five sentence minimum requirement.

Format – This assignment requires the most updated MLA format (2016) for the citations. Sources must be listed in alphabetical order by the first word in the citation. Use a hanging indent for the citations, but do not indent your paragraph of annotation. Double space with one inch margins all around. This must be typed – NO HANDWRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Please use a standard font (Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri, etc.), size 12. See sample provided to know what your final copy should look like.

Evaluation criteria: (100 points total)

Format: 32 points (Correct MLA format, 4pts. per citation)

Annotations: 64 points (8 points per annotation)

Copies: 4 points (Include hard copies of each resource cited)