Building Arrays

I. Preparing (to plan for instruction)

·  Materials:

The Doorbell Rang, bags of buttons, pegboard with golf tees (or something else where they can build an array –ex. Square tiles), bags of teacher made cookies, chalk board and chalk, number cubes, graph paper, colored pencils, overhead projector and one transparency with an array and fact family, cookie sheet with teacher made cookies attached with Velcro, and toy trucks

II. Orienting (to establish purpose, build background, sustain motivation, and provide directions

· Anticipatory Set: The teacher will read the book The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins. The teacher will inform the students that they are about to learn a new way to multiply.

· Purpose: The teacher will say, “The purpose of this lesson is to add another quick and easy way to multiply the ways you have already learned. After this lesson, you will be able to tell how many desks are in a classroom without counting them one-by-one.”

· Connection to previous learning/Build background knowledge: The teacher will say, “We have already learned how to multiply by using repeated addition. I also know that we can multiply and divide by using equivalent sets. Today, we are going to rearrange those equivalent sets to form rows and columns.

III. Presenting (to use sequential direct instruction)

· Teaching Procedures:

· The teacher will say, “An array shows objects in rows and columns. The teacher will show an example of a row and column using cookies on a cookie sheet. (2 x 6 = 12)

· The teacher will use toy trucks to form equal groups in an equivalent set. The teacher will then model how to change the groups into an array.

· The teacher will use the overhead projector and the array transparency to explain how the students can create their fact family using arrays.

· The teacher will use the cookies on the cookie sheet to model several arrays, turning the cookie sheet 90º to demonstrate the commutative property.

· The teacher will remind the students of the commutative property making the creation of the fact families easier.

IV. Practicing and Summarizing (to reinforce and extend ideas)

·  Review:

·  Using pegboards and golf tees or square tiles, the teacher will ask the students to create an array and hold it up in the air when completed. (3 x 2 = 6)

·  The teacher will ask for volunteers to tell four number sentences for their array.

·  Using the peg board and tees the teacher will ask the students to create a group of tees at the top and an array of tees at the bottom of the peg board.

·  The teacher will ask for volunteers to explain the commutative property.

·  Guided practice:

·  The teacher will ask the students to get out their bag of cookies. She will write a number sentence on the board. Using a pegboard and tees, she will model how to construct the array.

·  The teacher will then give four number sentences for the array.

·  The teacher will instruct the students to get out their bag of buttons, using different number sentences on the board the teacher models the arrays on the peg board while the students work with their buttons. (3 x 6 = 18)

·  Independent Practice:

·  The teacher will pass out small number cubes, graph paper, and colored pencils.

·  Using large number cubes so the students can see, the teacher will instruct the students to roll the cubes ten times. Each time the cubes are rolled, they will multiply the numbers.

·  Using the number sentence, the students will create an array on the graph paper with the colored pencils.

·  The teacher will instruct the students to write four number sentences for each array drawn on the graph paper.

4 x 3 = 12

3 x 4 = 12

·  Summarizing:

·  The teacher will say, ”Today we learned a new and fun way to multiply by using arrays. We also learned about the commutative property and the fact families. I think we all had fun. When you go home today, notice in the parking lots that cars are sometimes parked in rows and columns. In addition, notice the egg cartons in your refrigerator are divided in rows and columns. Tomorrow we will share with each other some of our observations of arrays at home.”