Trash Can Book Report
Materials Needed:
- 1 small trash can
- 7 items that you can find at home or you created on your own that your character might throw away
- 7 paragraphs, one for each item that you put in your report, explaining how the item relates to your character and why they threw the object away. Put these on a separate piece of paper. The paragraphs must be in your best handwriting or typed.
- Lots and LOTS of Creativity- Be creative, have fun, but do not be silly
Directions: Pick a major character in your story. Think about the characters traits: their thoughts, actions, feelings, favorite things. Find 7 objects around your house (or create them) that the character might throw away. You will have to write/type one paragraph explaining how the object relates to the character and why they threw the object away.
For example:
Book= Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Item one: A crumpled up letter to Sirius
Explanation: Harry wrote to Sirius throughout the book to let him know how his training was going. He never wrote, “Dear Sirius,” he always called him, “Padfoot” which is why the letter in the trash says, “Dear Padfoot.” Harry had a difficult time trying to tell Sirius everything he wanted to without giving away Sirius’ location or identity. So, many of the letters Harry wrote, he had to tear up and write another draft if his letter wasn’t in code.
Other items that could be found in Harry Potter’s trash:
-A Bertie Bott’severy-flavor bean wrapper
-A chocolate frog card
-A love letter to Cho Chang
-Owl feathers from Hedwig
-His broken glasses
You will take each item out of the bag, read your corresponding paragraph(s) with the item and show it to the class.
**Your project will be graded on your analysis of the character and the selection of 7 items; the thought put into selecting each item; the content, spelling and grammar of the paragraphs; preparation and orderliness of the presentation; and creativity.**