
1 / USDOTNumber / Text8 / Official FMCSA registration number for all interstate motor carriers.
2 / RFCNumber / Text17 / TheMexicanGovernmentRegistrationCode
3 / Operating Authority Registration Type / VARCHAR 128 / OperatingAuthorityType
4 / Operating Authority Registration Status / VARCHAR 128 / OperatingAuthorityTypeStatus
  • Active
  • Revoked
  • Suspended

5 / Operating Authority Registration Status Date / Date / OperatingAuthorityTypeStatusDate
6 / Safety Registration Status / VARCHAR 128 / SafetyRegistrationStatus
  • Active
  • Revoked
  • Suspended

7 / Freight / Text1 / Y=YesN=No
8 / Passenger / Text1 / Y=Yes
9 / HouseHoldGoods / Text1 / Y=Yes
10 / PrivateCheck / Text1 / Y=Yes
11 / Enterprise Check / Text 1 / Y = Yes
N = No
12 / BIPD Required / Text 5 / Amount (in thousands zero filled)
13 / Cargo Required / Text 1 / Y = Yes
N = No
14 / Bond/Surety Required / Text 1 / Y = Yes
N = No
15 / BIPD on File / Text 5 / Amount (in thousands zero filled)
16 / Cargo on File / Text 1 / Y = Yes
N = No
17 / Bond/Surety on File / Text 1 / Y = Yes
N = No
18 / DBA Name / Text 120 / Doing Business as Name
19 / Legal Name / Text 120 / Legal Name
Business Address
20 / PO Box/Street / Text 50
21 / Colonia / Text 30
22 / City / Text 30
23 / State Code / Text 2
24 / Country Code / Text 2
25 / Zip Code / Text 10
26 / Telephone / Text 14 / IfonFile
27 / Fax / Text 14 / IfonFile
Mailing Address
28 / PO Box/Street / Text 50
29 / Colonia / Text 30
30 / City / Text 30
31 / State Code / Text 2
32 / Country Code / Text 2
33 / Zip Code / Text 10
34 / Telephone / Text 14 / IfonFile
35 / Fax / Text 14 / IfonFile


1 / USDOTNumber / Text8 / Official FMCSA registration number for all interstate motor carriers.
2 / Operation Type / Text 128 / Contains the 23 operating authority registration types, as well as Private Hazardous Materials Carriers and For-Hire Exempt Carriers
3 / InsuranceCompany / Text5 / InsuranceCompanyNumber-Uniquesequentialnumberassignedtoeachinsurancecompany
4 / AttentionToName / Text45 / Theindividualwherecorrespondenceisdirected
5 / CompanyName / Text45 / InsurerName
6 / POBox/Street / Text35
7 / City / Text30
8 / StateCode / Text2
9 / CountryCode / Text2
10 / ZipCode / Text10
11 / Telephone / Text16 / IfonFile(nnnnnnnnnnxeeeee)
12 / Fax / Text10 / IfonFile(nnnnnnnnnn)


1 / USDOTNumber / Text8 / Official FMCSA registration number for all interstate motor carriers.
2 / Operation Type / Text 128 / Contains the 23 operating authority registration types, as well as Private Hazardous Materials Carriers and For-Hire Exempt Carriers
3 / InsuranceCompany / Text5 / InsuranceCompanyNumber-Uniquesequentialnumberassignedtoeachinsurancecompany
4 / InsuranceType
Pleaseseenotebelow. / Text1 / 1=BI&PD
5 / BI&PDClass / Text1 / P=PrimaryE=Excess
6 / BI&PDMaximumLimit(companyshallnotbeliableforamountsinexcessof) / Text5 / ClassP,E(inthousands-leftzerofilled)
7 / BI&PDUnderlyingLimit / Text5 / ClassP=00000
8 / PolicyNumber / Text25
9 / EffectiveDate / Text10 / MM/DD/YYYY
10 / FormCode / Text3 / 34=Cargo



*Ifacarrierisincompliance,theamountofcoveragewillalwaysbeshownastherequiredFederalminimum ($5,000pervehicle,$10,000peroccurrenceforcargoinsurance,$75,000forbond/trustfundinsuranceforbrokersandfreightforwarders).Thecarriermayactuallyhavehigherlevelsofcoverage.



1 / USDOTNumber / Text8 / OfficialFMCSAregistrationnumberforallinterstatemotorcarriers.
2 / Operation Type / Text 128 / Contains the 23 operating authority registration types, as well as Private Hazardous Materials Carriers and For-Hire Exempt Carriers
3 / InsuranceTypeDescription / Text21 / Descriptionofinsuranceform/class
4 / InsuranceCompany / Text5 / InsuranceCompanyNumber-Uniquesequentialnumberassignedtoeachinsurancecompany
5 / NameCompany / Text45 / Insurername
6 / PolicyNumber / Text25
7 / PostedDate / Text10 / DateReceivedMM/DD/YYYY
8 / BI&PDUnderlyingLimit / Text5 / ClassP=00000
9 / BI&PDMaximumLimit(companyshallnotbeliableforamountsinexcessof) / Text5 / ClassP,E(inthousand-leftzerofilled)
10 / EffectiveDate / Text10 / MM/DD/YYYY
11 / CancelEffectiveDate / Text10 / MM/DD/YYYY



*Ifacarrierisincompliance,theamountofcoveragewillalwaysbeshownastherequiredFederalminimum ($5,000pervehicle,$10,000peroccurrenceforcargoinsurance,$75,000forbond/trustfundinsuranceforbrokersandfreightforwarders).Thecarriermayactuallyhavehigherlevelsofcoverage.


(File Name: AuthHist.txt)

1 / USDOTNumber / Text8 / OfficialFMCSAregistrationnumberforallinterstatemotorcarriers.
2 / Operating Authority Registration Type / VARCHAR 128 / OperatingAuthorityType
3 / Operating Authority Registration Status / VARCHAR 128 / OperatingAuthorityTypeStatus
  • Active
  • Revoked
  • Suspended

4 / Operating Authority Registration Status Date / Date / OperatingAuthorityTypeStatusDate


1 / USDOTNumber / Text8 / OfficialFMCSAregistrationnumberforallinterstatemotorcarriers.
2 / CompanyID / Text8 / BlanketCompanyNumber-Uniquenumberassignedtoeachcompany
3 / CompanyName / Text60 / ProcessAgentname
4 / AttentiontoorTitle / Text45 / Companycontact
5 / StreetorPOBox / Text35
6 / City / Text30
7 / State / Text2
8 / Country / Text3
9 / ZipCode / Text10
1 / USDOT Number / Text 8 / Official FMCSA registration number for all interstate motor carriers
2 / Operation Type / Text 128 / Contains the 23 operating authority registration types, as well as Private Hazardous Materials Carriers and For-Hire Exempt Carriers
3 / Form Code / Text 3 / 34 = Cargo
91, 91X = BI&PD
4 / CancelMethod / Text12
5 / CancelForm / Text6
6 / InsuranceType / Text1
7 / InsuranceTypeDescription / Text12
8 / PolicyNumber / Text25
9 / MinimumCoverageAmount / Text5
10 / InsuranceClassCode / Text1
11 / EffectiveDate / Text10
12 / UnderlyingLimitAmount / Text10
13 / MaxCoverageAmount / Text10
14 / CancelEffectiveDate / Text10
15 / CancelMethod / Text10
16 / InsurId / Text5 / Uniqueinsurancerecordnumber
17 / InsurBranch / Text2 / Insurancecompanybranchnumber
18 / CompanyName / Text45 / Insurancecompanyname

Note:ForFormCodes91,91Xand82(column3),theinsuranceamountsarecontainedincolumns12and13.ForForm Codes34,83,84and85theamountsdisplayedincolumns5and6willbe0,astheyarenotBI&PDpolicies.Thepresenceofthesepolicieswithinthisfileindicatecomplianceatthetimethesepolicieswereineffect.


*Ifacarrierisincompliance,theamountofcoveragewillalwaysbeshownastherequiredFederalminimum ($5,000pervehicle,$10,000peroccurrenceforcargoinsurance,$75,000forbond/trustfundinsuranceforbrokersandfreightforwarders).Thecarriermayactuallyhavehigherlevelsofcoverage.


1 / USDOT Number / Text 8 / Official FMCSA registration number for all interstate motor carriers
2 / Operation Type / Text 128 / Contains the 23 operating authority registration types, as well as Private Hazardous Materials Carriers and For-Hire Exempt Carriers
3 / Form Code / Text 3 / 34 = Cargo
91, 91X = BI&PD
82 = BI&PD
83 = Cargo
84 = Property Broker’s Surety Bond
85 = Property Broker’s Trust Fund Agreement
4 / InsuranceTypeDescription / Text12
5 / PolicyNumber / Text25
6 / ReceivedDate / Text10
7 / InsuranceClassCode / Text1
8 / CommentKey / Text1 / Blank=NoRejectedReason
9 / UnderlyingLimitAmount / Text10
10 / MaxCoverageAmount / Text10
11 / RejectedDate / Text10
12 / InsurId / Text5 / Uniqueinsurancerecordnumber
13 / InsurBranch / Text2 / Insurancecompanybranchnumber
14 / CompanyName / Text45 / Insurancecompanyname
15 / RejectedReason / Text300 / Uniqueinsurancerecordnumber
16 / MinimumCoverageAmount / Text5





1 / USDOT Number / Text 8 / Official FMCSA registration number for all interstate motor carriers
2 / Operation Type / Text 128 / Contains the 23 operating authority registration types, as well as Private Hazardous Materials Carriers and For-Hire Exempt Carriers
3 / Reason / Text 60
4 / EffectiveDate / Text 10

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