Cracking the AP HuGe Exam, Unit 7

Urban Geography Pages 359-398

  1. Central Place theory holds that ______


  1. ______of settlements also known as ______overlap one another at different ______
  2. Consumers are willing to travel ______distances for more services
  3. In 1920 German theorist ______showed that there is a hierarchy of ______
  4. Draw the picture and key on page 166 of the Concentric Zone Model
  1. Threshold is ______
  2. Range is ______
  3. Range is calculated in ______
  4. Agglomeration is ______
  5. Growth poles of Silicon Valley are ______
  6. Resource Nodes are ______
  7. Transport nodes are ______
  8. Clustered rural settlements are ______
  9. Dispersed rural settlements are ______
  10. Clustered settlements are typically found in ______and ______
  11. Dispersed rural settlements are found ______
  12. Examples of circular clustered settlements are in ______
  13. Examples of Linear settlements are in ______
  14. Site has to do with a place ______
  15. Situation has to do with a places relationship to ______
  16. Economic site factors include ______, ______and capitol that translate to how much land is developed, how educated the population is and ______
  17. The World Health Organization says that housing is important to human ______
  18. Urban models from the concentric zone model to the galactic city model represent ______steps along the way

24 Ernest Burgess created the ______in 1923 and it represented cities at the height of industrialization in ______

  1. Know the Zones:

Political Classification / Alternative Terms / Theoretical Classifications / Density Classes
  1. The highest density in all cities is always in ______
  2. The CBD always contains the PLV or ______
  3. In the Concentric Zone Model, the CBD is surrounded by an area of low density factories or warehouses. In deindustrialized countries, that zone is now ______
  4. Lower cost housing around the CBD has been upgrades in a process called ______
  5. Suburbs grew in the U.S. after ______
  6. Today in the U.S ______live in suburban areas, ______live in inner cities and only ______live in rural areas
  7. The outermost ring in the concentric zone model contains large ______
  8. Remember the cost to distance ratio is similar to VonThunen’s model

Sector Model

Sector Model was proposed by Homer Hoyt in 1939 and applied to cities in the ______

Draw the Model

  1. CBD is described as ______
  2. Industrial Corridor is described as ______
  3. Lower Class Housing is described as ______
  4. Middle Class Housing is described as ______
  5. Upper Class Housing is described as ______
  6. What is Charlotte’s Zone 5? ______

Multiple Nuclei Model

1945 Harris and Ullman developed this model to explain suburban business districts

  1. In the 70’s CBD’s began to ______
  2. In the 80’sans 90’s CBD’s began to become ______
  3. Where is Dulles? ______

Latin American City Model

  1. Important example of a ______
  2. List and Describe the 4 zones :
  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  1. The updated version of this model’s main additions are ______


  1. Squatter rings are often ______because of large influxes of people from rural areas
  2. Explain Suburbanization ______


  1. Explain effect of home mortgages ______


  1. Service relocation to the suburbs ______
  2. Sprawl ______


  1. ______concept was developed by Joel Garreau in 1991
  2. Tyson’s Corner is an Edge City to ______
  3. Describe the flowing :
  1. Colonial City______
  2. Fall-Line City______
  3. Medieval City ______
  4. Gateway City______
  5. Entrepot ______
  6. Megacities______
  7. Megolopolis ______
  8. World Cities ______
  9. Primate Cities ______

Know a t least a few you could discuss around the world

  1. Rank Size Rule says sizes of cities expand predictably according to the size of the city