
Name: Miles G. Logsdon

Address: School of Oceanography, Box 355351ph. (206) 543-5334
University of Washington fax (206) 543-0272
Seattle, WA 98195-5351 USA


Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OK Forest Ecology BS 1976

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater OKGeographyMS 1978

University of Washington, Seattle WAEnvironmental PlanningPh.D. 1997


2008 – Present Senior Lecturer, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

2001- 2008Research Assistant Professor, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

2000- 2001Faculty Lecturer, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

1997-2000Research Faculty, (Post-Doctoral) University of Washington, Seattle, WA

1993-1997Research Assistant, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

1990-1993Teaching Assistant, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

1989-1990Lab Curator, Remote Sensing Lab, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

1986-1989Planning Consultant, Hall & Associates, Seattle, WA

1979-1986Chief Planner, Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Dept., Oklahoma City, OK

1976-1979 Assistant Planner, Oklahoma Tourism & Recreation Dept., Oklahoma City, OK,


Harris, Karin, G. Scott, M.G. Logsdon, T. Klinger, (2012), “ Spatial Pattern Analysis of Cruise Ship-Humpback Whale Interactions in and near Glacier bay National Park, Alaska”. Environmental Management.Jan,49(1), 44-54.

Lander, Michelle M. G. Logsdon, T. R. Loughlin, G. R. VanBlaricom, .(2011), “Spatial Patterns and Scaling Behaviors of Stellar Sea Lion (Eumetopiasjubatus) Distributions and Their Environment)”.Journal of Theoretical Biology. Apr. 7,274(1),74-83

Lander, Michelle E., T. Loughlin, M. G. Logsdon, G. R. VanBlaricom, B. Fadely, L. W. Fritz. (2009), “Regional Differences in the Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity of Oceanographic Habitat Used by StellerSea Lions”.Ecological Application. Vol. 19, Issue 6, 1645-1659

Logsdon, Miles G., Robin Weeks, Milton Smith, Jeff Richey, Victoria Ballester, YosioShimabukoro (2005) Detection of Mesoscale seasonal and inter-annual Variation in Vegetation of the Amazon Basin. Earth Interaction (on-line), Volume 9, paper 25

Logsdon, M.G., E.J. Bell, and F.V. Westerlund (1996) Probability mapping of land use change: a GIS interface for visualizing transition probabilities. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 20(6), 389-398


Scullion, Jason, C.W. Thomas, K. Vogt, O. Perez-Maqueo, M. G. Logsdon, (2011) “Evaluating the Environmental Impact of Payments for Ecosystem Services: a Case Study of Coatepec, Mexico Using Remote Sensing and On-Site Interviews”. Environmental Conservation”. 38 (4), 426-434.

Lander, Michelle E., T. Loughlin, M. G. Logsdon, G. R. VanBlaricom, B. Fadely, B. Fadely. (2010), “Foraging effort of juvenile Steller sea Lions Eumetopiasjubatus with respect to heterogeneity of sea surface temperature”. Endangered Species Research. Vol. 10, 145-158. Online March 3, 2010

Laidre K.L., M.P. Heide-Jørgensen, M.G. Logsdon, L. Delwiche, T. G. Nielsen (2010) A whale of an opportunity: Examining the vertical structure of chlorophyll-a in high Arctic waters using instrumented marine predators, Marine Biology Research. 6:519-529.

Hauser, D.D.W., M.G. Logsdon, E.E. Holmes, G.R. VanBlaricom, R.W. Osborne. (2007), “Summer distribution patterns of Southern Resident killer whale (Orcinus orca): core areas and spatial segregation of social groups”. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Vol. 351:301-310.

Thanapakwin, P., J.E. Richey, D. Thomas, S.D.Rodda, B. Campbell, & M.G. Logsdon. (2007) Effects of land use change on the hydrologic regime of the Mae Chaem river basin, NW Thailand. Journal of Hydrology.Volume 334, Issues1-2, February, 215-230



  • Director of the School of Oceanography Spatial Analysis Laboratory, (2000 – present)
  • Chair, “College Coordinated Curriculum in GIS and Remote Sensing”, (2010 – present)
  • Delegate, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, (2004 – present)
  • Within last 2 years: Reviewer for Journal of Coastal Management, Restoration Ecology and Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
  • 2006, Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award, COFS-UW

COLLABORATORS last 48 months:

Dr. Karen Harris, University of Idaho
Dr. Randy Shuman, King County Environmental Lab
Dr. Tom Mumford (Washington Dept. of Ecology)
Dr. Leslie Sautter (College of Charleston)
Dr. Cheryl Greengrove (UW – Tacoma)

Ph.D ADVISOR:Dr. Frank L. Westerlund, University of Washington
Post-doctoral ADVISOR:Dr. Jeffery E. Richey, University of Washington

Graduate Students: (Logsdon has served as thesis advisor for over 20 undergraduates and on the committees of >40 graduate students)

Elaina Jorgensen (Ph.D., 2011, Oceanography, Chair)
David Finlayson (Ph.D., 2005, Oceanography, Chair)
Amanda Bradford (Ph.D., 2011, Fisheries)
Bruce Campbell, (Ph.D., 2010, Computer Science)

Phil Hurvitz, (Ph.D., 2010, Urban Planning)
Michelle Howard, (M.S., 2010, Geography, Univ. of Idaho)
Jill Coyle, (MMA, 2010, Marine Affairs)
Heather Whitney, (M.S., Oceanography, 2009)