Derby Licensed Premises Pool League (Mondays)

Derwent Valley Pool League (Thursdays)





(A)The competitions shall be known as DERBY LICENSED PREMISES POOL LEAGUE(DLPPL) and DERWENT VALLEY POOL LEAGUE (DVPL), which shall consist of such divisions playing 8-ball pool, according to such rules and regulations as lay down by the Management Committee and Constitution.

(B)All members’ teams should play from a designated venue of not more than 8 miles in any direction from Derby city centre.

(C)The Management Committee shall determine at their absolute discretion the composition and number of teams to play in the leagues and the authority for dividing the teams into respective divisions.

(D)All teams should ensure that their designated home pool table, and all such playing equipment, is of match standard. The Management Committee reserve the right to withdraw the membership of any team failing to comply with this rule.

(E)All matches to be played to Old EPA rules, as listed at On Thursday evenings only (DVPL) matches will include the “black ball nomination” rule whereby players ‘on’ the black ball must clearly nominate which pocket they intend to pot the black ball.

    The main object of the leagues shall be to promote the game of pool within the designated areaon a league basis, with the addition of cup competitions, as shall be determined by the Management Committee.

(A)The Officers of the Management Committee shall be Chair,Vice Chair, General Secretary, Treasurer andAssistant Secretary to be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Unelected positions, as nominated by the Management Committee, shall be Results Secretary(ies), Fixtures Secretary, Competitions Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, Press Officer and Head of Disciplinary.

(B)Retiring Officers shall be eligible to become candidates for re-election without nomination. All other candidates for election as Officers of the Management Committee shall be nominated to the General Secretary in writing (or via email), accompanied by a Proposer and Seconder, not later than September 30th in each year. Names of the candidates for election shall be circulated with the notice of the AGM. In the event of there being no nomination in accordance with the foregoing for any office, nominations may be received at the AGM.

(C)Should any office become vacant pre-AGM the General Secretary will either assume that position or co-opt any person in an acting role until the following AGM?

(D)The Management Committee shall meet at regular intervals to conduct business on behalf of the leagues. Details of such meetings will be posted online at and the relevant social network pages.

(E)Except where otherwise mentioned all communications shall be addressed to the General Secretary who shall conduct the correspondence of the leagues and keep a record of all proceedings.

(F)Management Committee officials may register for any team of their choice, however any one registered team may only have two Management Committee members.

(G)Should any situation arise that is not covered by the Constitution the decision of the Management Committee shall be final and binding.

(H)Once elected to the Management Committee neither the Management Committee nor individual Management Committee members have the power to make such decisions that are likely to violate the Constitution of the leagues or make such decisions that are detrimental to the well being of the leagues or its members. Such actions could mean immediate dismissal from the Management Committee.

(I)The Management Committee are empowered to seek and negotiate such finance/sponsorship/credits as may be required to the administration for the leagues and competitions, provided that any financial decisions are authorised by a majority vote of the Management Committee who may authorise individuals to act on its behalf.

  1. AGM/EGM

(A)The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held not later than October 31st in each year. At this meeting the leagues shall receive the minutes, adopt the Statement of Accounts, elect Officers, alternate rules (of which notice has been given) and issue the Secretary/Treasury Annual Reports.

(B)Any registered team can propose a motion to the AGM.All proposals must be submitted to the General Secretary at least 14 days before the scheduled AGM in writing, or via email, and must be accompanied by a Proposer and Seconder which must be from different registered teams.

(C)The Management Committee will advertise details of the AGM motions and proposals within 14 days of the AGM.

(D)The following people will be entitled to one vote each at an AGM: Team representative and all Management Committee Officers except the Chairman. In the event of a voting tie the Chairman shall have the casting vote. Proposals that would result to a change to the Constitution will need to be carried by a majority of votes present at the AGM.

(E)Any team not represented at the AGM, or any official meeting, will be deducted 5 points. Apologies will only be accepted under extreme circumstances after contact has been made with the General Secretary.

(F)Any Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) will be called only at the discretion of the Management Committee.


(A)The Management Committee reserve the right to refuse/amend membership to any team or individual if for any reason they consider granting, or continuing, a membership to an individual could be detrimental to the leagues.

(B)Players are expected to behave in a sportsmanlike manner at all matches under the jurisdiction of the leagues. Any person(s) registered as members of the leagues, who as a result of their actions whilst attending matches organised by the leagues, are guilty of bringing the game into disrepute will face disciplinary action.

(C)The Management Committee will nominate a Head of Disciplinary Officer who shall convene a Panel consisting of the main committee and two team captains who are totally neutral to any situation or issue that may arise. The decision of this Panel will be final and binding.

(D)Any complaints/appeals must in the first instance be made in writing, or via email, to the General Secretary within 48 hours of the relevant issue. Online contact can be made by email to or via the Contact tab at or

(E)Should an issue arise during a match the team representatives are required to contact the General Secretary immediately. This should only be during extreme circumstances. A full account if the issue(s) should then be forwarded to the General Secretary. As per Rule 5D.

(F)All league members have the right to appeal. Please see Rule 5D for details on how to follow the appeals procedure.


(A)Membership of the leagues shall be at the discretion of the Management Committee. Any team, and players, expelled from the league(s) in the current season are banned from entering for the following two seasons.

(B)Each team shall pay a joining fee as determined by the Management Committee. A list of fees shall be publicly published. A team shall not participate in any league or cup fixture until all fees are paid in full.

(C)Any team failing to fulfil a second fixture will be expelled with immediate effect. Any team withdrawing, or being expelled, from the leagues will have all their results removed from the relevant table.

(D)Players involved in the individual competitions will be removed in the event of their team being expelled or if their team withdraws it’s membership.


(A) Each team will be limited to a maximum of 15 players in any one season.

(B)A registration form must be filled in and handed in with the appropriate fee to the Treasurer or the General Secretary prior to the beginning of each season, any team that has not fulfilled the above will not bedeemed to play their first fixture. Subject to available places a team may sign on additional players on the date of matches up to, and including, the Final Registration date of the current season which will be publicly advertised by the Fixtures Secretary which is the half way stage.

(C)Once a player has played one game for a team he or she is then tied to that team for the remainder of the season unless a Transfer is permitted. Transfer of players per season will operate at a cost of £10. Transfer deadline is in the first 5 weeks of which the deadline date will be publicly advertised by the Fixtures Secretary. There are no more transfers after this time.

(D)If any team knowingly plays an illegal player the team captain will receive a two match ban. The offending team shall be deducted 5 points and any point or bonus points will be awarded to their opponents. The said illegal player will not be entitled to play further games until the following season. The said team can appeal against this decision by writing to the General Secretary.


(A)The Management Committee shall determine with which bank or other financial institution the funds of the leagues will be lodged.

(B)Accounts will be published publicly online at and Team representatives may view the Bank book at official meetings.

(C)All monies collected by league feesand sponsorship deals, advertising and knockout competitions will be backed up by an official invoice or receipt.

(D)Trophies and prize monies will be deducted from the league funds and any remaining balance will be carried forward to the next season.

(E)Any costs incurred for the running of the league will be deducted from the Accounts by request from the General Secretary to the Treasurer and at his discretion will authorise such payments.

(F)Any member of the Management Committee claiming any reasonable costs for the betterment of the leagues will be credited as per the Treasurers instructions.


(A)All team matches must be played using the correct official match sheets. These can be downloaded from the relevant league results sites at and Failure to use a correct match sheet will result in a 2 point deduction for the offending team. A correctly completed match sheet will include the Christian initial and full surname of each player, result of each frame, date and division/cup status and signature of team representatives.

(B)The Results Secretary must receive the correctly completed match sheet within 7 days of the date played. The winning team representative must respond to the SMS Alert within 24 hours.

(C)For team cup competitions players who have played in the first half of the season will be eligible for this season (consolation competitions excepted). Any team using an ineligible player(s) during a team cup match will be deducted any winning frames won by that player(s) and five points from the league table.

(D)Late team sheets and non-response to SMS Alerts will result in a 2 point deduction for that team for each offence.



(A)League and Cup matches will be played on a Monday with a start time of 8.45pm.

(B)Matches will consist of 5 Singles frames and 2 Doubles frames using a minimum of 5 players (Players may play a maximum of one Singles frame and One Doubles frame).

(C)Teams will be awarded one point for every frame won plus two bonus points for the winning team.

(D)Any team having fewer than 5 players will forfeit the 2nd (first Singles) frame. Any team using fewer than 4 players in a match will forfeit further frames, as per the team sheet.


(E)League matches will be played on a Thursday or by a date advertised in advance by the Fixtures Secretary. League and Cup matches must start by 8.45pm.

(F)League matches to consist of 7 Singles frames using a minimum of 5 players (Players may play a maximum of 2 frames, as drawn by the opposing team representative).

(G)Any team using fewer than 5 players will forfeit the 1st frame. Any team using fewer than 4 players will forfeit further frames, as per the team sheet.Frames are awarded in the beginning and not at the end.

(H)Teams will be awarded one point for every frame won plus two bonus points for the winning team.


Team Competitions: ALL teams will be entered into the relevant league Super Cup with teams eliminated in the Preliminary and First Rounds being entered into the consolation Premier Cup. Teams may not change cup match venues without permission from the Fixtures Secretary.

Note – Any team forfeiting, or failing to play, a Super Cup match will be denied entry into the Premier Cup.


(A)Cancellations are only allowed under exceptional circumstances.

(B)Any team found to have cancelled/postponed a match outside circumstances approved by the General Secretary will forfeit the match (as per Rule 6C).

(C)Postponed fixtures have to be played within 21 days of the original scheduled date, or by a date scheduled by the Fixtures Secretary.

(D)Postponed Games: The team which did not postpone the match will offer two dates in two separate weeks to their opponents, or via the Fixtures Secretary, to play the postponed match. If the team in question fails to offer match dates within the official time frame they will forfeit the match 7-0. Should a team refuse to accept properly offered dates they will lose the match 7-0.

Exception – Dates for rearranged cup matches will be made by the Fixtures Secretary.


(A)Any team failing to arrive by the designated start time (8.45pm) will forfeit one frame every 10 minutes until match commencement. This rule also applies for individual competition matches.

(B)Should any team which fails to arrive 45 minutes after the scheduled start time they will lose the match in full.

(C)Teams claiming frames (or the match in full) must still have each player printed and signed for on the match sheet which should then be submitted in the usual fashion, as per Rules 9A & 9B

    For DLPPL (Monday) team matches the away team will referee the first frame then alternate with the home team. For DVPL (Thursday) team matches whoever referees the first frame will be decided by the toss of a coin.

(A)Team rankings within the competition will be decided by point’s total. Should teams be equal on points then frame difference will be used followed by the team with the highest number of match wins and/or head to head results. In the unlikely event of their still being a tie then a play-off match will be ordered on a neutral table.

(B)Promotion and relegation will be subject to final positions and depending on the number of teams enter the leagues for the following season. The Fixtures Secretary will forward a list of divisions to the Management Committee for approval.

(C)New teams entering the leagues will usually be placed in the lowest division available, unless such teams consist of players which the Management Committee deem to be of a higher standard once a registration sheet has been submitted. The decision of the Management Committee will be final and binding.


(A)Teams ranked 1st and 2nd in their respective divisions and cup competitions at the end of the season will each be offered the choice of either prize money or trophies with the amount of prize money to be determined by the Management Committee.

(B)Players ranked 1st and 2nd in the individual competitions will receive a trophy to keep plus prize money, the amount to be determined by the Management Committee.


(A)Should be dust free and any debris removed.

(B)Suitable rests should be made available for games.

(C)Balls to be of Reds and Yellows with a White cue-ball and full Black 8-ball.

No other playing balls to be used unless confirmation has been received from the General Secretary.


(A)DLPPL Monday League Membership = £55

(B)DVPL Thursday League Membership = £50

(C)SINGLES K/O ENTRY = £3 Per Player

(D)DOUBLES K/O ENTRY = £5 Per Pair




(A)For team sheets: Darren Finch, 10 Kilnsey Court, Littleover, Derby DE23 3TQ.

(B)Picture message team sheets can be sent to 07983 572671 or to the General Secretary via Facebook messaging or WhatsApp.

(C)Emailed team sheets/general correspondence can be sent to .

(D)Unless there are extreme circumstances no calls should be made to the General Secretary on match nights between 8-15pm and 9-45pm.

(E)Whilst the General Secretary is on vacation no calls or texts will be taken. A contact to take such calls during these times will be advertised to all team representatives.

Dated 10th November 2014

Darren Finch


Approved at The AGM 03/11/14