4.L.2 Nutrition

FACT 4: Friendly Talk Probe

Teacher asks,”What is a healthy diet?”

Beth: Eat lots of veggies and drink lots of water.

Tom: You should eat steak for protein and iron.

Ben: You should eat a variety of fruits, veggies, and meat.

Brian: You should eat lots of starches for energy.

Which student is more correct and WHY?

Answer Ben most correct, but has left out some important food groups. Combining responses from some of the others would make a more correct answer.

4.E.2 Fossils

FACT 2: Phenomenon Probe

Mike, a paleontologist from Utah, and Cindy a paleontologist from China, discovered remains from the same type of animal even though they are thousands of miles apart. When asking fellow paleontologists how this is possible, they were told:

Sarah: The bones traveled through the ocean around the world.

Drew: Over time, erosion and weathering can transfer the fossils.

Miguel: The world’s landmasses were once joined together, and over time, have separated.

Jeremiah: The animals swam across the oceans in search of food.

Who is right? Explain your thinking.

Miguel’s answer is correct.

4.P.1.1 Magnetism

FACT 3 First Word/Last Word (Acrostic poem)

Write an acrostic poem using the word magnetism at the start of the unit. Collect poems. Return poems to students at the conclusion of the unit for them to make corrections to terminology/misconceptions, etc.

4.L.1 Animal behaviors

FACT 7 Predict-Explain-Observe (needs to be something that students can actually observe)

While gardening with your mother on a bright, sunny day you come across some earthworms. Your sister grabs the worm and places it on the driveway next to the garden. Predict how the worm will react. Explain your thinking.

Should be able to explain that the worm would try to squirm and wiggle and try to get back in the dirt.

4.P.2.3 Rocks

FACT 9 Concept Cartoon

How are igneous rocks formed? (stick person drawing saying each of the items below.)

Stick figure one (Charlie): Igneous rocks are formed when layers of sediment are pressed down over time. These rocks often contain fossils.

Stick figure two (Mary): I don’t agree with you, Charlie. I think igneous rocks are formed when lava or magma cools and then hardens. Don’t you remember the “Rock Detectives” activity?

Stick figure three (Kedrick): Rocks are just crushed bone from the dinosaurs you guys!

Who do you most agree with, and WHY?

Mary is correct.

4.L.1 Animals

FACT Justified List

Mammals are a specific type of animal. Which is the following is a mammal?

Put an X in front of the animals that are not mammals and a check in front of the ones that are mammals.
















Give the characteristics that you used to decide which animals would be categorized as a mammal.

4.L.2 Nutrition

Odd One Out (choose which one doesn’t belong)

1. Which of the following is not a grain?

Wheat, rice, oats, potato

2. Which of the following is not a carbohydrate?

Mountain Dew, banana, Cheerios, hot dog

3. Which of these would not belong in a balanced meal?

Green beans, doughnut, peach, fish

4. Which of these is the best snack?

Unsalted nuts, Fritos, raisins, cookie

5. Which one of these would be the best to leave off of a healthy plate?

Sweet potato, steak, broccoli, apple slices