Stone Bridge High School

Marketing (Coop and Non-Coop)

Fall 2015 - Spring 2016

Instructor: Mr. AndersonRoom:403Office: 403A

School Phone Number: 571.252.2200E-mail:

Course Description

Marketing Co-op/Non Co-op is an excited course where students will be introduced to the functions involved in the marketing of goods, services, and ideas, while achieving competencies necessary for successful marketing employment. Students will receive classroom instruction and work on a variety of projects. Co-op students will also work a minimum of 396 continuous hours per calendar year of supervised training in a marketing position.

  • Marketing Co-op students will receive 2 credits for completing the course, one for classroom instruction and one for on the job training.
  • Marketing Non Co-op students will only receive 1 credit, but will not be required to complete the supervised training hours as part of their grade.

Class Expectations

There are high expectations for this class. Not only will we be exploring the concepts of marketing, but we will also strive to prepare you for success in your training station, as well as the next and final level in our program, Advanced Marketing. In order to facilitate the best experience for all, students are expected to do the following:

  • Arrive on time with all materials and homework completed and ready to turn in.
  • Be ready to work the minute you walk in the door.
  • Respect yourself and your peers.
  • Work hard and do their best job possible at their training stations


At the beginning of every quarter, I will post a calendar on my website that includes dates for all assignments and lessons. ***These dates are subject to change***

Grading Point Values:
  • Job Evaluation: 100 Points (1 per quarter) (Marketing Co-op ONLY)
  • Wage and Hour Sheets: 50 Points (1 per month) (Marketing Co-op ONLY)
  • Tests/Projects: 100-300 Points
  • Quizzes: 30-50 pts
  • Outside Points- 40 Points

Wage & Hour / Evaluation

At the beginning of October I will start collecting students’ wage and hour sheets, which are due at the beginning of each month until June. Each quarter, I will visit the student’s place of work or contact their supervisor, and complete an evaluation of their on-the-job performance. Each of these will be overviewed in class.

Outside Points

Each quarter you will be required to choose from a provided list of activities to complete outside of the classroom. These activities will include, but are not limited to:

  • Volunteering in the community
  • Working the school store
  • Assisting with DECA events
  • Competing in DECA events
Course Policies

Class Etiquette

In order to come together and work to our fullest potential, I encourage you to be you prepared for class, ready to participate in discussions, and make full use of the class time.

Attendance and participation

It is important that you are present in class, as a significant portion of classroom material will be incorporated in assignments, quizzes, and tests, and as a marketing co-op student you are not allowed to work at your training station if you are not present in school the day you are working. In addition, I expect each student to contribute actively to class discussions. Students will be called on at random throughout the year to answer questions on material in the text, explain a concept or talk about your specific assignment. The more you participate or share ideas, the more fun you will have!

Note: If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out any in-class announcements and obtain handouts from me, and class notes from other students.


Make-up quizzes and tests will only be given in the case of an excused absence. An excused absence is one that is for legitimate reasons and or has been discussed with me ahead of time.

Due Dates

All written assignments (homework assignments, group work, and in-class exercises) must be submitted in class on the day they are due.

Honor Code

The honor code will be strictly enforced in this course. Plagiarism is not allowed in any way, shape or form.

Overall Behavior Policy: Our goal is to create a positive and respectful class environment in which the students and instructor can carry out a productive dialogue concerning the themes and concepts of Sports Entertainment and Recreation Marketing. Any kind of behavior that detracts from this goal is considered misbehavior and will not be tolerated.


DECA is a co-curricular organization. Students in marketing courses are encouraged to join DECA and participate in DECA activities. Some DECA activities will take place during class time for a grade. Only active (paid) DECA members will be allowed to participate in out-of-school events (Nats & Caps!!!)

The membership dues of $30.00 will cover membership expenses at the chapter, district, state and international levels. These fees will cover activity expenses during the school year. Activities include business meetings, curriculum relevant projects, community service projects, district, state and international competitive events, leadership conferences, and social events. These fees will also cover a DECA t-shirt, an international pin and subscription to DECA Direct.

(Students also have a $20.00 DECA fee option that doesn’t include a t-shirt)

Lastly, please feel free to contact me throughout the school year with any questions or concerns. I can be easily reached by email at . I look forward to working with all of you.

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