Engr110Education Plan and Advising Session

Education Plan and Advising Session

Why You Should Care and How to Get Credit

As part of Engr110 you

  • are encouraged tomeet with one of our academic advisors and
  • required to create an education plan (also known as academic plan).

The advising session and your education plan are a significant part of your course grade.

Why should you bother?

Imagine you want to transfer to your dream school. You are ready to apply only to find out that there is ONE, just ONE required course that you have not yet taken. You might now have to wait for an ENTIRE year! This means you’ll enter the workforce a year later and are passing up $60,000 (average starting salary in engineering).

To avoid this you should create a plan of action and line up all of your courses at Seattle Central (and beyond). This document is your education plan. Academic advisors can help you create your academic plan.

This is particularly crucial for engineering as there may be many prerequisite courses, some of which may only be offered at Central once every year.

What should you do to get credit for your advising session?

1. Create an education plan on your MyCentral account and include both Engr110 and your engineering major (undecided if you are not sure) in the name, e.g. EdPlan_Engr110_MechanicalEngr_01.

2. Submit your education plan on time (instructions and dates will be on the course website).

3. Make sure that an advisor has commented on your education plan (they will do this online once they have access to the education plan that you submitted).In some quarters we will not do this part. I will let you know in class.

4. Print a hardcopy of your education plan including the advisor comment, circle/highlight your name and major, and turn it in before the due date (will be posted on website).

Important Note:

Your education plan does not have to be flawless. It is a work in progress that is likely going to change during your time at Central (you might find mistakes, change your major, fail a class, not get into a class etc.). The purpose of creating the plan for this course is for you to start the process and not procrastinate.