Guildwood Village Community Association

Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting

June 13, 2017

1.Call to order

A meeting of the Guildwood Village Community Association was held at Chartwell Guildwood Retirement Residence on Tuesday, June 13, 2017. President Dave Arnold called the meeting to order at 7:31p.m.Members in attendance included:

Dave Arnold / Sherry Mikelic
Shelley Angus / Donna Milovanovic
Andy Douglas / Lynda Satelmajer
Audrea Douglas / Bob Taylor-Vaisey
James Gilchrist / Bruce Villeneuve
Leslie Hetherington / Tina Villeneuve
Julia Lakats / Jim Whitney
John Mason / Kathleen Wolfe
Reg Wolfe

Members not in attendance included: Donna Milovanovic, Andrew Macklin and Timo Puhakka.

2.Approval of agenda

John Masonrequestedinclusion of his proposal for a Guildwood Village flag underNew Business.

Jim Whitney proposed a discussion about Sylvan Park under New Business.

M/S/C to amend the agenda.


The new News & Views editorial team was introduced to the Committee. The new Editor is Julia Lipman-Baker and Ellen Evered will be responsible for Design Copy. Julia provided a News & Views transition update. They both feel well-prepared to move forward with the summer edition. Julia and Ellen will not be part of the Executive Committee at this time.

Toronto District School Board Trustee (Ward 22) Jerry Chadwick gave an update on the staff reports that were presented to the Planning and Priorities Committee on June 5, 2017.

AngelaVanderberg, the GVCA’s representative on the Pupil Accommodation Review Committee was also present at the meeting. Appreciation was given to both Jerry and Angela for all the work done on this issue.

Jerry advised that at the Planning and Priorities Committee the decision was 5 to 4 to turn down the recommendations made by the P.A.R.C.There are eleven members on the Committee. Jerry did not have a vote, nor could he file a minority report, for the whole school board who will be considering the issue at their meeting on June 21.

Dave Arnold inquired as to what happens ifthis motion gets defeated. Jerry responded that everything stays status quo. Bob Taylor-Vaisey expressed his thanks to Jerry.

4.Approval of Minutes

M/S/C to adopt the May 16, 2017 Guildwood Village Community Association Executive Committee meeting minutes as distributed, with one minor correction:

-Correction on Page 2: “Tina Villeneuve suggested looking into the Brigadier meeting room at the Division 43 Police Station.

5.Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Jim Whitney handed out copies of Year-to-Date (May) Financial Statements.

The membership revenueshave now been captured. Memberships have increasedby 150 from last year, which equates to an additional $2,300 in revenue. Part of this increase may have been driven by the Canada 150 event.

The cost for Guildwood Day was lower than last year by $1,500 due to higher sponsorship and lower cost of the food. Spending was higher on the parade itself.

The net cost for the Canada 150 event was $9,500. Over 811 tickets were issued.

In May the contribution to the Heritage plaque in the amount of $3,250 is shown in the statements.

6.Items for Discussion and Approval

6.1News & Views – Position Recruitment Updates

The Executive Committee formally appointed Julia Lipman-Baker and Ellen Evered to theNews & Views editorial team.

Gerard Baribeauwill coordinate the distribution for theNews & Viewssummer edition. This position needs to be filled over the summer. Gerard will be giving Dave Arnold a summary on what is required for this position.

6.2Canada 150 Guildwood Day Postmortem

Dave Arnold congratulated and thanked the two event committees for all their hard work on these wonderful events.

Regarding Guildwood Day, Audrea Douglas commented that there was a problem of access to the back of the park - at one point all three parking lots were barricaded. Also, there were concerns expressed with the attitude of the Guild Inn staff controlling parking.

Dave Arnold received an email from the councillor’s officeregarding parking information. There will be 294 parking spots in total once everything is completed on-site. The lease agreement with Dynamic Hospitality indicates that 175 spots can be reserved for events at the Guild Inn. Dynamic can ask for 25 additional spots, and then another 25 spots if required. The Committee is unaware of the protocol regarding this agreement and its functionality and a request has been made with City officials to provide for how parking will be distributed and controlled.

Regarding the lack of washroom facilities, there will be higher-end portables installed this year. Another possible alternative might see the arts centreinstalling additional washrooms; however this may not be the best solution, since the centre is not centrally located.

Bob Taylor-Vaisey extended a big “Thank You” to Dave Arnold for his contributions.

Dave Arnold mentioned the proposal of holding a Guildwood Village Community Association 60th Anniversary event. Dave made inquiries with the Guild Inn and New Year’s Eve isstill available for booking. The proposal was presented to have a Dinner and Dance at a breakevencost on December 31, 2017.

John Mason, Jim Whitney and Shelly Angus volunteered to be part of the 60th anniversary event committee.

7.Items in Progress

7.1Community Signage

John Mason forwarded correspondence from Antonette at Councillor Ainslie’s office. Everything is in place to proceed; however, there is currently a backlog at the City. It is estimated that city staff will start working with the Association in the fall to confirm artwork and locations. The forecast for actual signage installation is 2018.

7.2Storage Facility Update

With the construction of a new Guildwood-Chartwell Retirement Home facility this summer and the loss of our current storage facilities in the old plaza area,the committee has approved that GVCA items will be stored at Canadian Self-storage. Dave Arnold commented that the transition should be coordinated around Bruce Villeneuve’s schedule. A question was posed if there is a documented inventory list. No list exists; however items include tables, an awning, canopies, a tent and the games used for Guildwood Day. A list should be recorded.

7.3Meeting Space Update

LeslieHetherington confirmed that the loft area in the Church of the Holy Trinity is available to use for Executive Committee meetings. An agreement needs to be completed. There is no set fee, just an honorarium.

M/S/C for holding future Executive Committee meetings at the Church of the Holy Trinity and offering a $500 lump sum donation for the upcoming year.

The Committee extended a big “Thank You” to Shelley Angus from Chartwell for taking care of Committee meeting needs.

To hold a meeting at the Guild Inn would cost $250, but this quote does not sound like a community rate. John Mason proposed that this question be brought forward to the Stakeholder group, as it was not what he understood from older community meetings.

7.4GVCA Video Update

Dave Arnold updated the committee members on the video that is being produced by Trevor Crawford of Droneography Inc. for the Association. Trevor began working on the project in 2016 and recently took some additional footage of Guildwood Day events to add to the Video. Dave suggested that the Association open up contributions to the video to members of the community who may wish to share their own photographs or video clips of Guildwood special community places or events. The goal would be to have the video completed for our 60th Anniversary year in 2018 and presented at a special event.

8.New Business

8.1Executive Committee Summer BBQ

Dave Arnold is hosting a BBQ for the Executive Committee on Tuesday, July 11 at his residence.

8.2Guildwood Flag

John Mason introduced a proposal for Consideration: creating a Guildwood Village Flag.

James Alcock, a Scarborough resident and flag collector, approached John with the idea of creating a unique decorative Guildwood Village flag. The cost would be $50 for flag (size: 3’ X5’). This is a hobby for James, and he has provided two potential designs at no charge. John proposed having a task force to determine the steps forward.

Leslie Hetherington, Sherry and Audrea Douglas volunteered to be part of this committee. Jim Whitney also enlisted his wife Jane.

8.3Sylvan Park

Jim Whitney discussed the variety of problems within Sylvan Park. There is strong evidence that drug dealing is happening and there is also evidence of fire pits in park. Much brighter lighting is needed. Police are aware. Jim was hoping Paul Ainslie would be at the meeting so this issue could be brought forward. Follow up needs to happen with Paul.

9.Committee Reports

9.1Committee Affairs

M/S/C to add Sherry Mikelic to the Committee Affairs team.


No update as Donna Milovanovic was not present. Appreciation was shown to Donna for chairing committee and to the all the members of committee.

9.3Friends of Guild Park

John Mason emphasized that 11,000+ people are attending the volunteer events this summer.

Audrea Douglas mentioned there is graffiti on the Mobius Curve and that parking will be an important issue for the area. Bob Taylor-Vaisey will be speaking with Paul Ainslie on June 14 and will mention the likely possibility of increased traffic in the area.

10. Communication and Correspondence

Received correspondence was distributed to the group for review.

Tina Villeneuvehad a comment: could the GVCA sponsor a generator for the Guildwood Theatre group? The power to the theatre should be ready by first week in July. A generator could be too noisy when performing. The City needs to provide power.

11. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn at 9:39 pm.

The next Executive meeting is to be held on September12, 2017 at the Church of the Holy Trinity.

Lynda Satelmajer,Secretary / Date of approval

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