NCEA ENGLISH YEAR 11 2010 OUTLINE 24 credits

Welcome to NCEA English Level 1. Your grade this year will be gained by a mixture of internally and externally assessed work. The total possible number of credits for the year is

24: 12 credits from internal and 12 credits from external assessments as set out below.

This course can lead on to NCEA Level 2 English which can then lead on to NCEA Level 3 English.

1. Course Content


Number / Version / Level / Credits / NQF Title / Assessment Type
AS 90052 / V3 / 1 / 3 / Produce creative writing / Essay
AS90058 / V3 / 1 / 3 / Deliver an oral presentation in a formal situation / Oral presentation
AS90059 / V3 / 1 / 3 / Produce a media or dramatic presentation / Produce a static image/role-play
AS50060 / V3 / 1 / 3 / Research, organise and present information / Written research report


Number / Version / Level / Credits / NQF title / Assessment type
AS90053 / V3 / 1 / 3 / Produce formal writing / Letter to the editor
AS90054 / V3 / 1 / 2 / Read, study and show understanding of extended written texts / Essay
AS90055 / V3 / 1 / 2 / Read, study and show understanding of short written texts / Essay
AS90056 / V3 / 1 / 2 / View/listen to, study and show understanding of visual or oral texts / Essay
AS90057 / V3 / 1 / 3 / Read and show understanding of unfamiliar texts / Short answer questions + paragraph writing


  1. Each assessment will be marked using marking criteria and exemplars supplied by NZQA.
  2. Teachers will pair mark an assessment for the whole of Year I I English. This will spread the marking load amongst the English department and keep marking consistent.

3. Check marking and assurance processes will occur for each assessment to ensure that marking is accurate and consistent.

4. When the marking and assurance processes have been completed students will receive the marking result.

5. Any query about the marking needs to be made within two weeks of receiving the grade. First, discuss the situation with your class teacher. If that does not resolve the problem complete the formal request for a review form stating the reason for dissatisfaction with the result and submit it, along with the assessed work, to the teacher in charge of the Year level (Ms. Pamment)

6. You will receive a written response after your work has been reviewed.

2. Course Completion and Literacy

Not all tasks set are assessment tasks but they are expected to be completed as part of the course work. It is to your advantage to complete course work to help you to gain the best results possible for you. 8 credits from any of these standards will meet the literacy requirement but you are expected to aim for all 24 credits.


These are tested in a written national examination in November. The examination is worth 12 credits in total, split up as follows:

Formal Writing

Ø  1.2 90053 3 credits

Transactional Writing /Thinking Critically / Exploring Language

This standard requires completing a piece of formal writing in the style of a letter to the editor. It should express ideas, information and / or opinions, be organised using an appropriate format and structure, and use acceptable spelling, punctuation and grammar. Starters are given. (Suggested time allowance of 40 minutes)

Ø  Read, study and understand an Extended Written Text

Ø  1.3 90054 2 credits

Processing Information / Thinking Critically / Transactional Writing

This standard requires writing a response to a question on extended written text (e.g. a novel, play, nonfiction etc) showing understanding of ideas and techniques. (Suggested time allowance of 25 minutes)

Ø  Read, study and understand a number of Short Written Texts

Ø  1.4 2 credits

Processing Information / Thinking Critically / Transactional Writing

This standard requires writing a response to a question about TWO short written texts of the same or different genre (e.g. short stories, poetry, magazine articles etc) which shows understanding of ideas and techniques. (Suggested time allowance of 25 minutes)

Ø  View/ listen to, study and understand a Visual or Oral Text

Ø  1.5 90055 2 credits

Processing Information /Listening to Texts / Thinking Critically / Viewing

This standard requires writing a response, to a question about a visual (e.g. film, television programme) or oral text (eg, radio programme, audio performance) which demonstrates understanding of ideas and techniques. (Suggested time allowance of 25 minutes)

Ø  Read and understand Unfamiliar Texts

Ø  1.6 90057 3 credits

Close Reading/ Thinking Critically (written and visual) / Exploring Language (written and visual)

This standard requires reading short texts or extracts ( one poetry, one prose, one visual) which have not been previously studied and writing a response to questions which test understanding of ideas, style and language use. (Suggested time allowance of 45 minutes)


Term 1

Week 1 2 Reading and writing skills unit

3 Speaking and Research unit


5 Formal Speaking assessment


7Research assessment (3 class periods)


9 Text 1 (Visual text) starts. Text 2 issued (extended written text)

Term 2

Week 1 Speech competition.



4 Revision

5 Revision

6 Assessment block starts Thurs (unseen text, formal writing, visual text essay)

7 Assessment block

8 Creative writing unit starts 9

10 Creative writing assessment (3 class periods) Text 2 starts


Term 3

Week 1 Text 2 continues



4 Text 3 (short texts) starts


6 Media Skills unit starts

7 Media assessment (3 class periods)

8 Revision

9 Assessment block starts (as Term 2 plus texts 2 &3)

10 Assessment block

Term 4

Week 1 Revision

2 Revision

3 Revision

4 Revision

5 NCEA exams

N.B This booklet is available, along with other English resources, on the English Department wiki :

NCEA Level One: Year 11 Research Speech

Achievement Standard 1.7 (90058) version 3 3 Credits

Student Name: Topic:

Due Date: Annotated speech ______

Speech delivery ______


·  Develop a 3 minute (approximately) oral presentation of your findings from your research project. Your speech can be informative, persuasive or a mixture of these. You may want to stimulate thoughts or feelings in your audience, or to persuade them to alter their ideas or attitudes.

·  Write out an annotated copy of your speech to show what techniques you plan to use at particular points in your speech. Hand this in to your teacher by the due date given. Keep your own copy.

·  Structure your content and develop your ideas clearly so that the audience can follow your speech. Look back at your notes on how to construct a speech for guidelines.

·  Practise delivering your speech so that you are familiar with the content and can use delivery techniques to get your ideas across more effectively to your audience.

·  Some class time will be given but most of your preparation is expected to be done at home.

·  You may use cue cards but they should fit into the palm of your hand. Please hand these cards to your teacher at the end of the speech.

·  Write in your details at the top of your task sheet and hand it to your teacher when you deliver your speech.

·  Remember – deliver your speech. Do not read it to the audience!

You will be assessed on how well you speak in a formal situation to

·  communicate ideas on the topic

·  structure content and language appropriate to your audience and purpose

·  speak clearly to your audience using appropriate eye contact, voice and body language techniques.

N.B. Your speech will be filmed for the markers to mark and to be kept as a record of work as requested by NZQA. Filmed speeches are viewed only by markers and NZQA auditors.

A second opportunity to demonstrate your level of achievement for this standard will be available in Term 3 during the timetabled assessment block.

NCEA Level One: Year 11 Research Assessment:

English Achievement Standard 1.9 (90060) version 3 3 credits

Based on the “Hot Issues” Resource

Student Name: Topic:

Due Date:


You will use the same topic for both your research assessment and your formal speech assessment. You may choose a topic from the list provided or one that you have thought of. If you choose your own topic it must be one, which is approved by your teacher. Some time will be provided in class for you to work on your research but most of your collecting, selecting and recording of the research process and information will be done at home.

·  FOUR research tasks have to be completed as part of this assessment. The tasks are modelled on the NZQA research resource.

·  Checkpoints will be set up by your teacher to monitor your research.

·  Your teacher will mark research tasks 1-choose a topic and propose 3 key questions; 2–select relevant information from a range of referenced sources and 3-record information in an appropriate format. These 3 tasks relate to the first criterion in the research standard.

·  The fourth research task, your research report, will be marked by two English teachers. This task relates to the second criterion in the research standard. It is the standard achieved in your report which will determine whether you gain an achieved with credit, merit or excellence for this assessment. All four tasks however must fulfill the assessment criteria to gain the standard.

·  Two class periods will be provided for you to write your research report. You will need to bring in your collected information and notes to enable you to write your report in class. Your notes can include your research speech.

·  All report writing and information will be collected in at the end of the first class period and given out again at the start of the final period to ensure the authenticity of the report.

·  Tasks 1, 2, 3 and 4 should have your name and your teacher’s code clearly written on them and be handed in with your research assessment schedule at the end of the last class period.

You will be assessed on how well you:

·  Plan the research

·  Collect, select and record relevant information from a range of sources

·  Record the research process

·  Link the material collected to the research plan

·  Organise and present the information as a final product

NCEA Level One: Year 11 Creative Writing Assessment 3 Credits

English Achievement Standard 1.1 (90052) version 3 Student Name:

Based on the “Tough Choices” Resource Teacher Code:

Due Date:


Imagine you are writing a story for a school magazine.

Write a story of about 300 words in which a character has to make a difficult decision. Your story should develop in a believable and involving way for the reader. There must also be a clear sense of a conclusion to your story. This does not mean that everything has to be tidily tied up but that the reader has the sense of an ending to the story, rather than you just stopped writing at that point.

·  You may base your story on an idea (theme) from a text you have read.

·  You may get the inspiration for your story from something which was reported in the news.

·  You may make up your story from scratch.

·  Use the templates provided in the resource as helpful guidelines.

N.B. Do not use sexual references or innuendo, explicit references to drugs (this includes alcohol) or descriptions of explicit violence as these are not regarded as suitable. The material should be such that you would be happy for your Principal or Board of Trustees to read it. If in doubt, consult your teacher.


1. All your work will be done in class time in test conditions.

2. You will have THREE class periods in which to draft, write, proofread and rewrite your story

3. You may not bring in planning notes or draft copies.

4. You may not use any of the material from the exemplars or from practice work

5. Write your story on refill. Use blue or black ink. Do not use twink for corrections. Your teacher will need to initial each new sheet before you write on it to verify your story was written in class.

6. At the end of each period your teacher will collect in all your work and reissue it at the start of each successive period.

7. You are allowed to use dictionaries. Electronic dictionaries are not allowed.

8. Hand in your draft and your good copy with your named assessment schedule.

You will be assessed on:

·  how well you develop your ideas

·  your ability to use a writing style that is appropriate to the task