The Chalk Doll




When Rose is sick in bed with a cold, her mother tells her of life when she was young in Jamaica. She tell her of a special doll that she had. Rose decides that she wants one, too.

--- Conversation Questions---

(1) / Name the main characters in this story.
(Answer) / Rose and her mother.
(Follow Up) / What was your favorite part of the story?
(2) / Suppose you are Rose. What questions would you ask about her childhood?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Have you ever asked your parents about their childhood?
(3) / Imagine you are sick like Rose. Why would you want a bear?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / List some things you want when you are sick.
(4) / Remember a time that you were home sick. What did you feel like?
(Answer) / Any logical answer.
(Follow Up) / Do you enjoy having someone around when you are sick?
(5) / Define “taffeta”.
(Answer) / A stiff, smooth fabric.
(Follow Up) / What things can be made of “taffeta”?
(6) / Recall what the Chalk doll means to Rose’s mother.
(Answer) / A doll that is handmade.
(Follow Up) / Do you have any Chalk Dolls?
(7) / Name the country that Rose’s mother came from.
(Answer) / Jamaica.
(Follow Up) / Have you ever visited another country?
(8) / Recall what was another name for a Chalk Doll.
(Answer) / A rag doll.
(Follow Up) / Do you think you could make a rag doll?
(9) / Recall what Rose’s mother was given for her seventh birthday.
(Answer) / Three pennies.
(Follow Up) / Do you ever receive money for a birthday present?
(10) / Remember from our story how long it took Rose’s mom to receive the pink taffeta dress.
(Answer) / One month after her birthday.
(Follow Up) / Have you ever received a birthday gift that was late?
1. / Draw Rose’s rag doll. Label the parts such as legs, eyes, arms, etc. Give the doll a name.
2. / List all the things Rose’s mom did as a child. Draw a picture of one of them.
3. / Write a paragraph telling all you know about your mother’s childhood.
4. / Pretend that you are older and you have children. Write a few sentences describing your childhood to your children.
1. / Show the students an old doll. Ask them if they have ever had a special doll. Where did it come from? Ask them if they think their mother ever had a doll. Let’s read our story today and find out about a mother, her daughter and their dolls.
2. / Show the students a stuffed bear. Ask them what they like to sleep with if they are sick. Today in our story, Rose is home sick with a cold. Let’s find out what she likes to hold on to when she feels bad.
3. / Show the students some pictures of your mother. Ask them if their mother has ever told them about her childhood. Today we will read about a mother and her childhood. Let’s read and find out all the things that she did.

Book Title: The Chalk Doll

Author: Charlotte Pomerantz / Illustrator: Fran’e Lessac
ISBN: 0-06-443333-1 / # of Text Pages: 14 AR: 2.7 LEX: NP
Building Oral Vocabulary
6 / Jamaica / 20 / seamstress / 26 / mango
Prediction Questions
6 / What type of doll do you think Rose’s mother had?
16 / What do you think she will do with these items?
28 / What do you think Rose will do with the thread, needle, scissors, and scraps of material?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.