
Ch 5 Map Activity – Rome & Han China

Map A – Han China

1. On its eastern side, China is bordered by which three bodies of water?

2. For the Chinese, access to India is obstructed by which mountain range and facilitated by which body of water?

3. Which stretch of arid land separates China from the Mongolian Plateau?

4. What are the two longest rivers to cross inner China?

5. What was the name of the empire defeated by Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE)?

6. With its temples and marketplaces, the Han's first capital, situated on the WeiRiver, was considered a model of urban planning. What city is this?

7. The second capital of the Han Dynasty, Luoyang, was situated on which river?

8. In which capital city did the Silk Road originate?

9. How far south did the borders of the Han extend?

10. In spite of the presence of its military walls, which of the Han frontiers was the most vulnerable to invaders?


Ch 5 Map Activity – Rome & Han China

Map B – The Roman World: Republic and Early Empire

1. The last three kings of Rome, who ruled in the sixth century B.C., probably emigrated from which area of Italy?

2. Which river divided the land of the Latins from that of the Etruscans?

3. The city of Rome arose along the banks of which river?

4. In its push toward colonization, Rome fought the Punic Wars (244Ð146 B.C.) against which Mediterranean power?

5. After 133 B.C. and the Battle of Pergamum, Romans began to absorb the influence of which conquered culture?

6. Julius Caesar (d. 44 B.C.) was the governor of the Roman province that we know as France. What did the Romans call it?

7. Where did Augustus and Mark Antony fight in 31 B.C. for control of the Roman world?

8. In taking Alexandria, Augustus (r. 31 B.C. - A.D. 14) seized the land that had belonged to which monarchy?

9. The Roman city of Mediolanum was situated near which river?

10. Which Roman resort town was destroyed by volcano in A.D. 79?

11. The German town of Cologne was of great importance to the Romans because it provided them with further access to which body of water?

12. To reach Hadrian's wall (built around 122 A.D.), his successor would have to pass by which outpost, now a large town?

13. Throughout its republican and imperial eras, Rome succeeded in controlling the coastal towns of which sea?


Ch 5 Map Activity – Rome & Han China

Map C – The Expansion of Christianity to 600 CE

Imagine you are Paul of Tarsus, later to be known as St. Paul. Your exploits and travels will be the subject of these questions.

1. In what town were you born?

2. From what city did you begin your mission?

3. What city was your ultimate destination?

4. Which is the largest body of water you will cross to fulfill your mission?

5. Your travels take you as far north as which Italian city?

6. [Now, imagine yourself as a Christian missionary living ca. 600. You have successfully converted many Vandals to your faith.] Which major port did you likely stay in during this process?

7. You are asked by Pope Leo I to continue your mission; specifically, he asks you to go to present-day Italy. Which barbarian group will be the target of your preaching?

8. Once there, you tell the history of Christianity. The first story you tell is of Constantine's conversion. According to legend, he saw a cross, then the message, "In this sign, you shall conquer," in the sky. Near which capital city did this epiphany occur?

9. Then you tell how Constantine tried to curb Christian heresies and clarify doctrinal issues by calling a church council in 325. In what city in Asia Minor did this council take place?

10. You are finishing your work among the Lombards, and want to spread your faith among the residents of Frankish Gaul. What will be your chief physical obstacle in making your crossing?

11. The pope recalls you to Rome to take on a new post. To move from Gaul to Rome, you must cross over which mountain range once you are in Italy itself?

12. You do not remain long in Rome. You are called east to convert still more non-Christian. Which two rivers in Asia facilitate your mission?


Ch 5 Map Activity – Rome & Han China

Map D – The Economic Aspect of Pax Romana

1. This wall separated Roman Britain from the enemy tribes to the North.

2. Silk on its way into Europe traveled primarily over these routes.

3. This northern area produced lead, grain, cloth and tin.

4. This westernmost region of the Roman Empire was a producer of Horses, olives and fish among other products.

5. The Roman's valued this island in the eastern Mediterranean for its copper deposits.

6. The need to feed the people of Rome made this island off the toe of Italy particularly important to the Romans.

7. This region that produced grain, salt and fish was at extreme northeast corner of the Roman Empire.

8. Papyrus being sent to the city of Rome would likely have gone through these cities.

9. Amber from the Baltic sea would likely have gone through these cities on its way to Gaul.

10. What was the Pax Romana and what were its most important consequences?

11. To what degree were the non-Italian subjects of the Roman Empire "Romanized"?