
Students will design and construct an invention of their own interest moving through steps of research and development. Students will learn how to use precision measurement tools along with creating scaled technical drawings in their Geometry class. In their Applied Physics class, students will research and report on how particular inventions have changed over time. Students will compile a design portfolio for their invention along with constructing and testing their product in their Engineering class. Students will also develop a marketing campaign for their invention. Volusia Manufacturers’ Association will be asked to provide guest speakers who have experience with inventing, product testing, and/or patenting to share their experience and expertise with students.

Step 1: Product Survey – due by

Consider a product already in existence that you would like to improve (i.e. safer, more accessible, greener, etc).

1.  Research the historical development of this product, or related field and how this product has had an impact on this field.

a.  APA style, including at least 2 credible sources

b.  At least one page, no more than three pages

c.  Submit through by , 3PM.

2.  Develop a survey to gather feedback on what people think of this product, and how it could be improved.

3.  Generate a data organizer (i.e. Excel spreadsheet, graphs) in order to show this feedback.

4.  Write a conclusion report explaining your findings, along with your suggestions for improvement.

5.  Present your new proposal to the class.

Step 2: Design Plan – due by

1.  Purpose: explain, with details, the purpose of your redesigned product.

2.  Research: include information found in Step 1.

3.  Possible Ideas: each team member submits a scaled sketch for your team’s invention; label major parts and explain how it works.

4.  Best Idea: scaled CAD drawing (ortho + iso) with title block, labeled, and explain how it works.

5.  Product Development: job schedule and bill of materials.

Step 3: Prototype Construction – due by

1.  Construct your invention.

2.  Take digital pictures of construction process.

3.  Import digital pictures into a Word document, attach captions under each picture.

Step 4: Test and Evaluate Invention – due by

1.  Develop an evaluation tool to explain specifications for your new invention (i.e. observations, nondestructive and/or destructive testing, surveys, etc).

2.  Report on conclusions from your testing and evaluation.

3.  Report applications for your new invention, including its potential for the future.

Step 5: Marketing Strategies – due by

1.  Develop a marketing strategy and tool in order to publicize and sell your new invention (including an advertisement, commercial, and gimmick).

2.  Develop a presentation for the “Shark Tank.”

3.  Compile Steps 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 into a professional portfolio, using APA style and including a title page, table of contents, and bibliography.