Anoka-Hennepin iPad Purchase Request (K-12)
- Complete this form in its entirety. Submit it, and the Requisition Data Information Form, to the Network and Desktop Services secretary.
- Submitting this form implies the building principal/program director, tech teacher, and department leader have approved this request.
General Information
Department/Program making this request:
Your Name(s):
Funding Source:
Quantity being purchased:
______District-standard iPad Air 16GB and Apple Care+ (deviation from this model requires additional rationale)
______Non District-standard iPad with Retina (requires additional rationale)
Plan for storing iPads:
Plan for charging iPads:
What curriculum needs/program goals are you trying to meet? (Attach a second page if necessary.)
Staff Development
What is the funding source for your staff development?
What are your staff development topics and the calendar/timeline to meet those topics?
Who is the trainer?
Who is your Apple Volume Purchasing Program (VPP) Admin (Facilitator)?
Indicate the deployment method: 1-to-1* or Shared** (Tech Para/Apple Configurator)
If it is a Shared method, who will manage the iPads?
*1-to-1 – Each device will be enrolled in Apple's Device Enrollment Program (DEP). User may manage applications and books using their Apple ID. Casper will be used to inventory the device and may also be used to manage some district applications and books.
**Shared – The tech para is responsible for managing iPad(s) using Apple Configurator. Casper will be used to inventory the device and may also be used to manage some district applications and books.(All student iPads are considered shared, Anoka-Hennepin.)
- Wireless service around schools is random due to the school's size and initial wireless deployments. Physical impediments such as thick walls, metal structures and wireless activity all interfere with connectivity. Network Services is committed to improving wireless networking by enhancing coverage.
- If wireless performance is not sufficient and needs improvement, the site would be responsible for the funding of additional wireless density.
- There is a level of unpredictability with iPad use and the wireless access. Your site may have wireless coverage across most of the building, but the coverage is not very dense. Even if the device has a good wireless signal, a successful user experience will depend heavily on what kind of activity the iPad is being used for, and the number of other devices sharing the bandwidth of the access point.
- Our experience has been that iPads do not have the same wireless performance as a laptop. If a cart of laptops works in a particular room, it doesn’t necessarily mean that a cart of iPads will work just as well.
Step 1: Requestor downloads (Purchasing Web Site/Staff Resources/Technology Purchases/Technology Purchase Request Form) and completes the Tech Requisition Data Entry Form (year) and the Anoka-Hennepin iPadPurchase_Request pages.
Step 2: Completed forms are sent to Network and Desktop Services Secretary.
Step 3: Network and Desktop Services Secretary sends electronic version of iPad Purchase Request Form (needs to scan if hard copy submitted) to appropriate Instructional Technology Facilitator.
Step 4: Instructional Technology Facilitator emails iPad Purchase Request Form to the following people for approval/awareness. Responses stopping the requisition must be communicated to the Instructional Technology Facilitator within 5 business days.
Associate Superintendent
Director of Curriculum
Teaching and Learning Specialist
Desktop and Network Services
Media Services
Step 5: Instructional Technology Facilitator communicates “OK” for Network and Desktop Services Secretary to process requisition.
Step 1: Requestor downloads (Purchasing Web Site/Staff Resources/Technology Purchases/Technology Purchase Request Form) and completes the Tech Requisition Data Entry Form (year) and the Anoka-Hennepin iPadPurchase_Request pages.
Step 2: Completed forms are sent to Network and Desktop Services Secretary.
Step 3: Network and Desktop Services Secretary sends electronic version of iPad Purchase Request Form (needs to scan if hard copy submitted) to Network/Desktop Services Supervisor (or designee).
Step 4: Network/Desktop Services Supervisor (or designee) emails iPad Purchase Request Form to the following people for approval/awareness. Responses stopping the requisition must be communicated to the Network/Desktop Services Supervisor (or designee) within 5 business days.
Requestor’s supervisor
Program’s director
Desktop and Network Services
Step 5: Network/Desktop Services Supervisor (or designee) communicates “OK” for Network and Desktop Services Secretary to process requisition.