Summer Undergraduate Research Program

Department of Physiology and Biophysics

Case Western Reserve University

School of Medicine

Starting Date: SURP June 09 – August 1, 2014

NSF-REU May 27 – August 1, 2014*

Name ______

(last) (first) (middle)

College or University Attending ______

Social Security No. ______Email Address ______

College Phone No. ______

College Mailing Address (address good through (mm/dd/yy) ______



(city) (state) (zip)

Permanent Mailing Address ______



(city) (state) (zip)

Permanent Phone No. ______

College Major ______Expected Graduation Date ______

Overall GPA ______GPA in Science Courses ______

Please attach or send a copy of your current transcript

Are you considering applying to: Graduate School ______yes ______no

Medical School ______yes ______no

If you were to choose a major for graduate school today, what would it be? (i.e. what might your thesis topic be?) ______



Career Goals: (What do you think would be the most interesting career for you? Why does that particular career interest you?) ______




Previous research experience ______



Honors and Activities (College Only)______



Are you applying to: SURP Program ______yes ______no

NSF-REU Program ______yes ______no

What in your opinion makes you a suitable candidate for the NSF-REU program?______



If you are interested in working on projects described in the enclosed brochure, please indicate the research areas of most interest to you or the name of the faculty member (1. = first choice, 2. = second choice, 3. = third choice) below. Other possibilities exist for research projects that are not currently on the Research Descriptions list. Please describe other possible areas of interest to you in blank 4. below.

1. 2.

3. 4.

(Applicant's Signature) (Date)

Please have two professor/advisors in your department send a letter of recommendation under separate cover.

The internships begin May 27 (NSF-REU) and June 09, 2014 (SURP). Both internships end August 1, 2014. These start dates should be considered mandatory. Accommodations for earlier or later starting are possible but should be negotiated with the mentoring faculty and the Course Director.

Work extending beyond the indicated time period may be possible in some laboratories.

Are you interested in housing (room and board) in the dormitory?

Yes No

Applications should be submitted by March 31, 2014. Please return application to:

SURP/NSF-REU Coordinator

Department of Physiology and Biophysics (SURP)

Case Western Reserve University

10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106-4970

Telephone: 216-368-2084

* Tentative starting date for this program as the Program is currently under reviewing by the NSF for funding support