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Wyoming Elementary ROARS!!
RespectfulOn TaskAchieverResponsible
The school day for grades K-6 is 9:15a.m.-3:30 p.m. It is very important for students to come to school every day. Regular attendance helps to develop good work habits and steady progress in schoolwork.
Buses arrive at 9:00 a.m. Students not arriving by bus should NOT be at school before 9:00 a.m.
Students that arrive later than 9:15 a.m. must “check in” at the office to avoid being marked absent.
Students will be allowed to stay in during the noon hour with written permission from a physician. We feel students need the fresh air and encourage you not to excuse students from this activity unless medically necessary.
Independent School District 831 does not provide medical insurance coverage for accidental injuries suffered by students on school property or at school-sponsored activities. This includes anyaccidental injuries suffered during physical education activities. These types of injuries must be covered by your family medical insurance or by an individual policy that you would provide for your student.
Students are expected to be in school every day unless they are ill or there is an emergency in the family. For your child’s protection, as well as recordkeeping, parents are asked to notify the school when absence occurs. The attendance line phone number is 982-8068. Please call before 10:00 a.m.
Please note that students arriving after 9:15 will be marked tardy. Three unexcused tardies equal on unexcused absence.
A letter will be mailed to parents whenmore than seven (7) unexcused absences occur without a significant health problem are unlawful absences and this is considered educational neglect (Minn.Statute 260.015, Subd. 19). School officials are mandated to report educational neglect to county authorities (Minn.Statute 127.19 and 127.70)
We would sincerely appreciate your cooperation in keeping our school clean and free from vandalism. Help us teach your children to respect the school building and its property. Report promptly any information you may acquire concerning damage to the building.
Please notify the school office of changes in address or telephone number. It is particularly important that we have current phone number listed on student emergency cards.
When questions arise relating to curriculum, discipline, policy or procedures, parents are urged to discuss the matter with the staff of the school involved. Your elementary school staff is best able to answer your questions and help you resolve a problem pertaining to your child’s education. If it is a matter which cannot be handled at the school, the principal will have the responsibility for involving other persons. Teachers may be contacted between 8:00-9:00 a.m. and 3:30-3:45 p.m. Refer to directory on page 4.
Our basic philosophy is that student attire is acceptable as long as it is not a health or safety hazard or causes disruption of educational activities.
Families should consider the following questions when dressing for school:
- Does my clothing advertise something that is prohibited to minors?
- Are there obscene, profane or inflammatory messages on my clothing?
- Am I dressed appropriately for the weather and for a learning environment?
- Is the color of my hair or the jewelry I’m wearing distracting students?
Some examples of inappropriate attire are “short” shorts, halter tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, half shirts and other types of similar apparel. Tank tops and muscle shirts that do not fit properly around the arms will not be allowed. Also, no undergarments should be showing at any time. Students are also reminded that they are to be wearing shoes at all times and should not be wearing hats, caps, bandanas, etc.
During the school year, we will be making judgements, at times, as to what is appropriate, and we may ask students to change or remove certain types of clothing. Please call the office if you have any questions.
State law requires every school to hold a minimum of five fire drills, five lock-down drills, and one tornado drill each year.
Parent requests to excuse a child from school should be made in writing. Teachers are not allowed to release a child directly to any adult. Parents are requested to pick up their children in the schooloffice. If you are asked for identification before we allow a child to be released from school, please understand that this is done for the protection of your child.
Each year many children lose or misplace articles of clothing such as boots, caps, mittens, etc. We encourage you to permanently label each article of outer clothing, notebooks, pencil boxes, etc. toassist in locating the owner if they become lost. Unclaimed clothing is donated to Family Pathways four times during the year.
The Forest Lake School District #831 and Wyoming Elementary may photograph and/ or videotape your child for in-district purposes such as the district newsletter and displays, as well as, out- of-district purposes including, but not limited to, the Forest Lake Times, Forest Lake Press, Pioneer Press, Star Tribune and presentations to other districts. If you do not want your child’s photograph to be used for any purpose, the principal must receive your request in writing within the first week of school.
Parent-Teacher conferences will be held in October and March. Written progress reports occur twice per year. Parents are to be informed as to a child’s achievement and growth. In the report teachers inform parents of other factors which affect a child’s achievement such as attitude toward others, work habits, and punctuality. Parents may request additional conferences at any time.
All students are administered group state-mandated and district-intiated tests, and some students are referred for individual testing. Children differ greatly in their level of maturity, in interest, and in their rate of progress. Standardized tests given in the elementary school are administered to help teacher, parents, and students in meeting the needs of individuals, in dicovering individual strengths and weaknesses, and in understanding reasons for difficulties.
Grade 311:05-11:50
Grade 211:25-12:10
Grade 511:40-12:25
Grade 112:00-12:45
Grade 412:20-1:05
Grade 612:35-1:20
Grade K12:50-1:35
Again, this year, breakfast will be available for allstudents. The cost will be $1.25. There is no cost to students who qualify for free andreduced meals. A bell will ring at 9:00 a.m. for all students whether riding the bus, a bicycle, walking, or being transported by private car. Those who will be having breakfast will proceed directly to the cafeteria. All others will go to their classrooms.
A nutritious hot lunch or altenate lunch is prepared each school day. The cost is $2.20 for hot lunch and $.40 for milk. Adults cost = $3.50. The lunch/milk break operates on a computerized system which works similar to a bank account (breakfast cost = $1.25). The account must have a cash balance in order to operate. Please keep track of your child’s lunch acccount weekly. Every student is given an account and personal identification number (PIN). A monthly hot lunch menu is posted on the website at Questions or concerns may be addressed to the Food Service Department at Wyoming Elementary (982-8010).
Online Payments And Balance Review
Forest Lake ISD #831 accepts on-line payments for meal accounts. From the District website click on “about our district,” then click on NUTRITION SERVICES. There is a one-time registration to fill out. There is no fee to register to check your child’s/ children’s meal account balance.
Meal Charging
Throughout the year, students are informed when their meal account balance drops below $5.00.
Application for free and reduced lunch may be received by contacting District Office, 982-8396, or the Cafeteria office. Make checks payable to Food Service, ISD #831.
Increasingly the environment can impose health risks to certain individuals on a daily basis. Some individuals have life threatening asthma and/or allergies to substances present in the environment. Latex(rubber) is one of these substances that some individuals have a strong immediate and sometimes life threatening reaction to. Forest Lake Area Schools has several students and perhaps some staff who have reactions to latex.
Latex is invisible and odorless and, therefore, its presence is often unforeseen. Some items, such as latex balloons and rubber gloves, obviously contain latex and must be avoided in a large community environment such as ours. Although we cannot guarantee a latex free environment, it is appropriate to take steps to minimize exposure to latex.
All latex balloons and rubber gloves are prohibitied in the school environment. Vendors in the community will be notified of this practice and the front desk will be alerted to not accept latex balloons should they be delivered to the building for any reason. Our students’ and staff’s safety are priority. Thank you for your cooperation with this practice.
School closing/ early dismissals will be reported on television channels 4, 5, 9, and 11; radio channel WCCO; and on the District website, In addition, to improve communication, the District uses a phone and/ or email delivery (Connect Ed) when school is closed or in the event of emergencies. SAC: In the event that school closes and students are dismissed early, parents will be notified and will be asked to make arrangements for their children to be picked up as soon as possible. SAC will close as soon as all children have been picked up.
School pictures will be taken on Thursday, October 6, 2016 for all students and staff. Preschoolers are welcome. Retakes are scheduled for Thursday, November 10, 2016.
Riding the school bus is privilege. Violations of the safety rules will be reported by the bus driver to the school principal, who will determine the consequence which may result in the loss of bus privileges.
The bus driver will not pick-up or discharge riders at places other than the regular bus stop without a note from the parent, approved in the office. Signed forms must be filed in the office for children who will be picked up or dropped off at places other than their home on a regular basis. These forms are available at school.
ALL STUDENTS are to remain seated while the bus is in motion. Students shall not extend any part of their body from a window. Students shall not tamper with any part of the bus equipment. No eating will be permittted on buses. No ANIMALS OR PETS of any kind are allowed on the bus. Further rules and courtesies are explained in transportation literature shared in the classrooms at least twice a year.
Parents should park in the north parking lot when dropping off or picking up children. This is vital for the safety of students.
All Forest Lake Area Schools staff members place the utmost importance on the safety and well-being of every student. Because of the diverse nature of our extended school days, your children may be transported to or from school at various times of the day or night to participate in a wide variety of programs and activities (i.e. SAC, after school sports, clubs etc.) Drivers who pick up or drop off students could be parents, guardians, siblings, neighbors, or other relatives. We urge all drivers to please use caution and care at all times when transporting students to and from school. Specifically, please be aware of how the effects of taking alcohol, medication or other drugs can impede safe driving. Because of this concern, the staff at Wyoming Elementary may notify you as the parent/guardian if we become aware that your child may be in an unsafe situation with any driver who is transporting your child to or from school.
To insure a safe learning environment for our students, Wyoming Elementary has put a security plan into effect. All visitors to our school (including parents) MUST sign in at the office and receive a visitor badge. This will help students and staff identify all of the adults in our building. When picking up children after school parents should wait for their children in the small gym. Anyone not wearing a badge will be directed to the office to check in. All doors, except entrance #1, are locked during school hours. Non-enrolled children are not allowed to spend the day visiting their friend’s classroom.
Parent volunteers form an important part of our school program. Parents have been assisting in the media center, computer lab, on the playground, and in the classrooms. If you are interested in serving the school in some voluntary capacity, please notify the office or your child’s teacher.
Emergency information is required for every child. If a child becomes ill or injured in school, parents will be contacted first. If the school is unable to contact the parents, the alternate person on the emergency form will be called. Please notify the school when changes in telephone numbers and alternate persons occur during the year.
The health office is located in the front school office, and is used for ill or injured children during school hours. If a child is too ill to remain in class, parents will be called to pick up the child. If a child is injured in school, the parents will be notified regarding a serious injury and asked to pick up their child. Health care is administered by staff who are CPR and first aid certified.
Minnesota Statute 1998, Section 121A.15 requires that all children who are enrolled in Minnesota schools be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella, varicella, and Hepatitis B series allowing for certain specified exemptions. Requirements at Kindergarten are: 5 DPT, 4 Polio doses, 2 measles, mumps, rubella doses and hepatitis B series (3 doses) and 2 varicella doses (chickenpox). If your child had chicken pox, a doctor’s signature is required.
District 831 has a medication policy which states that NO MEDICATIONS (including over-the-counter medication such as Tylenol or Advil) will be given is school without a written order from doctor and parent written permission. Medication authorization forms may be obtained from the school office. The medication must be in a current prescription bottle or original bottle for over-the-counter medication. Parents must drop off any medications to the Health Office; students are not allowed to bring them to school.
A health record is kept for each child. This health record includes hearing and vision screening results, immunization dates, and other health related information. The health record is updated annually. If your child has a specific health problem or allergies, please document this on the student health form and inform the school nurse or principal.
Parents and students often have questions about when it is appropriate for students to stay home from school because of illness. The following guidelines will help with your decision. Your child should stay home:
- If your child has had a temperature of 100 degrees or higher in the past 24 hours; if so, the student should be kept out of school for at least 24 hours after they are fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications.
- If your child has vomited or has had diarrhea within the past 24 hours.
- If your child has an uncontrolled cough.
- If your child has been diagnosed with strep throat; if so, the student may return to school 24 hours after starting on an antibiotic.
- They have Pink Eye with thick white or yellow drainage and eye pain. An exam by a Medical Doctor is recommended.
- If your child has a rash that has not been identified and treated.
- If you child feels too ill to remain in class and benefit from attending school.
- If your child has headlice; when lice are found, students can return to school 12 hours after lice treatment and are nit-free.
- If your child haspain that requires a narcotic/ controlled medication for relief. Please discuss the management of chronic pain with the Health Office Assistant in your school.
Additional information about common concerns parents have about the health of their school-age child may be found in your school’s health services office.
Vision and hearing screening will be completed in grades 1, 3, and 5. Parents will be notified by the school if a professional examination is recommended. Contact the school for special vision and hearing requests.
Forest Lake Area Schools is committed to fulfilling the obligations of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. The fundamental principles behind these federal laws are that students with disabilities are provided a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. This means that the district has systems in place to identify, evaluate and provide educational services to students with disabilities in a manner that is as similar to their non-disabled peers as deemed appropriate.