Faculty Name / Mrs. Green
Term / Semester Class (0.5 credit with weight)
Meetings / Monday – Friday, Period 4, Room 226
Faculty’s Contact Information
Phone / (724) 452-6041 ext 1090Email Address /
General Course InformationCollege Writing I
Course Description from Program of Studies / This course is designed to provide juniors and seniors with the experience of developing essays through a variety of methods and styles with the objective of increasing the students' abilities to write, read and think more critically and reflectively about readings and ideas. Prospective students should expect to actively participate in class, since the core of daily work will be based upon whole class discussions and group work. Samples of students' writing will be used to form the basis of discussion, expanding their abilities to give, receive and use constructive criticism. Students entering the course should already be able to write reasonably correct prose as this is a college level.Standards/Anchors/Objectives / PA Common CoreGrades 11-12 - 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Required Texts & Materials / Readings, writing prompts and citation reference guides will be provided by the instructor, or made available through the instructor’s website. Turnitin.com will be utilized as well.
Suggested Texts, Readings, & Materials / Three-ring binder with loose-leaf paper,
OR pocket folder and notebook;
Flash drive
Assignments & Academic CalendarAssignments will be announced in class.
First nine weeks / Selected readings, writing prompts, workshop and revision practicesSecond nine weeks / Selected readings, writing prompts, workshop and revision practices
Course Procedures
Grading (credit) Criteria / Class assignments are due on or before the due dates as announced in class and/or printed on the class calendar.Late work will be granted 50% of the grade earned if it is turned in on the next school day after due date. Work submitted that is more than one day late will receive a score of zero.
Course Expectations /
- Be on time.
- Be prepared (homework finished, course materials present, etc)
- Be respectful – of yourself and others.
- Participate! – This is a workshop based writing class.
Late Work
Make-up Exams
Incomplete Grades / When students are legally absent from classes, it is his/her responsibility to arrange with his/her teachers to make up work missed in each class. The amount of time given to make up this work depends on the amount of time that the student was absent and the circumstances surrounding the absence. For instance, if the student is legally absent for two school days, the student shall receive two school days to make up the work, if necessary. If this work is not completed within the given time period, a student may receive an “incomplete” grade. At the end of the grading period, or at the interim report, the “incomplete” grade is changed to a failing grade for work that has not been completed. Students will not receive credit for any class work that takes place during unexcused class absences. Students are required to make up any missed assignments. If a student is missing due to a pre approved vacation/field trip they must follow district policy.
Class Attendance / As per Seneca Valley School District Policy #204, a student shall not be granted credit for any semester course if absences from that course total more than ten(10) periods per semester or for any full year courses that total more than twenty (20) periods for the year. Class period absences may include but not be limited to illness, truancy, vacations, parent sponsored educational experiences, college visitations, service related tests or physicals, and doctor appointments.
In addition, student(s) will not receive credit towards graduation for any class(es)from which the student(s) is illegally absent (confirmed truancy or class cut) more than three times during a semester class or more than 6 times during a full year course. The lack of sufficient credits in any particular school year could result in a student being denied promotion to the next grade level/building and/or graduation. If a student loses credit, he/she will remain in the class and the grade earned will impact the students GPA.
Field Trip Policies
Off-Campus Instruction & Course Activities / The Seneca Valley School District recognizes the value and encourages the opportunities for students to participate in pre-planned trips and educational experiences during the regular school year. Pre-approval forms are available from the building principal, to be completed by the school-approved adult supervisor of the trip.
If a proposed trip has been approved by the principal, written permission from a parent or guardian must be obtained. This permission must indicate understanding of the date, time, cost (if applicable), method of travel, and purpose of this trip. Pupil participants are subject to the supervision of the school-approved adults, who may require a dress code for the occasion. At all times the school code of conduct will be enforced.
Each month throughout the school year a list of those students who have been absent or tardy 15% of the days is generated. The principal or designee will determine individual student participation on the basis of prior attendance records, previous requests, frequency of such requests, academic progress to date, and the educational value of the requested experience.
Technical Support / If you experience any problems with your account you may send an email to: or call the SHS Technology Facilitator at 724-452-6040 X455
Student Conduct, Discipline, and Behavior Management / See Student Handbook for discipline policy.
Academic Dishonesty / Scholastic Dishonesty, any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, collusion, the submission for credit of work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person, any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit such acts.
Plagiarism is defined as taking or imitating the ideas, thoughts or language of another to represent them as one’s original work. It is imperative that all work submitted by a student be representative of his/her own ideas, thoughts and especially language capability. Therefore, plagiarism is strictly prohibited in all work pertaining to school. A grade of “F” or zero will be awarded for any submitted work which is found to be the work of another (student, author, encyclopedia, internet, etc.) and subsequent offenses will be dealt with accordingly.
If the ideas, thoughts or language from another source must be used in the work being done, it is the student’s responsibility to footnote or annotate the information appropriately. Plagiarism software will be used in various classes.
Technology Usage / There are computer labs in the building for student use. Students whose teachers use the lab in their curriculum use courseware specifically designed for that curriculum during scheduled class times. Students are also permitted to use the labs for class or research during study halls as space is available. In addition, there are computers in the library for research purposes plus a workstation in every classroom for teacher and/or student use. The labs are monitored at all times.
All enrolled students have an account on the networked system for file storage and software access. All student accounts are password protected. These passwords are to be kept confidential to protect unauthorized use.
The labs are a privilege provided for the students to enhance the academic curriculum. Games that are not specifically used in the curriculum are not allowed on the system. Individual files are not considered to be personal property. These files may be accessed at any time by teachers, administrators or the system manager. Students are not permitted access to other students’ files. Tampering with files, copying of copyrighted software, downloading or installing games, password tampering, accessing unauthorized directories or removing equipment or software will be considered theft. Tampering with any hardware or equipment or violating policies and/or guidelines governing the use of networks, Internet or software programs are also considered offenses and will be dealt with Per Seneca Valley policy #218. Violators may also be prosecuted under applicable local, state or federal civil or criminal law. Students must show their ID card to gain access to the computer lab.
Email Use / Students may email instructor for help with assignments, however, emails sent after 2:55 pm may not be read until the following school day.
In dire situations, assignments can be emailed to the instructor. Students are expected to have paper copies of their writings in class on the due date. Students are encouraged to use a flash drive or the remote files access the district makes available in order to print at school, prior to class.
Prepared by and Date prepared / Mrs. Green (August 2015)