
Teacher: Mr. Taylor


Conference: 3rd Period (9:16 A.M. -10:09 A.M.)

Course Description

Teen Leadership is a course designed to promote, develop, and perfect leadership skills in every student. The leadership skills you learn in this course will be used to make a difference in your school, community, and ultimately your life. You will learn how to be a more effective communicator, problem solver, decision maker, and positive influence on your peers. In order to be a great leader, you have to be strong minded and warm-hearted. Strong minded enough to make the right choice even when it is not the most popular choice and warm-hearted enough to respect, encourage, and care about the people around you.

Class Expectations

Class expectations are simple: Be Respectful, Responsible, and Involved.

I have a “No Excuses No Explanations” policy. Meaning I will not accept any excuses or explanations on why you are not doing what you’re supposed to be doing 100% of the time. Part of being a great leader is learning how to accept responsibility for your own actions.

There will be ZERO tolerance for students who disrupt their peers while they are speaking in front of the class. Disrupting includes talking, laughing, joking, pointing, etc. Everyone will have an opportunity to speak, so just wait your turn and respect the person who has the floor. Failure to do so may result in a gator violation, lunch detention, parent conference, or removal from class.


  • Electronics Devices will be confiscated if taken out in class.
  • Profane language is not permitted. This is a leadership class, and we will use appropriate language.
  • Late work will have 10 points deducted from your grade each day it is late.
  • If you are absent, it is your responsibility to ask for the work you missed.


  • 1-Subject Spiral Notebook
  • Pens (Blue or Black Ink) or Pencils
  • Index Cards


Daily Grades will be worth 55% of your total grade and will consist of classroom activities, weekly speeches, essays, and notebook checks.

Test Grades will be worth 45% of your total grade and will consist of exams, projects, and presentations.


I have read the course syllabus for 7th grade Teen Leadership. I understand what is expected of me as a student and a leader in this classroom. I will hold myself accountable for my grades and behavior throughout the 2017-2018 school year.

Student Signature:

X______Date: ______


I have read the course syllabus for 7th grade Teen Leadership. I understand what is expected of my son/daughter and I will help hold them accountable for their grades and behavior throughout the 2017-2018 school year. I also understand that I am strongly encouraged to contact Mr. Taylor (via email, phone, or parent teacher conference) if I have any concern about my child’s progress in this class.

Parent Signature:

X______Date: ______

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”