1.  What is system?

2.  What is control system?

3.  What are the different classifications of control system of control system?

4.  Distinguish between open loop and closed loop system.

5.  What is the mathematical model? What are the different types?

6.  Define transfer function of a system.

7.  Why negative feedback is invariably preferred in a closed loop system?

8.  Define unit impulse and impulse response.

9.  Write Manson’s Gain formula?

10.  What are the characteristics of negative feedback?


1.  What are the basic components of automatic control systems?

2.  Name the test signals used in control system.

3.  List the time domain specifications.

4.  The closed loop transfer function of a second order system is given by200s2+20s+200. Determine the damping ratio and natural frequency of oscillation.

5.  Define peak overshoot.

6.  Define rise time.

7.  Define peak time.

8.  What is PI controller?

9.  What is PID controller?

10.  What is damping ratio?


1.  What is BIBO stability criterion?

2.  What are poles of a system?

3.  What are zeros of a system?

4.  How the roots of characteristics equation are related to stability?

5.  What is the necessary condition for stability?

6.  What will be the nature of impulse response if the roots of characteristic equation are lying on imaginary axis?

7.  What is routh criterion?

8.  What is root locus?

9.  State the rule for obtaining the breakaway points on the root loci.

10.  State the rule for finding the value of k at any point s0 on the root locus diagram.


1.  What is meant by frequency response of system?

2.  List the frequency domain methods to find the stability of the system.

3.  What are frequency domain specifications?

4.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of frequency response analysis?

5.  Define resonant frequency and resonant peak.

6.  What is approximate bode plot?

7.  List the advantages of bode plots.

8.  State Nyquist stability criterion.

9.  Define Phase margin.

10.  What are M and N circles?


1.  Difference between the technological and physiological control systems.

2.  What is electrolyte concentration?

3.  Write a short note on acid-base balance.

4.  What is reflex action?

5.  Write down the important steps in regulation of body temperature.

6.  What is hypoglycemia?

7.  What is the role of glucagon in blood glucose?

8.  What is the regulation of blood glucose?

9.  What is the function of RAAS system?

10.  What is the function of Ant diuretic hormone?



1.  Write the differential equation governing the mechanical rotation system shown in following figure and determine the transfer functionθ(s)T(s).

2.  Determine the overall transfer functionC(s)R(s) for the system shown in the given figure



3.  Use mason’s gain formula for determining the overall transfer function of the system.

4.  Find overall transfer function C(S)/R(S) of the following signal flow graph using masons’s gain formula.

5.  Write the differential equations governing the mechanical rotational system shown in fig 1. Draw the torque- voltage and torque- current electrical analogos circuits and verify by writing mesh and node equations.


1.  Measurements conducted on a servomechanism shown a system response to be

C (t) =1+0.2e-60t-1.2e-10t. When subject to a unit step input. Obtain a response for closed loop transfer function. Determine the tr, tp, ts.

2.  Discuss the effects of P, PI, PD and PID Controller with relevant transfer function.

3.  A Unity feedback system is characterized by the followingG(s)=(0.4s+1)s(s+0.6). Determine its transient response for unit step input and sketch the response. Evaluate the maximum overshoot and the corresponding peak time.

4.  Measurements conducted on a servomechanism shown a system response to be

C (t) =1+0.2e-60t-1.2e-10t. When subject to a unit step input. Obtain a response for closed loop transfer function. Determine the tr, tp, ts.

5.  A Unity feedback system has the forward transfer functionG(s)=K1(2s+1)s5s+11+s2. When the input r (t) =1+6t, determine the minimum value of k1 so that the steady error is less than 0.1.

6.  For servomechanisms with open loop transfer function given below explain what type of input signal give rise to a constant steady state error and calculate their values.

(i)  G(S)= 20(S+2)/S(S+1)(S+3)

(ii)  G(S)=10(S+2)(S+3)


1. Using Routh-Hurwitz criterion determines the stability of the closed loop systems that have following characteristic equation.

a) S4+25s3+15s2+20s+K=0 (Find value of K and frequency of sustained oscillations)

b) S6+2s5+8s4+15s3+20s2+16s+16=0

2.  Using Routh-Hurwitz criterion determine the stability of the closed loop systems that have following characteristic equation

a)  S4+2s3+10s2+20s+5=0

b)  G(s) =K/(s+2) (s+4) (S2+16s+25).

3.  Sketch the root locus of the system whose open loop transfer function is

G(s) = K/s(s +4) (s2+4s+20).

4.  Sketch the root locus of the system whose open loop transfer function is

G(s) = K/s(s +2) (s+4).

Find the value of K, so that the damping ratio of the closed loop system is 0.5.

5  By routh stability criterion determine the stability of the system represented by the characteristics equation, 9s5-20s4+10s3-s2-9s-10=0. Comment on the location of roots of characteristic equation.

6.  Use the routh stability criterion to determine the location of roots on the S-plane and hence the stability for the system represented by a characteristics equation s5+4s4+8s3+8s2+7s+4=0

7.  A Unity feedback system has the forward transfer functionG(s)=K1(2s+1)s5s+11+s2. When the input r (t) =1+6t, determine the minimum value of k1 so that the steady error is less than 0.1.


1.  For the function, G(s) = 5(1+2s)/ (1+4s) (1+0.25s), Draw the Bode plot.

2.  For the following transfer functions draw the Bode plot and obtain the gain cross-over frequency.

G(s) = 20/ s (1+3s) (1+4s).

3.  Consider a unity feedback system having an open loop transfer function G(s)= K/S(1+0.5s)(1+4s). Sketch the polar plot and determine the value of K, so that (i) Gain margin is 20db (ii) phase margin is 30°

4.  The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by G(s) = 1/S (1+S) 2. Sketch the polar plot and determine the gain and phase margin.

5.  Construct the nyquist plot for a system whose open loop transfer function is given by G(S)H(S)=K(1+S)2/S3. Find the range of K for stability.

6.  What are M and N circles? Explain briefly on constant M and N circles.


1.  What are physiological control systems? Difference between the technological and physiological control systems.

2.  Explain in detail about regulation of red blood cell production.

3.  What is blood glucose? Explain in detail about the role of insulin and glucagon in blood glucose regulation.

4.  What is reflex function? Explain in detail with one example.

5.  What are acid base balances? Explain briefly about the regulation of acid-base balance.

6.  Explain in detail about the regulation of electrolyte concentration.