We would like to welcome your child to Multi-Age at Owatin Creek. We will be striving for this year to be a successful one for your child. We look forward to working with you to achieve this result.

The attached information is a small guide to the structure of our program and ways we can work together. Suggestions are given for home reinforcement. Of course, no list will cover everything as our program strives to meet the individual needs of your children.

We have planned to create a positive environment where your child can work and learn in an atmosphere in which everyone respects one another. The classroom will have areas for working alone, working together, and displaying our work.

Mr. Hirshorn

Mrs. Stoudt

Multi-age Teachers

Language Arts

1.  Reading

a.  Shared reading

b.  Interactive read-alouds

c.  Guided reading with Daily 5

d.  Fundations

e.  A-Z Readers

f.  Compass Learning

g.  Raz Kids (online program)

2.  Being a Writer Program

a.  Variety of daily writing activities

b.  Mechanics

c.  Writing process

d.  Writing fiction and nonfiction

3.  Fundations

a.  Builds the foundation for reading and spelling. See the Fundations’

website for more information. http://www.wilsonlanguage.com/programs/fundations/

4.  Handwriting

a.  Based on the Fundations program


The Investigations program encourages students to think independently and creatively while also emphasizing problem solving skills. We will keep you updated throughout the year with parent letters reviewing how to best help your child at home.

Social Studies and Science

These subjects will be integrated into the language arts program and will cover 1st and 2nd grade concepts spanning the 2 years your child will be in multi-age.

Study/Poetry Books

We encourage the use of the study/poetry book each day. It will include important information your child needs to know to be successful this year. Please return the study/poetry book to school daily in the “take home” folder.

Conferences and Report Cards

Conferences are held in the fall and in the spring. The spring conferences are optional.

Report cards are issued quarterly. Please note that the first quarter report cardswill now go home during November conferences.


Homework/Take Home Folder - The “Take Home Folder”, will be used between home and school to transport homework, important letters to parents from school staff, and notes for us with your comments, questions, or concerns. PLEASE REVIEW YOUR CHILD’S TAKE HOME FOLDER EVERYDAY. Homework will be given everyday except on Fridays and before the start of holiday vacations, unless it is necessary. For most of the year, your child’s homework will be to read for 15 minutes and/or to practice math games or Fundations.

Book Orders—We will distribute book orders each month. Please send the order back, by the due date along with a CHECK for the appropriate amount. Please note that we will not accept cash.

Early Dismissal – Please inform your child where to go and what to do in case of an unexpected early dismissal due to inclimate weather.

Birthdays –

·  All birthday treats need to be purchased through the school cafeteria. The order form is located on the Owatin Creek’s website. Please return the order form at least 12 days prior to the day you would like your child’s class to enjoy the treats.

·  As stated in the District’s Elementary Handbook, all birthday invitations should be sent through the mail, unless there is an invitation for every student in the class. Addresses can be found in the school directory.

Notes – A note must be sent to school if your child is not going home on the bus and you will be picking him/her up at school; otherwise we must send them home on the bus.

Money – Please have your child bring ANY money in a sealed envelope or bag with his/her name on it. Please do not send excessive amounts of money to school with your child.

Toys – We do not allow toys or balls to be brought to school, unless directed by an individual teacher for a special purpose.

Student of the Week - Each student will have the opportunity to be the student of the week. When it is your child’s turn he/she will be sent home with a special poster that you will both fill out together and then return to school, promptly.

Communication - We are strong believers in the power of parental involvement and developing positive working relationships with all our parents. We will make every attempt to keep the lines of communication open and running smoothly. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please contact us.

Sneakers – Sneakers are needed for each gym and health class.

Elementary Handbook – Please read and follow all rules and guidelines that are stated in the Exeter Township School District Elementary Handbook. The handbook is available on the district’s website.

Breakfast – If you would like for your child to eat breakfast at school, please send in a note giving your son\daughter permission. Please make sure there is money in your child’s account to pay for breakfast.

Multi-age Website – A website that features various resources and information about our classroom. Please visit it often with your child. This site can be accessed through the district’s website or directly at http://www.exeter.k12.pa.us//Domain/491

We are both looking forward to a great year!

Mrs. Tina Stoudt

Mr. Tom Hirshorn

Contact information:

610-406-4580 extension 8215

610-406-4580 extension 8216