An Undergraduate Research Scholars Thesis



Submitted to the Undergraduate Research Scholars program at

Texas A&M University

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the designation as an[MB1]


Approved by Research Advisor[MB2]: Dr[MB3]. [Insert Faculty Advisor’s Name]

May 2017

Major[MB4]:[Select Your Major]




ABSTRACT...... 1

Literature Review...... x

Thesis(2-3 lines)[MB6]...... x

Theoretical Framework (2-3 lines)...... x

Project Description (2-3 paragraphs)...... x[MB7]

Dedication (optional)[MB8]...... x

Acknowledgments (optional)...... x

key words (optional, can be renamed)...... x

chapter (or other major section designation)

  1. IntroductioN...... x

Subheading 1 (remove/add as needed)...... x

Subheading 2 (remove/add as needed)...... x

  1. body paragraphs (customize names)...... x

Subheading 1 (remove/add as needed)...... x

Subheading 2 (remove/add as needed)...... x

  1. Conclusion...... x

works cited (can be renamed)...... x

appendix (optional)...... X


[Insert Your Title Here, Capitalizing the First Letter of Each Word as Needed]

[Insert Your Name]

Department of [Insert Your Department Name]

Texas A&M University

Research Advisor: Dr. [Insert Your Faculty Advisor’s Name]

Department of [Insert Your Faculty Advisor’s Department]

Texas A&M University

Literature Review

The [MB10]text of the Abstract is double-spaced. Follow the same margin settings as your narrative text, as well as the same left alignment. The Abstract is the first numbered page in your dissertation; page numbering has already been formatted for your convenience.[MB11]


Sample text. 2-3 lines.

Theoretical Framework

Sample text. 2-3 lines.

Project Description

Your[MB12] Abstract must be a “complete snapshot” of your manuscript and be a stand-alone piece. Since the text of the Abstract will be distributed widely through a variety of databases, formal citations, images, and complex equations should not be included. Paragraph one introduces your specific problem and the methods used. The remaining paragraphs present the research and results in detail.

Dedication (optional)[MB13]

The Dedication page is optional and must be placed directly after the Abstract Page (page 1). The heading is in bold. The text in the Dedication is limited to one page and is in the same font size and style as the other text in the thesis (Times New Roman, 12 point).

Acknowledgements (optional)

Example: I would like to thank my committee chair, Dr. Smith, and my committee members, Dr. Jones, Dr. Morton, Dr. Anderson, and Prof. Benner, for their guidance and support throughout the course of this research.

Thanks also go to my friends and colleagues and the department faculty and staff for making my time at Texas A&M University a great experience. I also want to extend my gratitude to the National Education Foundation, which provided the survey instrument, and to all the Texas elementary teachers and students who were willing to participate in the study.

Finally, thanks to my mother and father for their encouragement and to my wife for her patience and love.

Key Words (optional)

B/CSBryan/College Station

HSUSHumane Society of the United States



TVATennessee Valley Authority

TxDOTTexas Department of Transportation

Chapter i


Paragraph one starts here. If you want to break up your paragraphs into more sections, you can use first order, second order or third order subheadings.

First order subheadings[MB15]

Directly above is a first order subheading. If you feel that the information under a first order subheading needs to be split into more sections, use additional subheadings.

Second order subheadings[MB16]

This information still pertains to your first order subheading. If you need to break up content even further, you can use one last level of subheadings, called third order subheadings.

Third order subheading[MB17]

This information still pertains to your first order subheading, but is directly related to your second order subheading.

Chapter II

[insert title]

Paragraph one starts here. If you want to break up your paragraphs into more sections, you can use first order, second order or third order subheadings. [MB18]

Chapter III


Paragraph one starts here. If you want to break up your paragraphs into more sections, you can use first order, second order or third order subheadings.

Works Cited

Reference, Example. This is an Example Reference that Conforms to MLA. College

Station: Undergraduate Press, 2016. Print. [MB19]


Reference2, Example. This is Meant to Demonstrate Spacing Between Entries. College

Station: Undergraduate Press, 2016. Print.

Appendix A (optional)[MB21]


[MB1]Text within the template that is colored black does not need to be altered.

[MB2]This text is left-aligned

[MB3]Make sure that your Faculty Advisor’s name ends at the limit of the right margin (without spilling over onto the next line).

[MB4]If you have two majors, be sure to align the second major underneath the first.

[MB5]Major Headings will appear in 14 point Times New Roman Font

[MB6]Remove all unnecessary information within the Table of Contents before submission.

[MB7]Always make sure that your page numbers are up to date!

[MB8]If you choose not to use optional pages, make sure you delete both the placeholder pages and the placeholder sections.

[MB9]Note the bottom of the page: Page 1 MUST be your Abstract page, all previous pages are numbered in Roman Numerals.

[MB10]Note the space between subheadings and the paragraphs that they introduce.

[MB11]Body text will appear in 12 point font.

[MB12]Whatever paragraph indentation (or lack thereof) you choose in reference to your discipline’s style, be sure that it is consistent.

[MB13]Remember to delete all optional pages that you are not planning to use.

[MB14]How you label your Major Section headings depends on your discipline, but the spacing between each line and the content of your thesis is constant.

[MB15]First order subheadings are typed in bold.

[MB16]Note the italics in second order subheadings.

[MB17]ALL subheadings are in sentence-case style, only proper nouns and the first word are capitalized.

[MB18]The way your body text appears on the page must be consistent with the style your discipline utilizes. If the required style is unclear, consult with Undergraduate Research staff or your Faculty Advisor.

[MB19]Reference style depends upon your discipline, MLA format is shown here.

[MB20]Space between references MUST be constant (one, double-spaced line for MLA format), but spacing within the reference itself may vary by style.

[MB21]What appears within any appendices depends upon your research project. The manner in which it appears is detailed in the Thesis Manual.