Final Exam Design Project – Designing the New Cole Harbour District High

Design 11

Final Exam Project

Presenting the

“New Cole Harbour District High Complex”

Due Date: June 10 2013

Spring 2013

Designing an Innovative School of the Future


As you know, Cole Harbour District High School has been awarded $10 million dollars which will be used to transform our school into the new Skilled Trades Center for the region. The current plan is to take over our current cafeteria to make it part of the hub of the Skilled Trades learning environment; a new building may be necessary to complete this complex as well. This means that we will need a new cafeteria built somewhere within the new complex. We will also be building a new gymnasium to support our physical education/healthy living classes and the many teams that train and play at our school (leaving the gym space to be repurposed).

Your task will be to design the new Cole Harbour High & Skilled Trades Center Complex, including the new wing which will house our new gym, cafeteria and any other learning or recreational environments you chose. The idea is to create an innovative learning environment that will stimulate student creativity and prepare our students to move on to higher education and to take their place in the fast paced world of work.

To successfully complete this project you will be required to complete numerous tasks and to present your final design to a panel of evaluators who will represent your clients.

The Tasks

1.  Create a concept board displaying your illustrations and blueprints created using a CAD program, and samples of all your interior design ideas (flooring, window treatments, furnishings, etc.). The display board has been purchased for you and is available whenever you are ready for it;

2.  A set of ORIGINAL construction documents showing (made using a CAD program or photoshop):

a.  your diagrams for the overall building (outside view from multiple angles);

b.  the repurposed space of the current gym/cafeteria which will be the Skilled Trades Center;

c.  the new gymnasium and cafeteria;

d.  one new classroom (think “innovative learning environment of the future);

e.  one new “common space” to be used by students during off-blocks, etc.

You must include “elevations” (full blueprints including wall plans) for at least one of the new spaces you are designing;

3.  A PowerPoint presentation where you will provide:

a.  evidence of how your design meets safety regulations and considers human needs.

b.  an awareness of environmental sustainability.

c.  an analysis of your design and explain how you applied the elements and principles of design into your concept.

4.  Finally, you will create a graphic design or print media (specifically a brochure or a website) illustrating your design concept (be sure that it demonstrates appropriate use of the Elements and Principles of Design.

The Details of Each Task

1.  Create a 3D model of your design built from foam-core board;

Once you have created your final design for your new Cole Harbour Complex, use will create an accurate 3D model of your design using foam core board. This will take considerable time to do a great job on this task, start this task as early as possible.

You will need to use a sharp utility knife in order to make clean lines and cuts in the foam core board. Please be VERY CAREFUL when using sharp knives. Also, be sure to place your foam core board on a cutting mat (or a sheet of heavy cardboard) to avoid cutting your work surface.

Here are some videos that illustrate how to go about building a 3D model.

Architectural Model Building Tutorial on YouTube Part I

Architectural Model Building Tutorial on YouTube Part II

Architectural Model Building Tutorial on YouTube Part III

The Details of Each Task Continued

2.  Create a concept board

As you saw when we had our guest speakers on Interior Designers visited, one of the important elements of their design concept planning was the creation of a concept board. On this board you should display:

·  your illustrations and blueprints created using a CAD program,

·  samples of the flooring you think should be used in the gym, the cafeteria, the skilled trades center areas, the learning environment and the new “common space”.

·  Samples of the window treatments (blinds, curtains, etc.) – be sure to consider “fire regulations” in these choices)

·  Pictures of the furniture you think should be used in the various spaces (desks, work benches, cafeteria tables and chairs, furniture for the “common space”, etc.).

·  Colours and images that portray the concept you are trying to achieve.

All this information will be created on a 3-sided display board.

The Details of Each Task Continued

3.  A set of ORIGINAL construction documents showing (made using a CAD program or photoshop):

a.  your diagrams for the overall building (outside view from multiple angles);

b.  the repurposed space of the current gym/cafeteria which will be the Skilled Trades Center;

c.  the new gymnasium and cafeteria;

d.  one new classroom;

e.  one new “common space” to be used by students during off-blocks, etc.

f.  During our guest speaker presentation, you learned about the importance of “elevations” (images of each specific wall in your space). You must include at least 1 elevation drawing (a detailed drawing of one wall) for any room of your choosing.

The Details of Each Task Continued

4.  A PowerPoint presentation

In your presentation provide:

  1. your design concept drawings;
  2. a description of the ways your design will affect students and how the design will help enhance student learning and achievement;
  3. evidence of how your design meets safety regulations;
  4. evidence of an awareness of environmental sustainability;
  5. an analysis of how you applied the elements and principles of design into your concept.

5.  Create a graphic design piece/brochure

·  Show each of the areas of the design concept (the Skilled trades center, the new gym, the new cafeteria, the new common area, & the new classroom).

·  Describe how each area has been designer to be a revolutionary, innovative learning, athletic or relaxation environment.

·  Talk about the various elements in your design will affect the way the students feel and learn.

·  Talk about safety standards & environmental sustainability in your design.


You will be graded on the following:

  1. Your 3D model 10 points
  2. Your Construction Drawings 10 points
  3. Your Concept Board 10 points
  4. Your PowerPoint 10 points
  5. Your graphic design element 10 points
  6. Your verbal presentation of the overall project 10 points
  7. Your contribution to your team during each class 30 points
  8. You will complete a daily journal to explain how each member

contributed during that work session.

  1. As the project must be completed IN CLASS, it is very important

that you attend class each day and assist your team.

  1. As time will be limited, it is important that each of your team

Members has a task to work on each class and stays focused on that task.

  1. A self & peer evaluation 10 points

TOTAL 100 points

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