Announcements Rubric

Week of ______- ______

Score / Camera Angles/Stability / Clarity- Voice/Message / Editing / On Task / Audio
93-100 / -Wide variety of angles used when necessary
-shots enhance the understanding or experience of your film
- The camera is stable with necessary pieces in frame
-Lighting is considered / -Voices are at a volume appropriate for the environment of the film
-If volume problems persist, corrections are made in editing
-enthusiasm is used to engage audience / -Obvious attention to detail
-Film is of the required length after editing
-Special effects and transitions are used effectively / -Uses time efficiently and does not distract other groups when filming
-Communicates with group members
-Responsible with equipment and “freedom” / -The audio is well balanced.
- Appropriate music is selected.
- All music is cited in credits.
-Anchors and interviewees are audible
85-92 / -Attempts at using diverse angle for development
-Some angles do not reinforce the purpose of the shot / -Volume is at a level that is mostly clear, with minor interruptions
-Attempts are made to correct issues in editing / -Editing is efficient; makes the film concise and clear
-Only overlooks minor details that would have improved production value / -Mostly on task
-Utilizes down-time to discuss ideas and help group members
-responsible use of equipment
-occasionally reminded to return to responsibilities / - Attempts are made at balancing audio.
- Music is appropriate.
- Music is present in credits.
- Anchors and interviewees may be hard to hear.
77-84 / -Mostly standard angles
-Camera work is solid, but limited development of movement within scenes / -Noticeable interruptions, echoes, or missing sections of sound
-Corrections with cues or graphics are made, but not effectively / -Editing is used primarily to cut and link scenes
-Does little to improved production value / -Regular reminders to stay on task
-May not be doing work, but does NOT distract others
-Follows directions, but needs to be asked
-Little or no individual motivation / -Little attempt is made at balancing audio.
- Music is Appropriate and Credited.
- Anchors and interviewees are inaudible.
70-76 / -Steady hand or tripod, but rarely uses more than one camera angle / -Nearly impossible to understand
-Corrections with graphics do not add to understanding / -Editing is used sparingly
-Editing is used improperly with too much emphasis on one aspect such as graphics, music, or special effects / -Frequently reminded to stay on task
-Often found apart from group members
-Does not communicate or cooperate with group
-Distracts others / -No attempts are made at balancing audio.
-Music is appropriate and credited.
-Anchors are hard to hear.
0-69 / -The camera does not ever change positions
-Awkward handling of the camera/ shaky / -Incomprehensible volume/voice
-No attempt to fix volume or add slides for clarity / - No use of editing equipment
-All volume controls, pictures, and video are taken from original footage / -Improper use of equipment
-Filming in an area that was not pre-approved
-Talking to friends in other classes or wandering the halls / Music is inappropriate and lacking credit.

Grading Based on the Average of Highlighted Boxes

Final Grade: ______

Comments for Group: ______