Understanding Rangelands and Feedlots

Use the internet to answer the following questions

1.  What are rangelands?

2.  Which of the following ecosystem services (see below) are provided for by rangelands?

3.  Choose three ecosystem services and describe how rangelands provide for them.

4.  Give evidence that rangelands are not being used sustainably.


5.  What is Overgrazing?

Taylor Grazing Act

6.  What is the Taylor Grazing Act? (When was it passed and why? Was it effective? Explain why.)

Fire Suppression

7.  How has fire suppression on the prairie hurt the productivity of the grazing land?

Native Species

8.  List 3 native prairie species that were harmed by human efforts at ranching and grazing animals.

9.  How did ranching harm the native prairie species?

Prairie Dogs

10. Why did ranchers want to exterminate them initially?

11. What actions of the ranchers probably caused an overpopulation of Prairie Dogs?

12. How does a controlled population of prairie dogs actually help rancher?


13. List 2 government agencies that regulate rangelands


14. What is a Feedlot?

15. Describe one way feedlots are better for the environment than using rangeland to raise livestock.

16. How do feedlots accelerated antibiotic resistance?

17. How do feedlots increase eutrophication?

18. How do feedlots increase air pollution?

19. How do feedlots increase human health risks?

20. Describe animal welfare issues regarding feedlots.

21. Describe TWO methods to mitigate the environmental impacts of feedlots. (be specific—reducing the size of the feedlot is not an option)

Ecosystem services = essential services support the life that makes economic activities possible

§  Soil formation

§  Pollination

§  Water purification and storage

§  Nutrient cycling

§  Climate regulation

§  Waste treatment

§  Population control

§  Supplying raw materials (minerals and energy)

§  Provide food for humans (directly as wild food or indirectly by nourishing crops or feeding livestock that humans eat.)

§  Providing beauty, inspiration, recreation and solitude.