February 15, 2012Regular CC Meeting

City of Oronoco

Regular City CouncilMeeting Agenda

February 15, 2012 @ 7:00PM


Mayor Kevin McDermott called to order at 7:02pm.


Members Present: Mayor Kevin McDermott, Councilor Doug Gillard, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein, Councilor Nathan Hartung, Attorney Fred Suhler, City Engineer Joe Palen, and Clerk Sandy Jessen. Councilor Scott Keigley was absent.


Addition: V.E.3. Laptops

V.L. Sign

Councilor Doug Gillard motioned to approve the agenda, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second; all in favor, motion carried.


Mayor Kevin McDermott called three times for public forum, no one came forward.Public Forum was closed at 7:05pm.


  1. OCSO ~ Sgt. Mike Morrow
  1. FIRE DEPARTMENT ~ Dan Sundt, Fire Chief
  1. Runs: Runs: 2 fire, 2 EMS
  2. Got $2000 Peoples/Operation Round-up Grant for portable water monitor
  3. New applicant Ian Malmquist FD& Justin Reisdorfer FD & 1st Resp: Mayor Kevin McDermott motioned to approve both applicants pending background checks, Councilor Doug Gillard second; all in favor, motion carried.
  4. They did a tour of the new People's building/data center fire suppression system on 2/7/12.
  5. Got $210 from donated aluminum cans and bought range finder/multiple binoculars for hazardous materials use.
  6. New door lock issues on Friday will install two mechanical locks
  7. Maps will be updated by OlmstedCounty.
  8. Insurance calls have been coming in on specs.
  9. ISO: city is now two ratings went from an 8 to a 6 or 7 depending on hydrant location effective March 1st.
  10. Summary 2011 fire department update/statistics: Dan will supplied a spreadsheet for council. Includes a summary of trainings new gear with insurance and FEMA grant as well as other grants and donations. Community service activities. 68 runs 50 were medical related.
  1. FIRST RESPONDERS ~ Jeff Allhiser, 1st Responder Director
  1. Runs: 8: 6 city, 2 township
  2. Met with the township on fees and they will look at it in there March meeting.
  3. Updated the By-Laws: adding wording of training reimbursement if serve less than a year, included alcohol policy, updated meeting dates, and will review policy yearly. Mayor Kevin McDermott motioned to approve the amended by laws Councilor Doug Gillard second all in favor, motion carried.
  1. EOC ~ Pat McGovern, Director

Meeting canceled will meet next month; adding phone and e-mail contacts.

  2. Meeting Update:
  • Oronoco Park: decide how to proceed with Oronoco Park at the beginning of June; come back next month with ideas on what to do.
  • Direct Deposit; approximately $25 per month: research other banks and credit unions
  • Meri: resignation: position listings News Record, Post Bulletin, and LMC site. Mayor Kevin McDermott motioned to post opening, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second; all in favor, motion carried.
  • Laptops: Clerk and Maintenance $450 ea plus software $500 for both. Mayor Kevin McDermott motioned to approve Councilor Nathan Hartung second; all in favor, motion carried.
  1. 400 Code: Water Ordinance 2-2012 Mayor Kevin McDermott motioned to approve Ordinance 2–2012, Councilor Doug Gillard second, discussion; fees will be included in the fee schedule, all in favor, motion carried.
  1. DOWNTOWN ORONOCO GOLD RUSH DAYS* ~ Chair: Mayor Kevin McDermott
  1. Meeting Minutes will now be posted on the city site.
  2. Vendors on private property
  3. Minutes will be posted on city website.Working on an ordinance that will help to allowwith the structure of how Gold Rush is ran and will submit it to the committee and then to council. They will discuss at the special meeting on February 29th at 7:00pm. DOGR is requesting P&Z to hold a public hearing on the ordinance. plan on having a subcommittee that will work on a website.
  4. The committee allocation of funds is not following the resolution from 2002 and is giving funds to others than the city.Part of Resolution 02-08refers to: provide contributions to groups serving the community. The church allows DOGR to use the property;they utilize a lot of volunteers, and don’t want to lose them. Power struggle to have the right to monitor traffic. If church provides land organizations are beneficiaries of funds and if there aren’t funds they don’t get any. Amend the resolution to operate under; there should be separation of the group.DOGR is trying to get resolution to the situation so that they are operating correctly.
  1. Meeting Minutes
  • Tree clean-up: came in and took the trees down. Saturday,Sunday, and Monday they were cleaned up. Electricity in the parks; they will need to get estimates and a meter would need to be installed. Committee is exploring a bocce ball court.
  1. LAKE SHADY ~ Katie Dudley, Lake Shady Committee Chair*
  1. City Engineer Joe Palen: there is asbestos tile located on the shore there was a pre bid meeting today and the work would be completed the week after next. There isn’t a lot of material but there will be a hazmat team cleaning it up. Payment of clean up is being debated. The restoration will need a stock pile of trees and branches, it would be unsightly. Until we have some confirmation that the project will be moving ahead the city will wait on stockpiling trees. There are a number of trees downed from the dam downward. The geotechnical work is complete and will have a report soon.
  1. Boiler low water cut-outreplacement: Rochester Plumbing & Heating $1095 and Superior Mechanical $1080. Insurance requires these corrections.Mayor Kevin McDermott motioned to approve the repair, Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second; all in favor,
  1. Well Sealing Grant: in progress
  2. City Shop: CIP purchase agreement drawn up $5000 earnest money required.There hasn’t been an official counter offer but will be coming in with one at $495,000. Set a special meeting to move forward on plans to build a shop.
  3. Dept of Labor & Industry; safety hazard abatement grant: 50% match total $7466.23, city share $3733.12. Councilor Skyler Breitenstein motioned to submit for grant, Councilor Nathan Hartung second; all in favor, motion carried.
  4. DNR; Community forest bonding grant: $19858 total city in kind share $2500.
  5. Well Repairs: $4875 motor repair. Pump inspection: $15,000 labor and $3000 - $30,000 parts.

Mayor Kevin McDermott motioned to approve the motor repair and if the PFA loan is reopened to bring the inspection bids back, Councilor Nathan Hartung second; discussion: the motor repair could be used as an emergency repair and added to theloan as well.All in favor, Motion carried.


Sign: the city needs to submit plans for the proposed sign and MnDOT will provide the contract and resolution required. There will need be additional drawings from Stantec to submit to the MnDOT that will show lighting plans now if the city plans on adding lighting later.Sandy will call Tory for landscaping. Jeremy Benike is doing the brick and can be contacted for the specs.

  2. Meeting Minutes–February 9, 2012
  3. People’s Coop Updates: street lights set at 8 feet off road as opposed to the original 12 feet.Initial proposal was for 12 feet, they amended from 12 to 8. The plow operator doesn’t have an issue; they are break away and are in the clear zone. There is a section with rip rap which may add some complications but could move to 10 feet.The lighting study was done at 8 feet and 10 feet may not comply with the standards. Councilor Nathan Hartung motioned to approve at the eight foot distance, Councilor Doug Gillard second; discussion: Was it part of development plan originally? No. Ayes: Councilor Doug Gillard, Councilor Nathan Hartung. Councilor Skyler Breitenstein naye. Mayor Kevin McDermott abstained, motion carried.
  1. Minutes-citizen came to meeting with hydrant and septic concerns.
  2. Fine for Illegal Water Connection/ Water Theft
  3. Curb stop access / damage: letter enclosed for approvalMayor Kevin McDermott motioned to approve the resident letter ,Councilor Skyler Breitenstein second; all in favor, motion carried.
  4. Sanitary Sewer; PPL; submitted this week.




  1. Loan Consolidation: letter enclosed in packets. Recommend consolidating loans GO Bonds 2004 & 2007 and would potentially save $20,000. could also consolidate a shop into a loan but there is the time needed to go through a building process and may lose out on the interest rate. Mayor Kevin McDermott motioned to approve the loan consolidation, Councilor Doug Gillard second, discussion; too long all in favor, motion carried.


  1. Regular City Council Meeting Minutes – 01-18-2012
  2. Special City Council Meeting – 02-01-2012
  2. MBIA Account Summaries
  3. Budget – available at the office to view
  4. Accounts Payable
  5. Accounts Receivable
  6. Transaction Report

Councilor Nathan Hartung motioned to approve the consent agenda, Councilor Doug Gillard second all in favor, motion carried.

Set special meeting for building; Sandy will send out available dates.


Councilor Nathan Hartung motioned to adjourn Councilor Doug Gillard 8:30pm all in favor, motion carried.


City Clerk Mayor