Coal City Community Unit School District #1
Board Study Session of the Whole Meeting Minutes
Monday, February 4, 2008
Roll Call
President Shawn Hamilton called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Coal City Middle School Community Room. In attendance were Board members Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano and Shawn Hamilton. Board member Armand Bianchi arrived at 6:15 p.m. Board member Jiskra arrived at 6:31.
Director of Business Services/Technology Jason Smith, Superintendent Kent Bugg, Curriculum Director Tammy Elledge, Associate Principal Patti Monk, Karen Vota and WJDK reporter Josette Twain were in attendance.
Pledge of Allegiance
President Hamilton led the Board of Education and others present in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Closed Session
At 6:01 p.m. a motion was made by Mary Gill and seconded by Curtis Grove to go into closed session for the purpose of considering information regarding personnel and imminent litigation.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Mary Gill, Curtis Grove, Ken Miller, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Absent: Armand Bianchi, Mark Jiskra
Motion Carried.
The Board returned to open session at 6:20 p.m.
First grade teachers Ann Zafran and Pam Vigna presented information to the board on the state’s new requirement that students have an eye exam prior to starting kindergarten and how these comprehensive eye exams are the best way to diagnose eye and vision problems in children early, before they interfere with a child’s ability to learn. The Board will review this topic at the March Board Study Session.
Staggered Start Times for 2008-2009
Principal Miller and Associate Principal Rutkowski presented a report on possibly implementing staggered start times for our schools beginning with the 2008-2009 school year. The proposed start/dismissal times are as follows: ECC-8am/2:35pm, ES-8:10am/2:45pm, IS-8:05am/2:55pm, MS-8:30am/3:20pm, HS-8:25am/3:15pm. Issues regarding childcare and changes in bus eligibility may arise. Board members generally felt that the staggered start times presented would help alleviate traffic congestion on Carbon Hill Road and also emphasized that communication to parents regarding the new start/dismissal times is key. The Board will consider this further at the February 19 Board meeting.
MS Spanish Implementation
Principal Perucca presented an implementation plan for Spanish at the middle school. The Board reviewed the proposed changes to the encore schedule and directed Principal Perucca to move ahead in planning for implementation of Spanish in the fall.
Special Education Services
Board members have expressed an interest in investigating the feasibility of District #1 administering their own special education program. Dr. Bugg discussed this with the Board and asked for direction on moving forward with the idea. After reviewing the pros and cons on administering the district’s own special education program, the Board generally felt that they would be interested in exploring the financial impact to the district and any issues that may be involved in separating from the coop. The Board will review this again at the February 19 Board Meeting.
2008-2009 Registration Process
At the January Board Study Session, Karen Vota and Jason Smith discussed the 2008-2009 registration process with the Board. Information regarding on-line and mail-in registration was presented. A recommendation was made to keep the registration process the same for 08-09 with a parent survey to be completed during the registration process. The Board will review the results of the survey at the October 2008 Board Study Session.
Cafeteria Restructure Plan
Jason Smith and Susan Rutkowski presented a possible cafeteria restructure plan to accommodate the opening of the Early Childhood Center. The Middle School kitchen will be utilized for preparing food for the ECC. The transfer of a few employees will provide congruent staffing assignments for the ECC, ES and IS due to the fact that they are on coordinated menus and will be serving approximately the same number of students. One position will need to be added to accommodate the plan. The Board generally felt that the proposed plan would fit the needs of the district.
Custodian Restructure Plan
Jason Smith and John Wicevic presented a possible custodial restructure plan to accommodate the opening of the Early Childhood Center. The shifting of custodial hours and cleaning assignments/duties, as well the expansion of the groundskeeping crew will provide adequate coverage for district buildings. The addition of a Maintenance Assistant position will be needed to accommodate the plan. The Board generally felt that the proposed plan would fit the needs of the district.
Crossing Guard on Carbon Hill Road
With the opening of the new Early Childhood Center, Dr. Bugg discussed the possible need for a crossing guard on Carbon Hill Road by Spring Hill Subdivision. The Board generally felt that the addition of a crossing guard would protect the safety of the children. Since the Village of Coal City pays half of the crossing guard salary, the Village will also have to approve the addition of the crossing guard.
2008-2009 Capital Outlay Projects
The first results of the district’s budget building process is the list of building equipment needs, site improvement projects/equipment requests to be included in a multi-year plan. Building Principals together with their staffs, the Director of Buildings and Grounds and Director of Technology were asked to carefully examine all buildings to determine project and equipment needs for the next several years.
The results of these efforts are included on the attached report. The columns labeled “Near Term” and “Far Term” lists items that are requested and could be priorities in future budgets. There should be discussion as to the fiscal responsibility of moving some “Near Term” requests into the FY09 budget based on our current situation as a means to prepare for the future.
The next step in the process is to work with Principals to prioritize these lists. The Board will review a draft copy at the April Board Study Session.
2008-2009 School Calendar
Dr. Bugg led a discussion on the 2008-2009 school calendar. A draft was reviewed by the Board. The Board will adopt the proposed calendar at the March 17 Board meeting.
District Required 403b Plan
Jason Smith discussed the implications of the newly required 403b plans that all school districts must adopt. A sub committee will be brought together to review the new 403b mandates and develop a plan for the district to follow. The Board will review the plan at the March Board Study Session.
Finance Reports
The monthly revenue and expenditure summary reports for December were reviewed. Detailed reports were available in the Business Office for review prior to the meeting. The Treasurer’s report, investment report and lunch program financial report for December were also reviewed.
a) Items not known at agenda preparation time
1. The February Events and Athletic calendars were reviewed by the Board. Board members plan on attending the Fine Arts festival on Sunday, February 10 and Parent Teacher conferences on Thursday, February 14 and Friday, February 15.
2. RIF Notices – As the district transitions into the Early Childhood Center, a few positions will need to be eliminated and notices will have to be given to staff. The Board will review this at the March Board Study Session.
b) Sharing Ideas / Information
1. Josette Twain, reporter for WCSJ/WJDK radio station, introduced herself to the Board. As a teacher who has teaching experience in districts who administered special education programs and districts who have coop administered programs, she applauded the Board for investigating the possibility of running their own special education program.
Closed Session
At 8:35 p.m. a motion was made by Mary Gill and seconded by Ken Miller to go into closed session for the purpose of considering information regarding collective negotiating matters.
Roll Call.
Ayes: Mary Gill, Ken Miller, Armand Bianchi, Curtis Grove, Mark Jiskra, Robert Pogliano, Shawn Hamilton
Motion Carried.
The Board returned to open session at 8:50 p.m.
Mary Gill moved and Armand Bianchi seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:51 pm.
Shawn Hamilton, President
Mary Gill, Secretary
2007 - 2008
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