Project Readiness Package Rev 7/2/13


The primary objective of this Project Readiness Package (PRP) is to describe the proposed project by documenting requirements (customer needs and expectations, specifications, deliverables, anticipated budget, skills and resources needed, and people/ organizations affiliated with the project. This PRP will be utilized by faculty to evaluate project suitability in terms of challenge, depth, scope, skills, budget, and student / faculty resources needed. It will also serve as an important source of information for students during the planning phase to develop a project plan and schedule.

In this document, italicized text provides explanatory information regarding the desired content. If a particular item or aspect of a section is not applicable for a given project, enter N/A (not applicable). For questions, contact Mark Smith at 475-7102, .

Administrative Information:

·  Project Name (tentative): / Rochester Roots Robo-Composter
·  Project Number, if known: / P16421

·  Preferred Start/End Semester in Senior Design:

Fall/Spring / Spring/Fall

·  Faculty Champion: (technical mentor: supports proposal development, anticipated technical mentor during project execution; may also be Sponsor)

Name / Dept. / Email / Phone
Sarah Brownell / DDM / / 585-475-4076

For assistance identifying a Champion: B. Debartolo (ME), G. Slack (EE), J. Kaemmerlen (ISE), A. Becker-Gomez (CE)

·  Other Support, if known: (faculty or others willing to provide expertise in areas outside the domain of the Faculty Champion)

Name / Dept. / Email / Phone

·  Project “Guide” if known: (project mentor: guides team through Senior Design process and grades students; may also be Faculty Champion)


·  Primary Customer, if known (name, phone, email): (actual or representative user of project output; articulates needs/requirements)

Jan McDonald, Rochester Roots, , 585-802-0843

Jettalin J. Buffum "JJ", Rochester Roots student

·  Sponsor(s): (provider(s) of financial support)

Name/Organization / Contact Info. / Type & Amount of Support Committed
Rochester Roots USDA grant / Rochester Roots / $2500
MSD / Chris Fisher / $1000 additional as needed

Project Overview:

Rochester Roots (, a local non-profit, educates school children about the global food system, healthy eating, sustainability, resiliency, innovation, and gardening through hands-on and systems focused projects. As his project, J.J. now a 7th grader at Webster Spry Middle School (former student at RCSD's Montessori Academy), proposed a robot that demonstrates composting techniques and quickly turns food scraps into fertilizer. This MSD team will be tasked with working with J.J.’s vision to create a functioning and fun composting robot.

Detailed Project Description:

J.J. has a long term vision to develop a Robo-composter as a consumer product. His goal is to make composting “cool” and easy to do so that people will get more excited about it. His Robo-composter is styled as a vehicle in order to take the heavy lifting out of composting. He has developed a roadmap for his product and a 15 year plan—see appendix A.

In the timeframe of this project, J.J. has asked this MSD project team to develop an initial prototype of his Robo-Composter for his former Montessori Academy classroom. Water and electricity are accessible in the room and a variety of compostable materials such as food scraps, lunch leftovers, plant trimmings, garden wastes, and shredded paper are available at the school. The school currently has a simple worm bin located under a slate countertop, and would like to replace or supplement the bin with the robo-composter.

·  Customer Needs and Objectives:

·  Accepts paper, leftovers, soil, coffee grounds, tissues, paper towels, garden scraps, small branches and stems (up to 3/8”), leaves, plant trimmings, leftovers and food scraps (non-meat, non-dairy) (9).

·  Maximizes composting speed (can be accomplished by notifying user).

o  Increases surface area of the compostables (9).

o  Controls temperature (9).

o  Controls moisture (3).

o  Controls oxygen level (air) (3).

o  Controls pH (1).

o  Controls C/N ratio (1).

o  Maximizes biological and chemical decomposition processes (9).

·  Fits under the counter (9)

·  Sized like a kitchen appliance (9)

·  Minimizes odors (9)

·  Drains compost tea (9)

·  Provides finished compost (9)

·  Moves compost from indoor location to garden without lifting (9)

·  Moves on its own power (3)

·  Moves in and out of the school (9)

·  Handles inclines suitable for wheelchairs (9)

·  Stretch goal: handle steps (1)

·  Allows continuous or semi-continuous composting (ie. daily batches) (9)

·  Allows compost to be removed easily without disrupting overall process (9)

·  Allows grade school user to experience the composting process (9)

o  Reports data on the process (9)

o  Allows user to experience composting with their senses (9)

·  Durable, lasts 5 years in the classroom without major repair (9)

·  Easy to access for repair or to restart system (9)

·  Keeps grade-school users safe. (9)

·  Allows possible future connection to garbage disposal (1).

·  Functional Decomposition:

Make composting "cool" for school
Accept school organics
Sort organics
Accept organics
Hold organics
Transport organics in system
Power System
Accept power
Convert power for activities
Distribute power to activities
Compost more quickly
Increase surface area of organics
Utilize biological and chemical processes
Hold organics during composting
Provide the appropriate environment
Control temperature
Monitor temperature
Adjust temperature
Control pH
Monitor pH
Adjust pH
Control moisture
Monitor moisture
Adjust moisture
Control oxygen/air
Monitor oxygen
Adjust oxygen
Control C/N ratio
Adjust C/N ratio
Demonstrate composting process
Report data
Report temperature data
Report pH data
Report moisture data
Report oxygen data
Allow users to experience compost process
Allow visualization of the stages of the process
Allow users to hear the process?
Allow users to feel the compost
Allow users to smell?
Manage outputs
Supply finished compost
Separate finished compost from in process material/processing agents
Store finished compost
Allow access to finished compost
Supply compost tea
Separate compost tea (excess liquids)
Store compost tea
Allow access to compost tea
Control odors
Move compost where needed
Generate power to move
Access energy source
Store energy
Convert energy to motion
Decide where to move
Get instruction for moving
Analyze instructions
Execute instruction
Move forward
Control Timer

·  Potential Concepts:

Self-turning Grant high school robotic composter built for ~$500. Double batch system:

Nature Mill composter ~$395 for home use:

Various leaf and branch shredders and chippers available under $200

Instead of using standard composting methods, utilize worm power in the robot by combining intial grinding step, worms, and then sorting system similar to that used by large worm farms. Worms eat on top layer, compost is grated off underneath (see photo below).

Large scale worm composting system, loaded from top, sliding shaker trays on the bottom.


Only move finished compost not whole robot…

1. 2.

1) ;


3. 4.)



Control of the robot: Corded guidance (like kids toys) by user. Remote control guidance by user. Not sure the robot needs to “take itself” to the garden…On board controls (walk behind to drive) like lawn mower.

Found this remote control lawnmower chassi that could work for $1500

Allow users to hear the process? I asked a Coworker he he said he thought an Earthworks M30 microphone would do the trick.

Concepts from JJ and Jan:

FYI: Ideal Composting Temperatures

1.  If using worms must be 55> and <75 degrees

2.  If not using worms must be 135> and <160 degrees

3.  If using both worms and plant/food waste then separate compartments will be necessary.

4.  Could have worms decompose materials first then fed to composting robot, second.

·  Specifications (or Engineering/Functional Requirements):

Specification / Ideal / Marginal
Weight of food scraps handled per day (kg) / >2 / >1
Size of woody stems accommodated (diameter, mm) / >10 / >8
Size of particles during composting (largest dimension, mm) / <5 / <10
Maximum fluctuation in temperature from ideal composting temperature (depends on method chosen) (oC) / < +/- 5 / < +/- 10
Maximum moisture (may depend on method chosen) / 65% / 70%
Minimum moisture (may depend on method chosen) / 50% / 40%
Oxygen levels (ppm) / >4 / >3.5
pH range / 5-7.5 / 4.5-8
Accuracy of data reporting for temp, humidity, O2, pH etc. measurements to class (+/-% error) / <4 / <8
Maximum height (m) / Fits under counter
Maximum depth (m) / Fits under counter
Maximum width (m) / Fits through door
Volume of compost tea stored (L) / 2 / 1
Time to retrieve stored compost tea (s) / <60 / <120
Volume of finished compost stored (L) / >8 / >3
Time to retrieve finished compost from system (s) / <60 / <120
Distance where foul odor is detectable (m) / <0.1 / <0.2
Speed range (m/s) / 0.5-1 / 0.3-1.2
Number of assists to move required between classroom to garden / <1 / <5
Response time to user commands for movement (s) / <0.5 / <1
Time to access innermost subsystem (min) / 15 / 30
Time to disassemble for repair/replace parts (min) / <60 / <120
Percent of 3rd graders rating it as fun or very fun on 5 pt. likert scale. / >75 / >50
Percent of 3rd graders that feel they can “better experience composting” with the robot than with standard composters / >75 / >50
Percent of 3rd graders who say they can see composting in action / >75 / >50
Total cost / <$2500 / <$3500

·  Constraints:

Total cost is less than $3500
Fits under counter
Minimizing lifting
Useable by grade school children
Moves on its own
Cannot be gasoline powered
Handles inclines suitable for wheel chairs

·  Project Deliverables:

o  Working prototype

o  Design documentation including drawings, assembly manual

o  User manual

o  Repair manual

o  Test plans and results

o  Paper

o  Poster

o  Final presentation

o  Complete edge site

·  Budget Estimate:

Item / Cost
Structural components / $ 300
Remote or on-board controlled chassis / $1000
Grinder / $ 400
Thermostat / $ 80
Water bath or wrap heater / $ 70
Oxygen sensor (may be too expensive to incorporate.) / $ 800
Humidity Sensor / $ 100
pH sensor / $ 200
Control board / $ 100
Fan with air filter / $ 50
Electrical components / $ 100
Shipping / $ 200
TOTAL / $3500

·  Intellectual Property (IP) considerations: Describe any IP concerns or limitations associated with the project. Is there patent potential? Will confidentiality of any data or information be required?

RR will work with students to patent any new ideas if applicable!

·  Other Information: Describe potential benefits and liabilities, known project risks, etc.

·  Continuation Project Information, if appropriate: Include prior project(s) information, and how prior project(s) relate to the proposed project.

Student Staffing:

·  Skills Checklist: Complete the “PRP_Checklist” document and include with your submission.

·  Anticipated Staffing Levels by Discipline:

Discipline / How Many? / Anticipated Skills Needed (concise descriptions)
ME / 3 / 1 motion, 1 grinding, 1 composting: 3D CAD, good machining skills, stress analysis, static/dynamic analysis, machine elements, robotics, basic heat transfer, GD&T (grinder)
EE / 2-3 / 1 motion, 1-2 sensors: Circuit design, test and debug, possible board layout, microcontroller selection, signal processing, embedded software (responding to sensors), bonus wireless control of motion.
CE / 0-1 / Automating some of the processes in response to sensors--including temperature, addition of water or carbon materials, ventilation, adjusting pH, etc. Wireless control of motion.

†Skills Checklist:

Indicate the sills or knowledge that will be needed by students working on this project. Please use the following scale:

1=must have

2=helpful, but not essential

3=either a very small part of the project, or relates to a “bonus” feature

blank = not applicable to this project

Mechanical Engineering

/ ME Core Knowledge / ME Elective Knowledge /
1 / 3D CAD / 1 / Finite element analysis
Matlab programming / 2 / Heat transfer
1 / Basic machining / 2 / Modeling of electromechanical & fluid systems
1 / 2D stress analysis / Fatigue and static failure criteria
2 / 2D static/dynamic analysis / 1 / Machine elements
Thermodynamics / Aerodynamics
Fluid dynamics (CV) / Computational fluid dynamics
LabView / Biomaterials
Statistics / Vibrations
IC Engines
2 / GD&T
Linear Controls
1 / Robotics
Other (specify)

Electrical Engineering

/ EE Core Knowledge / EE Elective Knowledge /
1 / Circuit Design (AC/DC converters, regulators, amplifies, analog filter design, FPGA logic design, sensor bias/support circuitry) / Digital filter design and implementation
1 / Power systems: selection, analysis, power budget / 1 / Digital signal processing
System analysis: frequency analysis (Fourier, Laplace), stability, PID controllers, modulation schemes, VCO’s & mixers, ADC selection / 1 / Microcontroller selection/application
1 / Circuit build, test, debug (scope, DMM, function generator / 3 / Wireless: communication protocol, component selection
2 / Board layout / Antenna selection (simple design)
Matlab / Communication system front end design
PSpice / Algorithm design/simulation
1 / Programming: C, Assembly / 1 / Embedded software design/implementation
Electromagnetics: shielding, interference / Other (specify)

Industrial & Systems Engineering

/ ISE Core Knowledge / ISE Elective Knowledge /
Statistical analysis of data: regression / Design of Experiment
Materials science / Systems design – product/process design
Materials processing, machining lab / Data analysis, data mining
Facilities planning: layout, mat’l handling / Manufacturing engineering
Production systems design: cycle time, throughput, assembly line design, manufacturing process design / DFx: manufacturing, assembly, environment, sustainability
Ergonomics: interface of people and equipment (procedures, training, maintenance) / Rapid prototyping
Math modeling: OR (linear programming, simulation) / Safety engineering
Project management / Other (specify)
Engineering economy: Return on Investment
Quality tools: SPC
Production control: scheduling
Shop floor IE: methods, time studies
Computer tools: Excel, Access, AutoCAD
Programming (C++)

Biomedical Engineering