
February 13, 2018

McClelland and Associates, PLLC

1795 Alysheba Way, Suite 2102, Lexington, Kentucky

The meeting of the KGA Board members was called to order at 5:20 PM, EST.

Present: Adanne Bagby,Danny Keeton, Linda Keeton, Mark Maddox, Richard Dawahare, Kristen Pearson, and Robert McClelland

By Phone: Shari Polur,Dianne Feltham, Eileen Walsh.

Not Present: Betsy Browning, Becky Smith

The minutes of the January 9, 2018, meeting were reviewed and approved. A motion to accept the minutes as written – Robert McClelland; seconded – Richard Dawahare; and, accepted by all.

The Treasurer’s Report was reviewed. A motion to approve the report with correction (the outstanding balance for E-link) – Danny Keeton; seconded – Eileen Walsh; and, with all in favor the Treasurer’s report was approved with the correction.

Accounting Protocol/Financial Policies & Control Report – Tabled until the March 2018 Board Meeting.

Public Awareness:

During this meeting, Marty Chiles was contacted via telephone regarding a report on the KGA Website, SEO Landing pages, Facebook, Social Media, etc. Marty agreed to attend the March 13, 2018 Board Meeting to address the Board’s concerns about access to the KGA Website as well as some confusion pertaining to the cost of maintaining the Website.

One of the problems with the Website is that the PayPal function is not working properly.

Training/Manual/Video: If HB 5 becomes lawthen changes will have to be made to the manual. Those changes can be made on-line or additional pages can be printed to reflect the changes. Additionally, changes that will have to be made to the video will cost about $500.00.

The Manual needs to be made available for Spanish speakers/readers. Translating the Manual to Spanish has hit a technical glitch because a “Word” document is required for the translation.

March 2018 Newsletter: The newsletter is in progress and will include the KGA conference committee report.

ARC Conference: The annual best practices conference will be held March 8-9, at the Crowne Plaza, Louisville Airport. Adanne will attend on Thursday, March 8. She requests a volunteer or volunteers to help set up the KGA display in the morning as well as an attendee for the afternoon. Shari may be able to assist. Diane will be on vacation during the ARC conference this year but will check to see if anyone from Elderserve will attend.

Special Needs Expo, Bowling Green, Saturday, March 24, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM CDT. Adanne will attend. The Pooled Trust should be covered at this Expo.

KAG Conference: None in 2018

South Eastern4A: TheSouth Eastern Area Agency on Aging Association Conference will be held in Louisville at the Downtown Marriott, September 30 – October 3, 2018. The cost of attending this conference has increased, and may be prohibitive for those who usually attend the KGA Conference.

KGA Conference Planning Committee: The February meeting was cancelled. We are awaiting the outcome of HB 5.

NGA Conference: The 2019 NGA Conference will be held in Kentucky. The KGA will have a booth at the 2019 NGA conference. Concerns about the effect that the NGA conference will have on a 2019 KGA conference and decisions regarding a 2019 KGA Conference will be addressed at a later date.

Membership: If you have not paid the annual membership fee please do so as soon as possible. Note: the PayPal function on the KGA Website is not working correctly.

Pooled Trust: The pooled trust account was reviewed. The KGA’s public trust is available to the vast majority of wards in Kentucky and that fact needs to be advertised more extensively.

Residual Trust Committee Report: To date, no requests have been received.

Research: HB 5 has made it to the Senate Health and Welfare Committee as of February 7, 2018.

Reg White Scholarship: No report.


Eileen voiced her concern about Board Members, specifically practicing attorneys, replying to emails from the public. Those board members who choose to respond to these emails will send their responses to Adanne or Kristen who will then respond to the emailsender directly.

Do not give legal advice via email to inquiries made to the KGA Website. The KGA Website should have a disclaimer regarding the advice given through the website.

Motion to Adjourn by Danny Keeton; 2ndRobert McClelland. All in favor. Meeting Adjourned 6:22 PM.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 13, 2018, 5:15 PM EDT at the office of McClelland & Associates, PLLC