External Affairs Commission

External Affairs Commission Agenda

Garrison Room, UCDavis Memorial Union

Tuesday January 12, 2010

Associated Students, University of California, Davis

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External Affairs Commission

I.  Call to Order

o  Time: 5:12pm

II. Quorum Roll Call

o  Arce - present

o  Chen - absent

o  Giap - present

o  Hayflich - present

o  Kirshner - present

o  Lesovoy - present

o  Oh - present

o  Ozedirne - ptresent

o  Pascual - present

o  Patrizio - present

o  Percoco - present

o  Repicky - present

o  Wong - present

o  Ex-officio

§  President Chatham

§  Senator Rouhafza

III.  Approval of Past Meeting Minutes


IV.  Seating of New Members

o  What is your favorite class you have taken at UCD?

V. Reports

Pascual: housing day is coming up, if you want to volunteer let me know.

Kirshner: we made $55.00 from habbit burger and I’m sure dana will talk more about that.

Hayflich: HEP can’t donate condoms but I am looking into Trojan, durex, and condomdepotwholesale.com.

Giap: It’s too late to get money from coscto, but we might still be able to get gift cards.

Ozedirne: Hannah contacted habbit burger, that was my assignment.

Wong: Submit

Oh: I was compiling a list of downtown businesses and then I realized that the chamber of commerce has a pretty complete list. There are 20 categories and about 200 total businesses, so if we split it up 2 categories per commissioner we can shotgun it pretty fast I expect.

Arce: Submit

Lesovoy: Submit

Repicky: I spoke with yogurt shack and apparently they know Hannah, but they wouldn’t give out the email address of the owner. They are supposed to get back to me soon.

Patrizio: Submit

Percoco: met with President Chatham about the suggestion board and the resolution, will speak with John Seden from campus unions in the coming days about the suggestion box as well. Met concerning houseboats and t shirts.

VI.  Public Announcements

o  Bike to the capitol tomorrow morning at 10am

o  Janet Gong office hours are Thursday from 5-6AMC

o  Delta Venus 7:00pm Speaker (Thurs) 15th Dance

o  Applications for Camp Kesem Due on the 18th. Dos Coyotoes fundraiser on the 24th and Uncle Vito’s fundraiser on the 26th

o  Safe Zone training on the 26th

o  UCDC Application due on the 25th

o  Alpha Phi cardiac health awareness week fundraiser, buy tickets from Hannah.

VII.  Public Discussion

o  Projects


Presentation: yeoman organics – shirts are $12.50 / shirt rather than $10.00 / shirt with ink monkey, but they are sustainable and the company is run by davis graduates. Also, yeoman has a design team in case EAC would like to change the logo.

Percoco: I will also be talking to creative media about getting a new logo to be put on the T shirts.

Safe Boats

Dates: 29-31st of may

Hayflich: I feel like, though calling could be effective, we should go in person to convey how serious we are about this. Oh, and HEP has oral condoms, flavored… you know, for cunnilingus and analingus.

Kirshner: That could be good, but I feel like we should count on this as potentially just extra money, and not as definite amount that we can bank on.

Percoco: we should look into planned parenthood as well for condoms.

Kirshner: we could ask each house to fill a water bottle with dimes and quarters. A girl came to meeting last night and said that each filled water bottle of dimes adds up to $90.00. If each house gave us $90.00 we would have plenty of money. We could turn it into a competition like we were talking about as well.

(see attachment)

Music on the Green

Percoco. Epic and EC hopefully we get it together

Arce: Keep it the way it is

Pascual: What was the relationship with the City Council?

Oh: One big event?

Percoco: One big event, with booths, acts, etc

Giap: Local bands? Or bigger bands?

Percoco: I’ll let you know once all of the things are settled with EC and EPIC.

City Council

Percoco: Need to assign City Council meetings, also- Campus safety committee is starting up again next week so we need a representative

Hayflich: I can volunteer for that

Arce: I as well

Suggestions Board

Percoco: No one needs to come with me to do this.

Sign up for Senate meetings

VIII.  Appointments

IX.  Consideration of Legislation
President Chatham – this is a preliminary copy, but we would like you guys to take a look at it so we can get some feedback before we proceed with the final copy. This resolution deals with the fee increases, and requests we have for President Yudof and the UC Regents. (see attached resolution)

Patrizio: Where is the attachment? And the whereas clause dealing with the regents ignoring student protests seems a little weak.

Castillo-Ruiz: I am still compiling it, but it should be ready before the resolution is officially considered.

Oh: I agree with Patrizio, I think the clause dealing with the regents ignoring protests should be worked into another whereas clause, or should be bolstered.

Kirshner: You switch tenses in several of the clauses.

Lesovoy: There are also several tense changes following ‘ASUCD’ in the ‘therefore be it resolved’ section.

Arce: I think this is all fairly obvious stuff. I think we all agree that the UC should be doing all of these things. I guess my question is, what’s next? Is there a plan?

Chatham: My plan in terms of follow up thus far involves attempting to organize a meeting with the UC office of the President, and continue outreach to the involved parties. If you have any other suggestions though we would be open to hearing them as well.

Percoco: If you hold off on sending this to senate until next week, I think we should see it formally then in addition to the discussion we are having tonight. Also, is there any way things can be sent to the UC strike website that was up for a while? I think they would appreciate being included in this.

Kirshner: I think this is an important resolution and that we should pass this on behalf of the students, because a lot of them don’t really know what’s going on and its important for their student government to take an official stand on the issue.

Giap: You said you wanted to send this resolution to the other UC student governments, have they been writing similar resolutions?

Chatham: Yes, they have. Most other UC student governments have written resolutions opposing the fee increase. We are trying to open communication channels with several of the other UC campuses but its often difficult because other student governments can be non responsive.

Hayflich: I would be uncomfortable with this resolution passing without the addendum, or with the clause that references the addendum assuming the attachment never gets added. I think it is a loaded statement and without information to reference it is less powerful.

Oh: I think you should add some teeth, and let them know that this kind of shit won’t stand.

Repicky: Obviously the regents know how mad we are, and about the harsher words that commissioner Oh suggested, could jeopardize the goal of the resolution by making us come off as petulant children. I just don’t think we should get crazy about it. Commissioner Arce brought up some good points, and I think we are all generally in favor of this, so we should consider passing this soon.

Patrizio: Motion to move into commission discussion.

Repicky: Second.

Percoco: We are now in commission discussion.

Chatham: we were also considering adding a clause concerning the unnecessary police violence at the protests.

Arce: Motion to call this resolution to question.

Kirshner: Second.

Percoco: Seeing no objections, the resolution is unofficially passed.

Kirshner: Motion for a 5 minute recess.

Patrizio: Second.

Percoco: Seeing no objections, we please be back at 6:00pm.

X. Consideration of Authoring Legislation

XI.  Other Business

Percoco: 86 56, severance tax on oil , UCSD,

Percoco: Possibility of bringing Tirico to campus, talk about fee increases, and student involvement Hayflich: Are we part of SPAC? Depending on that, we can change the location. Inside setting? Griffin? Possibly a lecture Hall

Pascual: There are two forms, debating which form is sent out and formally debated on the assembly, There is a big debate

·  Other ideas

XII.  Public Discussion

XIII.  Any Other Business

XIV. Adjournment:

Associated Students, University of California, Davis

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